Technology transfer
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extensions [array csv] globals[ newOTS newOTSByWhos newOTSByExplorer radius acum_capacidades ;; Promedio de capacidades por posicion de cada uno de los agentes que hacen formulas de exito acum_capacidades2 ;; Promedio de capacidades por posicion de cada uno de todos los agentes acum_capacidades3 ;; Promedio de capacidades por posicion de cada uno de los agentes que hacen formulas de exito acum_capacidades4 ;; Promedio de capacidades por posicion de cada uno de todos los agentes acum_learning_capacidades ;; Promedio de capacidades que aprenden por posicion de los agentes que hacen formulas de exito acum_unlearning_capacidades ;; Promedio de capacidades que aprenden por posicion de los agentes que hacen formulas de exito cont_LE_FE ;; Contador de capacidades que aprenden qcue se utilizan para hacer formulas de exito cont_UL_FE ;; Contador de capacidades que desaprenden que se utilizan para hacer formulas de exito acum_SExe_FE ;; Promedio de SExe de cada uno de los agentes que hacen formulas de exito acum_SExe_System ;; Promedio de capacidades de cada uno de todos los agentes acum_SExe_FE_acum ;; Acum de SExe de cada uno de los agentes que hacen formulas de exito acum_SExe_System_acum ;; Acum de capacidades de cada uno de todos los agentes acum_Costos_FE ;; Promedio de costos de los agentes que hacen formulas de exito acum_Costos_System ;; Promedio de costos de todos los agentes acum_Costos_FE_acum ;; Acum de costos de los agentes que hacen formulas de exito acum_Costos_System_acum ;; Acum de costos de todos los agentes acum_Beneficios_FE ;; Promedio de beneficios de los agentes que hacen formulas de exito acum_Beneficios_System ;; Promedio beneficios de todos los agentes acum_Beneficios_FE_acum ;; Acum de beneficios de los agentes que hacen formulas de exito acum_Beneficios_System_acum ;; Acum beneficios de todos los agentes profitList ;; Lista de delta de acumulación según el factor "ro" para adicionar (Aprendizaje) profitListNiches ;; Lista de delta de acumulación según el factor "ro" para adicionar (Aprendizaje) profitListOM ;; Lista de delta de acumulación según el factor "ro" para adicionar (Aprendizaje) * aplica para las oportunidades de mercado profitListLess ;; Lista de delta de desacumulacion según el factor "delta" para disminuir (desprendizaje) profit ;; Factor typesAgents IC_System ;; IC ingreso por atributo de los agentes rojos CC_System ;; CC costo por cada capacidad de los agentes azules posiciones_que_se_utilizan posiciones_que_no_se_utilizan cont_dies_messages cont_dies_OM cont_dies_OT cont_dies_agents sexe_S ;; stock de excedentes en cada tick sexe_fe ;; stock de excedentes que hacen formulas de exito en cada tick variaciones_capacidades ;; Es una lista que acumula las variaciones de las capacidades variaciones_capacidades_aprendizaje ;; Es una lista que acumula las variaciones de las capacidades que aprenden variaciones_capacidades_desaprendizaje ;; Es una lista que acumula las variaciones de las capacidades que desaprenden listOI ;;Lista de nuevos OI cont_links_alto cont_links_medio cont_links_bajo ] breed [Agents a-Agents] ;;agentes breed [OTs a-OTs] ;; oportunidades tecnologicas ;; VC Vector de capacidades, VCP Vector de coeficiente de parametros agents-own [vc vc_last vcp vcp_last typeAgent costs agentscost costcap benefits myOTs direccion capInoTra typedireccion cap cap_anterior lfrom beneficio_temp SExe hasLinks? rec myMessages myMessagesPositions myMessages_anterior costT] ;; AZULES (SExe - Stock excedentes, rec - Resultado de ejecicio por capacidad) OTs-own [va va_last vpd vpd_last createdBy createdByExplorer volatility volatilityactual TCV ciclovidaactual benefits atr_anterior atr_init ocupado S beneficios typeOI] to test clear-all reset-ticks ask patches [ set pcolor white ] set CC_System read-from-string CCk set IC_System read-from-string ICk set newOTS [] set newOTSByWhos [] set newOTSByExplorer [] create-Agents 1 [ setxy -9.35 3.30 set size 1 set myOTs [] set vc [2 8 3 0 0] set vc_last vc set typeAgent (setTypeCapacity vc) if (typeAgent = ["Explotador"]) [ set shape "circle" set vcp (relativeFrecuency) set vcp_last vcp ] if (typeAgent = ["Explorador"]) [ set shape "star" ] ifelse (typeAgent = ["Explorador"]) [ set color 5 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Intermediario"]) [ set color 15 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Explotador"]) [ set color 25 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Gestor"]) [ set color 105 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Introductor"]) [ set color 55 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Integrado"]) [ set color 125 ] [ set color cyan ] ] ] ] ] ] set costs [ -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 ] set agentscost (list who who -1 -1 -1) set SExe (random Initial_SS) set label who ] create-Agents 1 [ setxy 3.30 -3.75 set size 1 set myOTs [] set vc [0 0 8 2 1] set vc_last vc set typeAgent (setTypeCapacity vc) if (typeAgent = ["Explotador"]) [ set shape "circle" set vcp (relativeFrecuency) set vcp_last vcp ] if (typeAgent = ["Explorador"]) [ set shape "star" ] ifelse (typeAgent = ["Explorador"]) [ set color 5 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Intermediario"]) [ set color 15 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Explotador"]) [ set color 25 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Gestor"]) [ set color 105 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Introductor"]) [ set color 55 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Integrado"]) [ set color 125 ] [ set color cyan ] ] ] ] ] ] set costs [ -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 ] set agentscost (list who who -1 -1 -1) set SExe (random Initial_SS) set label who ] create-Agents 1 [ setxy 8.29 1.85 set size 1 set myOTs [] set vc [5 6 8 4 1] set vc_last vc set typeAgent (setTypeCapacity vc) if (typeAgent = ["Explotador"]) [ set shape "circle" set vcp (relativeFrecuency) set vcp_last vcp ] if (typeAgent = ["Explorador"]) [ set shape "star" ] ifelse (typeAgent = ["Explorador"]) [ set color 5 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Intermediario"]) [ set color 15 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Explotador"]) [ set color 25 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Gestor"]) [ set color 105 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Introductor"]) [ set color 55 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Integrado"]) [ set color 125 ] [ set color cyan ] ] ] ] ] ] set costs [ -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 ] set agentscost (list who who -1 -1 -1) set SExe (random Initial_SS) set label who ] create-Agents 1 [ setxy 14.38 15.05 set size 1 set myOTs [] set vc [3 7 8 0 7] set vc_last vc set typeAgent (setTypeCapacity vc) if (typeAgent = ["Explotador"]) [ set shape "circle" set vcp (relativeFrecuency) set vcp_last vcp ] if (typeAgent = ["Explorador"]) [ set shape "star" ] ifelse (typeAgent = ["Explorador"]) [ set color 5 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Intermediario"]) [ set color 15 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Explotador"]) [ set color 25 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Gestor"]) [ set color 105 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Introductor"]) [ set color 55 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Integrado"]) [ set color 125 ] [ set color cyan ] ] ] ] ] ] set costs [ -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 ] set agentscost (list who who -1 -1 -1) set SExe (random Initial_SS) set label who ] create-Agents 1 [ setxy 3.30 4.75 set size 1 set myOTs [] set vc [3 3 2 4 8] set vc_last vc set typeAgent (setTypeCapacity vc) if (typeAgent = ["Explotador"]) [ set shape "circle" set vcp [0.06 0.33 0.36 0.21 0.03] ;; (relativeFrecuency) set vcp_last vcp ] if (typeAgent = ["Explorador"]) [ set shape "star" ] ifelse (typeAgent = ["Explorador"]) [ set color 5 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Intermediario"]) [ set color 15 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Explotador"]) [ set color 25 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Gestor"]) [ set color 105 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Introductor"]) [ set color 55 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Integrado"]) [ set color 125 ] [ set color cyan ] ] ] ] ] ] set costs [ -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 ] set agentscost (list who who -1 -1 -1) set SExe 138 set label who ] tick end to setup clear-all reset-ticks ask patches [ set pcolor white ] set CC_System read-from-string CCk set IC_System read-from-string ICk set cont_links_alto 0 set cont_links_medio 0 set cont_links_bajo 0 set newOTS [] set newOTSByWhos [] set newOTSByExplorer [] create-new-agents count_agents ;read_file (word "aprendizaje_0" (learning_factor * 10) ".txt") ;; lee el archivo aprendizaje ro . txt para: llenar lista de profits y ajustar el tiempo de la simulación ;read_fileOM (word "aprendizaje_0" (learning_factor_NOPIs * 10) ".txt") ;; lee el archivo aprendizaje ro . txt para: llenar lista de profits para las OM ;read_file_UNlearning (word "desaprendizaje_0" (unlearning_factor * 10) ".txt") ;; lee el archivo desaprendizaje ro . txt para: llenar lista de profitsless ;create-plots ;actualizar_plots tick end to setup_grid_10 clear-all reset-ticks ask patches [ set pcolor white ] set CC_System read-from-string CCk set IC_System read-from-string ICk set cont_links_alto 0 set cont_links_medio 0 set cont_links_bajo 0 set newOTS [] set newOTSByWhos [] set newOTSByExplorer [] create-agents-grid "agentsgrid_10.txt" tick end to setup_grid_5 clear-all reset-ticks ask patches [ set pcolor white ] set CC_System read-from-string CCk set IC_System read-from-string ICk set cont_links_alto 0 set cont_links_medio 0 set cont_links_bajo 0 set newOTS [] set newOTSByWhos [] set newOTSByExplorer [] create-agents-grid "agentsgrid_5.txt" tick end to setup_grid_now clear-all reset-ticks ask patches [ set pcolor white ] set CC_System read-from-string CCk set IC_System read-from-string ICk set cont_links_alto 0 set cont_links_medio 0 set cont_links_bajo 0 set newOTS [] set newOTSByWhos [] set newOTSByExplorer [] create-agents-grid "agentsgrid.txt" tick end to create-agents-grid [file] let csv 0 let fileList [] file-close-all file-open (word file) let cont_row 0 let cont_col 0 let s_xde 0 while [not file-at-end?] [ set csv file-read-line set csv word csv "\t" ; add comma for loop termination let mylist [] ; list of values of vc let vcplist [] ; list of values of vcp set cont_col 0 set s_xde 0 while [not empty? csv] [ let $x position "\t" csv let $item substring csv 0 $x ; extract item carefully [set $item read-from-string $item][] ; convert if number ifelse (cont_col < 5) [ set mylist lput $item mylist ] [ ifelse (cont_col < 10) [ set vcplist lput $item vcplist ] [ set s_xde $item ] ] set csv substring csv ($x + 1) length csv ; remove item and comma set cont_col (cont_col + 1) ] create-Agents 1 [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color cyan set shape "default" set size 1 set myOTs [] set vc mylist set vc_last vc show vc set typeAgent (setTypeCapacity vc) if (typeAgent = ["Explotador"]) [ set shape "circle" set vcp (vcplist) ;; set vcp (n-values Chain_length [random-float 1]) ;; TODO la sumatoria de los elementos del vector sea 1 set vcp_last vcp ] if (typeAgent = ["Explorador"]) [ set shape "star" ] ifelse (typeAgent = ["Explorador"]) [ set color 5 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Intermediario"]) [ set color 15 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Explotador"]) [ set color 25 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Gestor"]) [ set color 105 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Introductor"]) [ set color 55 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Integrado"]) [ set color 125 ] [ set color cyan ] ] ] ] ] ] set costs [ -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 ] set agentscost (list who who -1 -1 -1) set SExe s_xde set label who ] set cont_row (cont_row + 1) ] end to create-new-agents [num] create-Agents num [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color cyan set shape "default" set size 