Perceptron Demo

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1 collaborator

Default-person Marco Giordano (Author)


artificial intelligence 

"The perceptron is a legacy systems on which a lot of modern AI models are based."

Tagged by Marco Giordano 7 days ago

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; NetLogo script to illustrate a simple Perceptron

globals [
  weights  ; List of weights [w1 w2] for inputs x and y
  bias     ; Bias term
  epoch-error ; list of errors for each epoch
  initial-error ; cumulative initial-error
  ; Learning rate for weight updates is an interface control

breed [red-points red-point] ; Breed for red points (class 1)
breed [green-points green-point] ; Breed for green points (class 0)
breed [test-points test-point] ; Breed for test points

patches-own [ original-color ] ; To store original patch color for visualization

to setup
  set epoch-error []
  set initial-error 0
  ask patches [ set pcolor white ] ; Set background color to white
  initialize-weights  ; Initialize perceptron weights and bias
  create-training-data ; Generate training dataset

  ; Compute initial error and highlight misclassified points
  ask red-points [
    let err_value compute-error self "red"
    set initial-error initial-error + abs err_value
    if abs err_value > 0 [ set shape "triangle" ]  ;; Highlight misclassified red points
  ask green-points [
    let err_value compute-error self "green"
    set initial-error initial-error + abs err_value
    if abs err_value > 0 [ set shape "triangle" ]  ;; Highlight misclassified green points

  ; Initialize epoch-error with the first error value
  set epoch-error lput initial-error epoch-error
  print (word "Initial Error: " (initial-error))

  reset-ticks ; Reset the tick counter
  update-display ; Update the visualization
  plot-error  ; Plot initial error

to go ; Training procedure to be called repeatedly
  train ; Perform one training epoch
  update-display ; Update the display after training
  plot-error ; Update the error plot

to start-test-mode
  ;; Enable test mode interaction

to initialize-weights
  ; Initialize weights and bias to small random values
  set weights (list random-float 1 random-float 1)
  set weights replace-item 1 weights (-1 * item 1 weights) ; to get an initial separation line in the first-third quadrant
  set bias random-float 1

to create-training-data
  let MARGIN 3  ;; Separation margin from y = -x

  ; Red points: Upper regions, ensuring a margin above y = -x
  create-red-points N_data_points [
    let attempts 0
    let max-attempts 100  ;; Avoid infinite loops
    let x random 40 - 20
    let y random 40 - 20
    while [(y < (- x + MARGIN)) and (attempts < max-attempts)] [
      set x random 40 - 20
      set y random 40 - 20
      set attempts attempts + 1
    if attempts < max-attempts [  ;; Place only if valid
      setxy x y
      set color red
      set shape "dot"
      set original-color red

  ; Green points: Lower regions, ensuring a margin below y = -x
  create-green-points N_data_points [
    let attempts 0
    let max-attempts 100  ;; Avoid infinite loops
    let x random 40 - 20
    let y random 40 - 20
    while [(y > (- x - MARGIN)) and (attempts < max-attempts)] [
      set x random 40 - 20
      set y random 40 - 20
      set attempts attempts + 1
    if attempts < max-attempts [  ;; Place only if valid
      setxy x y
      set color green
      set shape "dot"
      set original-color green

to train
  let total-error 0
  print "---- STARTING TRAINING EPOCH ----"  ;; Debug message

  ;; Train on all red points one at a time
  foreach sort red-points [
    point ->
    ask point [ set shape "star"
    set size 3]
    wait training-delay / 2
    ask point [set size 1]
    let err train-perceptron point "red"
    set total-error total-error + abs err
    update-display  ;; Now called in observer context
    wait training-delay / 2  ;; Pause to visualize the change

  ;; Train on all green points one at a time
  foreach sort green-points [
    point ->
    ask point [ set shape "star"
    set size 3]
    wait training-delay / 2
    ask point [set size 1]
    let err train-perceptron point "green"
    set total-error total-error + abs err
    update-display  ;; Now called in observer context
    wait training-delay / 2  ;; Pause to visualize the change

