Silly Bug Game
Model was written in NetLogo 6.1.1
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;Silly Bug Game ;Israel Alderete ;Start Date: 8/19/21 ;Most Recent Update: 10/22/21 globals [mapgentype colora colorb rbudget bbudget rresources bresources rgen bgen] patches-own [sspawntime center? colormemory blueweb redweb rednest bluenest antlionn antlionsp rs1spawn rs2spawn rs3spawn bs1spawn bs2spawn bs3spawn bselected?? rselected?? bselect rselect] turtles-own [bx by building? switching? spawntime speed damage dmemory health selected? poisoned? dusted? speedmemory ramming facememory labelmemory rival blindtime paralyzetime maxhealth thorns shield flying? effectiverange ermemory hitradius nestnumber recovering? rhost? bhost?] breed [lleaves lleaf] ;=========Gamemode Breeds========= breed [nests nest];finished breed [points point] ;=========Building Breeds========== breed [bugs_nests bugs_nest];finished breed [health_givers health_giver];finished breed [bug_decoys bug_decoy];finished breed [chemical_swaps chemical_swap];finished breed [pollen_flowers pollen_flower];finished ;===========Bug Breeds============== breed [ants ant];finished breed [bees bee];finished breed [spiders spider];finished breed [butterflies butterfly];finished breed [moths moth];finished breed [bugs bug];finished breed [caterpillars caterpillar];finished breed [dragonflies dragonfly];finished breed [beetles beetle];finished breed [venomspitters venomspitter] breed [poisons poison];finished breed [grasshoppers grasshopper];finished breed [thornbugs thornbug];finished breed [mantises mantis];finished breed [pillbugs pillbug];finished breed [antlions antlion];finished breed [cicadas cicada];finished breed [wasps wasp];finished breed [bedbugs bedbug];finished breed [stickbug stickbugs] breed [blinds blind];finished breed [tarantulahawks tarantulahawk];finished' breed [screwworms screwworm] breed [larvaes larvae];finished breed [termites termite];finished ;============Other Breeds============= breed [leaves leaf] to setup __change-topology true true ca set mapgentype 1 + (random 7) set colora 30.5 + ((random 7) / 2) set colorb (colora + 2) if mapgentype = 1 [ create-turtles 1 [ setxy 0 0 set heading 90 forward 2 repeat 8 [ repeat 3 [ repeat 6 [ repeat 3 [ forward 1 ask patch-here [ set pcolor colora ] ] repeat 3 [ forward 1 ask patch-here [ set pcolor colorb ] ] ] right 90 forward 1 left 90 ] repeat 3 [ repeat 6 [ repeat 3 [ forward 1 ask patch-here [ set pcolor colorb ] ] repeat 3 [ forward 1 ask patch-here [ set pcolor colora ] ] ] right 90 forward 1 left 90 ] ] ] ask turtles [die] ] if mapgentype = 2 [ create-turtles 48 [ setxy (0) (0 - who) set heading 90 repeat 6 [ repeat 3 [ ask patch-here [set pcolor colora] forward 1 ] repeat 3 [ ask patch-here [set pcolor colorb] forward 1 ] ] ] ask turtles [die] ] if mapgentype = 3 [ create-turtles 48 [ setxy (0) (0 - who) set heading 90 repeat 3 [ repeat 6 [ ask patch-here [set pcolor colora] forward 1 ] repeat 6 [ ask patch-here [set pcolor colorb] forward 1 ] ] ] ask turtles [die] ] if mapgentype = 4 [ create-turtles 48 [ setxy (0) (0 - who) set heading 90 repeat 2 [ repeat 9 [ ask patch-here [set pcolor colora] forward 1 ] repeat 9 [ ask patch-here [set pcolor colorb] forward 1 ] ] ] ask turtles [die] ] if mapgentype = 5 [ create-turtles 1 [ setxy 0 0 set heading 90 forward 8 repeat 8 [ repeat 3 [ repeat 2 [ repeat 9 [ forward 1 ask patch-here [ set pcolor colora ] ] repeat 9 [ forward 1 ask patch-here [ set pcolor colorb ] ] ] right 90 forward 1 left 90 ] repeat 3 [ repeat 2 [ repeat 9 [ forward 1 ask patch-here [ set pcolor colorb ] ] repeat 9 [ forward 1 ask patch-here [ set pcolor colora ] ] ] right 90 forward 1 left 90 ] ] ] ask turtles [die] ] if mapgentype = 6 [ create-turtles 1 [ setxy 0 0 set heading 90 forward -1 repeat 8 [ repeat 3 [ repeat 1 [ repeat 36 [ forward 1 ask patch-here [ set pcolor colora ] ] ] right 90 forward 1 left 90 ] repeat 3 [ repeat 1 [ repeat 36 [ forward 1 ask patch-here [ set pcolor colorb ] ] ] right 90 forward 1 left 90 ] ] ] ask turtles [die] ] if mapgentype = 7 [ create-turtles 1 [ setxy 0 0 set heading 90 forward -1 repeat 2 [ repeat 12 [ repeat 1 [ repeat 36 [ forward 1 ask patch-here [ set pcolor colora ] ] ] right 90 forward 1 left 90 ] repeat 12 [ repeat 1 [ repeat 36 [ forward 1 ask patch-here [ set pcolor colorb ] ] ] right 90 forward 1 left 90 ] ] ] ask turtles [die] ] center ask patches [ set colormemory [pcolor] of self set blueweb false set redweb false set rednest false set bluenest false set antlionn false set antlionsp false ] if Nests? = true [ symmetrytest ] if AntLions? = true [ antlionsnest ] if SpecialSpawn? = true [ specialspawn ] if leaves? = true [ create-leaves 10 * 1 + (random 3) [ set shape "leaf 2" set size 15 + (random 6) set color (colorb + 20 + ((random 2) * 10)) set health 1 while [any? other leaves-on patch-here] [ setxy min-pxcor (random-pycor * 3) ] set heading 45 + (random 135) ] ask n-of ((count leaves) / 2) leaves [ setxy max-pxcor (random-pycor * 3) while [any? other leaves-on patch-here] [ setxy max-pxcor (random-pycor * 3) ] set heading 225 + (random 135) ] ask leaves [set hidden? true] if random 20 = 1 [ ask leaves [ set color (colora - 10 + (random 3)) set shape "leaf" ] create-lleaves 25 + (random 6) [ set shape one-of ["leaf 2" "leaf"] set color ((colora - 10 + (random 3)) - 1) set size 1.5 + (0.5 * (random 3)) set health 1 setxy random-pxcor random-pycor set hidden? true ] ] ] __change-topology false false set rbudget 40 - (gamemode * 10) if gamemode = 2 [ set rbudget 15 ] set bbudget 40 - (gamemode * 10) if gamemode = 2 [ set bbudget 15 ] set rresources 8 - (gamemode * 2) set bresources 8 - (gamemode * 2) ask patch 1 -1 [set plabel 1 set rselected?? true set rselect true] ask patch 4 -1 [set plabel 2 set rselected?? true set rselect true] ask patch 7 -1 [set plabel 3 set rselected?? true set rselect true] ask patch 10 -1 [set plabel 4 set rselected?? true set rselect true] ask patch 13 -1 [set plabel 5 set rselected?? true set rselect true] ask patch 16 -1 [set plabel 6 set rselected?? true set rselect true] ask patch 19 -1 [set plabel 7 set rselected?? true set rselect true] ask patch 22 -1 [set plabel 8 set rselected?? true set rselect true] ask patch 25 -1 [set plabel 9 set rselected?? true set rselect true] ask patch 28 -1 [set plabel 0 set rselected?? true set rselect true] ask patch 31 -1 [set plabel "-" set rselected?? true set rselect true] ask patch 34 -1 [set plabel "=" set rselected?? true set rselect true] ask patch 1 -46 [set plabel 1 set bselected?? true set bselect true] ask patch 4 -46 [set plabel 2 set bselected?? true set bselect true] ask patch 7 -46 [set plabel 3 set bselected?? true set bselect true] ask patch 10 -46 [set plabel 4 set bselected?? true set bselect true] ask patch 13 -46 [set plabel 5 set bselected?? true set bselect true] ask patch 16 -46 [set plabel 6 set bselected?? true set bselect true] ask