1 set myOTs [] set vc (n-values Chain_length [random Chain_magnitude]) set vc_last vc set typeAgent (setTypeCapacity vc) if (typeAgent = ["Explotador"]) [ set shape "circle" set vcp (relativeFrecuency) ;; set vcp (n-values Chain_length [random-float 1]) ;; TODO la sumatoria de los elementos del vector sea 1 set vcp_last vcp ] if (typeAgent = ["Explorador"]) [ set shape "star" ] ifelse (typeAgent = ["Explorador"]) [ set color 5 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Intermediario"]) [ set color 15 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Explotador"]) [ set color 25 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Gestor"]) [ set color 105 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Introductor"]) [ set color 55 ] [ ifelse (typeAgent = ["Integrado"]) [ set color 125 ] [ set color cyan ] ] ] ] ] ] set costs [ -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 ] set agentscost (list who who -1 -1 -1) ;;set cost (reduce + (map [ [ a b ] -> a * b ] CC_System capInoTra)) ;;set profitself n-values Chain_length [0] ;; Beneficios aleatorio set SExe (random Initial_SS) ;;set nopiLink -1 ;;set agentsSuplyLink [] set label who ] end to-report setTypeCapacity [capabilities] let point 3; ceiling (Chain_magnitude / 2) let midle ((floor (length capabilities / 2))) ;; tamaño impar let midleLast ((ceiling (length capabilities / 2))) ;; tamaño impar if (length capabilities mod 2 = 0) [ ;; Si el tamaño es par (true) set midle ((floor (length capabilities / 2)) - 1) set midleLast ((ceiling (length capabilities / 2)) + 1) ] ;;show (word point " - " midle " - " midleLast " - " length capabilities) ;;show (word capabilities " - " (sublist capabilities 0 midle) " - " (sublist capabilities midle midleLast) " - " (sublist capabilities midleLast (length capabilities))) set typeAgent [] ifelse ( (member? true (map [[i] -> i >= point] capabilities ) ) ) [ ;;Por clasificar según vector de capacidades if (member? true (map [[j] -> j >= point] (sublist capabilities 0 midle) ) ) [ ;; Explorador set typeAgent ( lput "Explorador" typeAgent) ;; Existe algún valor cap mayor o igual a point a lado izq ] if (member? true (map [[k] -> k >= point] (sublist capabilities (midle) (midleLast)) ) ) [ ;; Intermediario set typeAgent ( lput "Intermediario" typeAgent) ;; Existe algún valor cap mayor o igual a point a lado der ] if (member? true (map [[l] -> l >= point] (sublist capabilities midleLast ((length capabilities))) ) ) [ ;; Explotador set typeAgent ( lput "Explotador" typeAgent) ;; Existe algún valor cap mayor o igual a point a lado der ] if (typeAgent = ["Explorador" "Explotador"]) [ report ["Primario"] ;; ["Explorador"] ] if (typeAgent = ["Explorador" "Intermediario"]) [ report ["Gestor"] ] if (typeAgent = ["Intermediario" "Explotador"]) [ report ["Introductor"] ] if (typeAgent = ["Explorador" "Intermediario" "Explotador"]) [ report ["Integrado"] ] ][ set typeAgent ( lput "Primario" typeAgent) ] report typeAgent end to-report relativeFrecuency let nums (n-values Chain_length [random 100]) let sums reduce + nums report (map[ [ a ] -> a / sums ] nums ) end to go explorers_interaction adoptiontechtransfer updateSExe tick check-death_OT check-death_Agents resetTick if (ticks = max_ticks or (count agents = 0)) [ stop ] create-new-agents ((count agents) * rate_birth_agents / 100) ask agents [ foreach vc [ x -> if (x > 9 OR x < 0) [ show who ] ]] ask OTs [ foreach va [ x -> if (x > 9 OR x < 0) [ show who ] ]] end to explorers_interaction ask agents with [typeAgent = ["Explorador"]] [ ;; Exploradores buscan otros agentes para hacer OTTs let candidates other agents with [ typeAgent != ["Explotador"] ] ;; and typeAgent != ["Explorador"] let vcp_origin vcp let cost_temp [ 0 0 0 0 0 ] ;;show candidates foreach [who] of candidates [ x -> ;; Calculate cost set cost_temp (getExplorerCost vc ([vc] of turtle x) ([typeAgent] of turtle x)) if (item 2 costs <= item 2 cost_temp) [ set costs replace-item 2 costs (item 2 cost_temp) set agentscost replace-item 2 agentscost x ] if (item 3 costs <= item 3 cost_temp) [ set costs replace-item 3 costs (item 3 cost_temp) set