Natural Selection Lesson 3: Differential survival and reproduction
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This module allows students to examine individual mice's color over time. They may also compare the survival and reproduction of mice with different colors in a specific environment.
- Input running time for the model
- Choose an environment color and number of visual predators
- Click "Start/Reset" to set up the model
- Click "Label 2 mice" and then choose two mice in the simulation.
Click "Run/Pause" to run or pause the model. Use "Run a day" to run the model for a hypothetical day.
The "population-color-distribution" chooser allows you to generate the same numbers of mice with each color variation (i.e., equal probability) or random numbers of mice with each color variation (i.e., random probability). This allows you to set a constant starting point when collecting data.
A population of mice live in the simulation window and are hunted by visual predators (if any). The mice's coat colors vary from dark brown (color number 31) to light brown (color number 38). Mice may reproduce when cumulating enough energy. At a 90% chance, the offspring's color will be the same as the parents'; at a 10% chance, the offspring's color will mutate to a different shade of brown.
The mice in the simulation are not only subject to natural selection but also compete for food resources. Therefore, individuals with a color similar to the environment may die quickly at some points due to intraspecific competition.
This model is created by Dr. Lin Xiang at the University of Kentucky. If you mention this model in a publication, we ask that you include the citations below.
Xiang, L. (2023). Natural Selection Lesson 3: differential survival and reproduction. Department of STEM Education, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License. To view a copy of this license, visit
Comments and Questions
breed [mice mouse] breed [predators predator] turtles-own [energy labeled offspring survival-time] patches-own [food ] globals [n num-prey total-catches color-watched-mouse bk-color color-A color-B time-A time-B offspring-A offspring-B] to-report Time-period report ticks / 60 end to-report mouse-A report mice with [label = "A" and offspring = 1] end to-report mouse-B report mice with [label = "B" and offspring = 1] end to setup clear-all setup-turtles setup-patches reset-ticks end to setup-turtles (ifelse Population-color-distribution = "Random probability" [create-mice 80 [ set color 31 + random 8 set shape "mouse top" set size 2.75 setxy random-xcor random-ycor set energy 20 set labeled 0 set offspring 0 set survival-time 0 ]] Population-color-distribution = "Equal probability" [set n 0 repeat 8 [create-mice 10 [set color (item n [31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38]) set shape "mouse top" set size 2.75 setxy random-xcor random-ycor set energy 20 set labeled 0 set offspring 0 set survival-time 0] set n n + 1]]) end to setup-patches ask patches [set pcolor Environment-color set food 1] set bk-color Environment-color end to go ; natural selection if Days = 0 [output-print "Input a larger running time." stop] if ticks >= days [output-print "Has reached the defined running time." stop] diff-survival move forage dead reproduce regrow count-survival-time if count mice = 0 [output-print "All mice have died." Stop] tick end to move ask mice [ fd 1 if random 5 = 0 [rt (random 45) lt (random 45)] set energy energy - 1 ] end to dead ask mice [if energy <= 0 [die]] end to forage ask mice [if food = 1 [set energy (energy + 1.3) set food 0]] end to reproduce ask mice [ if energy >= 40 [if random 100 < 30 [hatch 1 [setxy random-xcor random-ycor set energy 20 set offspring 0 set survival-time 0 if random 100 < 15 [ set color 31 + random 8 ] if color < 31 [set color 31] if color > 38 [set color 38]] if label = "A" [set offspring-A offspring-A + 1] if label = "B" [set offspring-B offspring-B + 1] ] set energy energy - 20 ] ] end to regrow ask patches with [food = 0] [set food 1] end to diff-survival if bk-color != Environment-color [ask patches [set pcolor Environment-color] set bk-color Environment-color] ask mice [ if random 2500 < (abs (color - Environment-color) * Number-of-visual-predators) [die] ] end to pick-mice if count mice with [labeled = 1] >= 2 [output-print "Two mice have been labeled. Unlabel the mice first." stop] if any? mice = false [output-print "No mice here." stop] if mouse-inside? [ if mouse-down? [ let test-mouse min-one-of mice [distancexy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor] if test-mouse != nobody [ ask test-mouse [(ifelse count mice with [labeled = 1] = 0 and label = "" [set label "A" set labeled 1 set offspring 1 set color-A [color] of one-of mice with [label = "A" and offspring = 1] output-print "Mouse A has been labeled."] ;label the 1st selected moues as "A" count mice with [labeled = 1] = 1 and label = "" [set label "B" set labeled 1 set offspring 1 set color-B [color] of one-of mice with [label = "B" and offspring = 1] output-print "Mouse B has been labeled."]) ;label the 1st selected moues as "B" ] ]]] if count mice with [labeled = 1] >= 2 [stop] ;disable the button when two mice are labelled. end to count-survival-time if any? mouse-A [ ask mouse-A [set survival-time survival-time + 1 set time-A survival-time] ] if any? mouse-B [ ask mouse-B [set survival-time survival-time + 1 set time-B survival-time] ] end
There are 5 versions of this model.
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