  ;; Store error and update epoch
  set epoch-error lput total-error epoch-error
  print (word "Epoch: " (length epoch-error - 1) " | Error: " total-error)

to-report compute-error [point expected-label]
  let input-x [xcor] of point
  let input-y [ycor] of point
  let output calculate-output input-x input-y
  let ground-truth ifelse-value (expected-label = "red") [1] [0]
  let err ground-truth - output

  report err

to-report train-perceptron [point expected-label]
  let old-w1 item 0 weights
  let old-w2 item 1 weights
  let old-bias bias
  ; Perceptron learning rule

  let err compute-error point expected-label ; compute error
  print (word "point (" ([xcor] of point) "," ([ycor] of point) ") Err:" err)

  ; Update weights and bias if there is an error
  if err != 0 [
    ask point [set shape "triangle"]
    let new-w1 item 0 weights + learning-rate * err * [xcor] of point
    let new-w2 item 1 weights + learning-rate * err * [ycor] of point
    set weights (list new-w1 new-w2)
    set bias bias + learning-rate * err
    ;print (word "🔄 Updating Weights: " old-w1 ", " old-w2 " → " new-w1 ", " new-w2 " | Bias: " old-bias " → " bias)
  if err = 0 [
    ask point [ set shape "dot" ]  ;; Restore normal shape
  report abs err

to-report calculate-output [input-x input-y]
  ; Perceptron output calculation
  let s (item 0 weights) * input-x + (item 1 weights) * input-y + bias ; Linear combination
  ifelse s > 0
    [ report 1 ] ; Activation function (step function): 1 if sum > 0, else 0
    [ report 0 ]

to-report classify [x y] ; Classify a point (x, y)
  let output calculate-output x y ; Get perceptron output
  ifelse (output = 1)
    [ report "red" ] ; If output is 1, classify as "red"
    [report "green"] ; Otherwise, classify as "green"

to create-test-point
    if mouse-down? [
      let x mouse-xcor
      let y mouse-ycor
      ;; Check if the click is within world bounds
      if (x >= min-pxcor and x <= max-pxcor and y >= min-pycor and y <= max-pycor) [
        create-test-points 1 [
          setxy x y
          set color black  ;; Default test point color
          set shape "square"
          update-test-point-color self

to update-display
  ; Update the display: clear drawing and redraw separator line
  draw-separator-line ; Draw the line representing the perceptron decision boundary
  ask test-points [ update-test-point-color self ] ; Update color of test points based on classification

to draw-separator-line
  ; Ensure the entire world is updated
  ask patches [ set pcolor white ]  ;; Reset all patches to white

  ask patches
    let s (item 0 weights) * pxcor + (item 1 weights) * pycor + bias ; Linear combination
    ifelse (s > 0)
      [ set pcolor rgb 80 80 80 ]
      [ set pcolor white ]

to update-test-point-color [testPoint]
  ; Update the color of a test point based on perceptron classification
  ask testPoint [
    let classification classify xcor ycor ; Classify the test point
    if classification = "red" [ set color red ] ; Set color to red if classified as red
    if classification = "green" [ set color green ] ; Set color to green if classified as green

to plot-error
  set-current-plot "Training Error"

  ; Plot initial error in a different color
  set-current-plot-pen "Initial Error"
  plotxy 0 initial-error

  ;; Plot the line graph (default pen behavior)
  set-current-plot-pen "Error"
  plot last epoch-error  ;; Standard plot (connects points with a line)

There are 2 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Marco Giordano 6 days ago several bug fixes Download this version
Marco Giordano 7 days ago Initial upload Download this version

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Perceptron Demo.png preview Preview for 'Perceptron Demo' 7 days ago, by Marco Giordano Download

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