agentscost replace-item 3 agentscost x ] if (item 4 costs <= item 4 cost_temp) [ set costs replace-item 4 costs (item 4 cost_temp) set agentscost replace-item 4 agentscost x ] ] ;; Create links ;let pos3 (item 2 agentscost) ;create-link-to (turtle pos3) [ ; set color getColorByTypeCost (getTypeCost [typeAgent] of turtle pos3) ;] ;let pos4 (item 3 agentscost) ;create-link-to (turtle pos4) [ ; set color getColorByTypeCost (getTypeCost [typeAgent] of turtle pos4) ;] ;let pos5 (item 4 agentscost) ;create-link-to (turtle pos5)[ ; set color getColorByTypeCost (getTypeCost [typeAgent] of turtle pos5) ;] ;; Prepare to create OTS let VCs (remove-duplicates (map [ a -> [vc] of turtle a ] (filter [ i -> turtle i != NOBODY ] agentscost ))) let newVA n-values Chain_length [0] let newWhoVa n-values Chain_length [0] foreach VCs [ x -> foreach [0 1 2 3 4] [ y -> if (item y newVA < item y x AND item y x < 9 ) [ set newVA replace-item y newVA (item y x) set newWhoVa replace-item y newWhoVa (first ([who] of agents with [vc = x])) ] ] ] set newOTS lput newVA newOTS set newOTSByWhos lput newWhoVa newOTSByWhos set newOTSByExplorer lput who newOTSByExplorer ] ;; Create OTS let i 0 foreach newOTS [ x -> createOTS x item i newOTSByWhos item i newOTSByExplorer set i (i + 1) ] end to-report getExplorerCost [vc_origin vc_other typeAgent_other] let pos3 ( ((item 2 vc_other) - (item 2 vc_origin))) let pos4 ( ((item 3 vc_other) - (item 3 vc_origin))) let pos5 ( ((item 4 vc_other) - (item 4 vc_origin))) let cost3 0 let cost4 0 let cost5 0 if (getTypeCost typeAgent_other = "low") [ set cost3 (pos3 * cost_low) set cost4 (pos4 * cost_low) set cost5 (pos5 * cost_low) ] if (getTypeCost typeAgent_other = "mid") [ set cost3 (pos3 * cost_mid) set cost4 (pos4 * cost_mid) set cost5 (pos5 * cost_mid) ] if (getTypeCost typeAgent_other = "high") [ set cost3 (pos3 * cost_high) set cost4 (pos4 * cost_high) set cost5 (pos5 * cost_high) ] report (list 0 0 cost3 cost4 cost5) end to-report getTypeCost [typeAgent_other] if (typeAgent_other = ["Explorador"]) [ report "low" ] if (typeAgent_other = ["Explotador"]) [ report "high" ] if (typeAgent_other = ["Intermediario"]) [ report "low" ] if (typeAgent_other = ["Gestor"]) [ report "low" ] if (typeAgent_other = ["Integrado"]) [ report "mid" ] if (typeAgent_other = ["Introductor"]) [ report "mid" ] if (typeAgent_other = ["Primario"]) [ report "high" ] end to-report getColorByTypeCost [typeCost] if (typeCost = "low") [ report 65 ] if (typeCost = "mid") [ report 45 ] if (typeCost = "high") [ report 15 ] end to createOTS [ newVA newWhoVa explorer] ; TODO setTypeOT : Emergente | En crecimiento | Madura | En declive set newWhoVa reduce sentence newWhoVa create-OTs 1 [ ; TODO set xy near to explorer setxy random-xcor random-ycor ;;(5 + ([xcor] of turtle explorer)) (5 + ([ycor] of turtle explorer)) set color red set shape "square" set size 1 set va newVA set va_last newVA set vpd (n-values Chain_length [random Chain_magnitude]) set vpd_last vpd set createdBy newWhoVa set createdByExplorer explorer set volatility max_volatility set volatilityactual 0 set TCV ((random tilc) + 1) set ciclovidaactual 0 set label who set benefits (map [ [a b] -> a * b * exp(-((ciclovidaactual - (TCV / 2)) ^ 2)/(2 * ((TCV / sigma) ^ 2)))] IC_System va) if (turtle explorer != NOBODY ) [ create-link-to (turtle explorer)[ set color black ] ] ] ;; reward process let index 0 let candidates [] foreach (reduce sentence newWhoVa) [ x -> if (turtle x != nobody) [ ask turtle x [ ;; positive reward let adding ((item index vc) + reward_by_position) if (adding <= 9) [ set vc (replace-item index vc adding) ] ] set candidates remove x (remove-duplicates newWhoVa) foreach candidates [ y -> if (turtle y != nobody) [ ask turtle y [ ;; negative reward let substract ((item index vc) - punish_by_position) if (substract >= 0) [ set vc (replace-item index vc substract) ] ] ] ] ] set index (index + 1) ] end to adoptiontechtransfer ask agents with [typeAgent = ["Explotador"]] [ ;; Explotadores buscan OTTs para verificar si adopta o no let candidates other OTs let VCP_agent vcp let VC_agent vc foreach [who] of candidates [ x -> ;; Calculate utility function let pt (reduce + (map [ [ a b ] -> a * b ] ([vpd] of turtle x) VCP_agent)) ; potencial de transferencia tecnológica (PT), “función de utilidad multi-atributo” if (pt < potential_adoption AND (length myOTs) < max_ots_related AND turtle x != nobody) [ ; Si se adopta set myOTs (lput x myOTs) create-link-to (turtle x)[ set color green set shape "default" ] ;; Compensaciones let VA_ot [va] of turtle x let cont 0 foreach VA_ot [ y -> let adding (item cont VC_agent + reward_by_position) if ((y >= item cont VC_agent) AND (adding < 9)) [ set VC_agent (replace-item cont VC_agent adding) ] set cont (cont + 1) ] set vc VC_agent ] ] ] end to adoptiontechtransfer_temp ask agents with [typeAgent = ["Explotador"]] [ ;; Explotadores buscan OTTs para verificar si adopta o no let candidates other OTs let VCP_agent vcp let VC_agent vc foreach [who] of candidates [ x -> ;; Calculate utility function let pt (reduce + (map [ [ a b ] -> a * b ] ([vpd] of turtle x) VCP_agent)) ; potencial de transferencia tecnológica (PT), “función de utilidad multi-atributo” if (pt < potential_adoption AND (length myOTs) < max_ots_related AND turtle x != nobody) [ ; Si se adopta set myOTs (lput x myOTs) ask link who x [ set color green set shape "default" ] ;; Compensaciones let VA_ot [va] of turtle x let cont 0 foreach VA_ot [ y -> let adding (item cont VC_agent + reward_by_position) if ((y >= item cont VC_agent) AND (adding < 9)) [ set VC_agent (replace-item cont VC_agent adding) ] set cont (cont + 1) ] set vc VC_agent ] ] ] end to updateSExe ask agents [ ;; addCostByMaintainCapacitiesOfAgents set costcap (reduce + (map [ [ a b ] -> a * b ] CC_System vc_last)) ;; update SExe set SExe (SExe - costcap) if (member? "Explotador" typeAgent) [ ;; Beneficios de las OTs foreach myOTs [ otlink -> ;; show turtle otlink ifelse (turtle otlink != NOBODY) [ ;; Si el VA de la OT es mayor a VC del Explotador, entonces recibe beneficio set SExe (SExe + (reduce + (map [[i j k] -> ifelse-value (i >= j) [k] [0]] ([va] of turtle otlink) vc ([benefits] of turtle otlink)))) ][ set myOTs (remove otlink myOTs) ] ] ] ] ask OTs [ let whoOT who let index 0 ;; Beneficios por crear la OT foreach createdBy [ ag -> ;; show (word ag index [benefits] of turtle whoOT) if (turtle ag != NOBODY) [ ;; Agentes que crearon a la OT reciben beneficios updateSExeAgentsByOTs ag index [benefits] of turtle whoOT ] set index (index + 1) ] ;; agregar beneficio si la OT se ha adoptado por explotadores set index 0 if (count (my-in-links with [ color = 55 ]) > 0) [ foreach createdBy [ ag -> ;; show (word ag index [benefits] of turtle whoOT) if (turtle ag != NOBODY) [ ;; Agentes que crearon a la OT reciben beneficios updateSExeAgentsByOTs ag index [benefits] of turtle whoOT ] set index (index + 1) ] ] ] end to updateSExeAgentsByOTs [age ind ben] ask turtle age [ set SExe (SExe + item ind ben) ] end to resetTick ask links with [color != 55] [ die ] ask agents [ set vc_last vc set costs [ -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 ] set agentscost (list who who -1 -1 -1) ; set myots [] ] ;; ask OTs [ ;;set myAgentslinks [] ;; ] set newOTS [] set newOTSByWhos [] set newOTSByExplorer [] end to check-death_OT ask OTs [ if (ciclovidaactual >= TCV) [ removeOTsInAgents who die ] set ciclovidaactual (ciclovidaactual + 1) if (volatilityactual >= volatility) [ removeOTsInAgents who die ] set volatilityactual (volatilityactual + 1) ] end to check-death_Agents ask agents [ if (SExe <= 0) [ ;; Stock de recursos en cero die ] if (mean vc = 0) [ ;; sus capacidades estan todos en cero die ] ] end to removeOTsInAgents [OT] ask agents with [member? OT myOTs] [ set myOTs (remove OT myOTs) ] end ;ask agents [ foreach vc [ x -> if (x > 9 OR x < 0) [ show who ] ]]
There is only one version of this model, created over 3 years ago by William Orjuela-Garzon.
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Technology transfer .png | preview | Preview for 'Technology transfer ' | over 3 years ago, by William Orjuela-Garzon | Download |
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