patch 19 -46 [set plabel 7 set bselected?? true set bselect true] ask patch 22 -46 [set plabel 8 set bselected?? true set bselect true] ask patch 25 -46 [set plabel 9 set bselected?? true set bselect true] ask patch 28 -46 [set plabel 0 set bselected?? true set bselect true] ask patch 31 -46 [set plabel "-" set bselected?? true set bselect true] ask patch 34 -46 [set plabel "=" set bselected?? true set bselect true] ask patch 1 -4 [set plabel "!" set rselected?? true set rselect true] ask patch 4 -4 [set plabel "@" set rselected?? true set rselect true] ask patch 7 -4 [set plabel "#" set rselected?? true set rselect true] ask patch 10 -4 [set plabel "$" set rselected?? true set rselect true] ask patch 13 -4 [set plabel "%" set rselected?? true set rselect true] ask patch 16 -4 [set plabel "^" set rselected?? true set rselect true] ask patch 19 -4 [set plabel "&" set rselected?? true set rselect true] ask patch 22 -4 [set plabel "*" set rselected?? true set rselect true] ask patch 25 -4 [set plabel "(" set rselected?? true set rselect true] ask patch 28 -4 [set plabel ")" set rselected?? true set rselect true] ask patch 31 -4 [set plabel "_" set rselected?? true set rselect true] ask patch 34 -4 [set plabel "+" set rselected?? true set rselect true] ask patch 1 -43 [set plabel "!" set bselected?? true set bselect true] ask patch 4 -43 [set plabel "@" set bselected?? true set bselect true] ask patch 7 -43 [set plabel "#" set bselected?? true set bselect true] ask patch 10 -43 [set plabel "$" set bselected?? true set bselect true] ask patch 13 -43 [set plabel "%" set bselected?? true set bselect true] ask patch 16 -43 [set plabel "^" set bselected?? true set bselect true] ask patch 19 -43 [set plabel "&" set bselected?? true set bselect true] ask patch 22 -43 [set plabel "*" set bselected?? true set bselect true] ask patch 25 -43 [set plabel "(" set bselected?? true set bselect true] ask patch 28 -43 [set plabel ")" set bselected?? true set bselect true] ask patch 31 -43 [set plabel "_" set bselected?? true set bselect true] ask patch 34 -43 [set plabel "+" set bselected?? true set bselect true] if gamemode = 2 [ ask patches [ set rselected?? false set bselected?? false ] set rgen 12 set bgen 12 ] reset-ticks if gamemode = 1 [ create-nests 1 [ setxy 18 -24 set shape "nest" set nestnumber 1 set color blue set size 6 set health 50 set selected? true set shield 1 ] next_nest ] if gamemode = 2 [ create-points pointamt [ setxy 18 -24 set shape "energybug" set color blue set size 2 set health 1 set shield 1 set spawntime (96 / pointamt) set selected? true ] ] tick end to next_nest if count nests with [selected? = false] = 1 [ create-nests 1 [ setxy 18 -24 set shape "nest" set nestnumber 2 set color red set size 6 set health 50 set selected? true set shield 1 ] ] end to next_bugs if count points with [selected? = false] = pointamt [ create-points pointamt [ setxy 18 -24 set shape "energybug" set color red set size 2 set health 1 set shield 1 set spawntime ([spawntime] of one-of points with [color = blue]) set selected? true ] ] end to center let y -1 repeat 16 [ create-turtles 1 [ setxy 1 y repeat 12 [ set heading 90 forward 3 ask patch-here [set center? true] ] set y (y - 3) ] ] ask turtles [die] end to symmetrytest repeat Special_Tile_Amount [ ask patch (1 + (3 * (random 12))) (-7 - (3 * (random 6))) [ set pcolor 12 sprout 1 [ setxy (max-pxcor - ([pxcor] of patch-here)) (max-pycor - (([pycor] of patch-here) - 1)) ask