Evolution of resource use through behavior imitation
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turtles-own [ harvest-type harvest-amount harvest energy age ] patches-own [resource] globals [ carryingcap growthrate ] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;Setup Procedures;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to setup clear-all set carryingcap 100 set growthrate 0.3 setup-patches setup-turtles reset-ticks end to setup-patches ask patches [ set resource ( 75 + random (carryingcap / 4)) set pcolor scale-color brown resource 0 (carryingcap + 30) ] end to setup-turtles ask n-of Initial-number-agents patches [sprout 1 [set energy Living-costs + 1 set shape "person" set size 1 set age 30 + random 20]] ask n-of Sustainables turtles [ set harvest-type "sustainable"] ask turtles [ ifelse harvest-type = "sustainable" [set color green ] [set harvest-type "greedy" set color red] ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;Runtime Procedures;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to go if count turtles = 0 [stop] ask turtles [ ifelse harvest-type = "sustainable" [set harvest-amount Harvest-sustainables ] [set harvest-amount Harvest-greedy ]] move harvest-patch livingcosts if imitation-bias = "most successful" [imitate-successful] if imitation-bias = "majority" [imitate-majority] if imitation-bias = "minority" [imitate-minority] if imitation-bias = "most experienced" [imitate-elder] ask turtles [try-new] if Reproduction [reproduce] death ask patches [ regrow recolor] ask turtles [ get-older ] tick end to move ;;turtle procedure ask turtles [ if random-float 100 < chance-agents-move [let nextpatch max-one-of (patches in-radius 2 with [not any? turtles-here] ) [resource] if nextpatch != nobody [ move-to nextpatch] ] ] end to harvest-patch ask turtles [ ifelse [resource] of patch-here > harvest-amount [set harvest harvest-amount ask patch-here [ set resource resource - [harvest-amount] of myself]] [set harvest [resource] of patch-here ask patch-here [set resource 0] ] set energy energy + harvest ] end to livingcosts ask turtles [set energy energy - Living-costs] end to imitate-successful ask turtles [ let neighbor-turtles turtles-on neighbors if any? neighbor-turtles [if random-float 100 < imitation-likelihood [ set harvest-type [harvest-type] of max-one-of neighbor-turtles [energy]]] update-color] end to imitate-majority ask turtles [ let neighbor-turtles turtles-on neighbors if any? neighbor-turtles [if random-float 100 < imitation-likelihood [ ifelse count (neighbor-turtles with [harvest-type = "sustainable"]) > count (neighbor-turtles with [harvest-type = "greedy"]) [ set harvest-type "sustainable"] [ set harvest-type "greedy"]]] update-color] end to imitate-minority ask turtles [ let neighbor-turtles turtles-on neighbors if any? neighbor-turtles [if random-float 100 < imitation-likelihood [ if ((count (neighbor-turtles with [harvest-type = "greedy"]) != 0) and (count (neighbor-turtles with [harvest-type = "sustainable"]) != 0)) [ifelse count (neighbor-turtles with [harvest-type = "sustainable"]) > count (neighbor-turtles with [harvest-type = "greedy"]) [ set harvest-type "greedy"] [ set harvest-type "sustainable"]]] update-color] ] end to imitate-elder ask turtles [ let neighbor-turtles turtles-on neighbors if any? neighbor-turtles [if random-float 100 < imitation-likelihood [ set harvest-type [harvest-type] of max-one-of neighbor-turtles [age]]] update-color] end to try-new ;; turtle procedure if random-float 100 < behavior-innovation-rate [ifelse harvest-type = "sustainable" [set harvest-type "greedy"] [set harvest-type "sustainable"] ] update-color end to reproduce ask turtles [ let neighborhood (patch-set neighbors with [not any? turtles-on self ]) if (any? neighborhood) and random-float 1 < ( 0.001 * energy );;/ 100) [hatch 1 [ set energy ([energy] of myself / 2) set age 0 move-to one-of neighborhood ] set energy (energy / 2) ] ] end to update-color ifelse harvest-type = "sustainable" [ set color green ] [ set color red ] end to death ask turtles [if energy <= 0 [die] if random-float 100 < Death-rate [ die ] if age > 80 [die] ] end to regrow ;; patch ifelse resource > 0 [set resource precision (resource + ((growthrate * resource) * (1 - (resource / carryingcap )))) 3] [ set resource 0.1] end to recolor ;; patch set pcolor scale-color brown resource 0 (carryingcap + 30) end to get-older set age (age + 0.1) end ;;; turtles1 variables to-report average-energy-greedys report sum [energy] of turtles with [harvest-type = "greedy"] / count turtles with [harvest-type = "greedy"] end to-report average-energy-sustainables report sum [energy] of turtles with [harvest-type = "sustainable"] / count turtles with [harvest-type = "sustainable"] end
There is only one version of this model, created over 2 years ago by Susan Hanisch.
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Evolution of resource use through behavior imitation.png | preview | Preview for 'Evolution of resource use through behavior imitation' | over 2 years ago, by Susan Hanisch | Download |
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