patch-here [ set pcolor 102 ] die ] ] ] ask patches with [pcolor != colormemory] [ ask patches in-radius 1.5 [ set pcolor [pcolor] of myself ] ask patches with [pcolor = 12] [ set rednest true ] ask patches with [pcolor = 102] [ set bluenest true ] ] end to antlionsnest repeat Special_Tile_Amount [ ask patch (1 + (3 * (random 12))) (-7 - (3 * (random 6))) [ set pcolor 47.5 set antlionsp true sprout-antlions 1 [ set shape "ant" set size 4 set health 1 set color black ] sprout 1 [ setxy (max-pxcor - ([pxcor] of patch-here)) (max-pycor - (([pycor] of patch-here) - 1)) ask patch-here [ set pcolor 47.5 set antlionsp true sprout-antlions 1 [ set shape "ant" set size 4 set health 1 set color black ] ] die ] ] ] ask patches with [pcolor = 47.5] [ ask patches in-radius 1.5 [ set pcolor [pcolor] of myself set antlionn true ] ] end to specialspawn ask patch (1 + (3 * (random 12))) (-16 - (3 * (random 3))) [ set plabel "S1" set rs1spawn true set plabel-color white sprout 1 [ setxy (max-pxcor - ([pxcor] of patch-here)) (max-pycor - (([pycor] of patch-here) - 1)) ask patch-here [ set plabel "S1" set bs1spawn true set plabel-color white ] die ] ] if Special_Tile_Amount >= 2 [ ask patch (1 + (3 * (random 12))) (-16 - (3 * (random 3))) [ set plabel "S2" set rs2spawn true set plabel-color white sprout 1 [ setxy (max-pxcor - ([pxcor] of patch-here)) (max-pycor - (([pycor] of patch-here) - 1)) ask patch-here [ set plabel "S2" set bs2spawn true set plabel-color white ] die ] ] ] if Special_Tile_Amount = 3 [ ask patch (1 + (3 * (random 12))) (-16 - (3 * (random 3))) [ set plabel "S3" set rs3spawn true set plabel-color white sprout 1 [ setxy (max-pxcor - ([pxcor] of patch-here)) (max-pycor - (([pycor] of patch-here) - 1)) ask patch-here [ set plabel "S3" set bs3spawn true set plabel-color white ] die ] ] ] end ;=================================================================== ;===========================BUILDINGS=============================== ;=================================================================== to rbugs_nest if rresources > 3 and (ticks = 1) [ create-bugs_nests 1 [ set building? true set selected? true set spawntime 10 set shield 1 set health 10 set shape "nest" set size 5 setxy 18 -24 set color red set rresources (rresources - 4) ] ] end to bbugs_nest if bresources > 3 and (ticks = 1) [ create-bugs_nests 1 [ set building? true set selected? true set spawntime 10 set shield 1 set health 10 set shape "nest" set size 5 setxy 18 -24 set color blue set bresources (bresources - 4) ] ] end to rpollen_flowers if rresources > 5 and (ticks = 1) [ create-pollen_flowers 1 [ set building? true set selected? true set spawntime 10 set shield 1 set health 8 set shape "flower" set size 5 setxy 18 -24 set color red set rresources (rresources - 6) ] ] end to bpollen_flowers if bresources > 5 and (ticks = 1) [ create-pollen_flowers 1 [ set building? true set selected? true set spawntime 10 set shield 1 set health 8 set shape "flower" set size 5 setxy 18 -24 set color blue set bresources (bresources - 6) ] ] end to bbug_decoys if bresources > 1 and (ticks = 1) [ create-bug_decoys 1 [ set building? true set selected? true set spawntime 10 set shield 1 set health 8 set shape "bugdecoy" set size 5 setxy 18 -24 set color blue set bresources (bresources - 2) ] ] end to rbug_decoys if rresources > 1 and (ticks = 1) [ create-bug_decoys 1 [ set building? true set selected? true set spawntime 10 set shield 1 set health 8 set shape "bugdecoy" set size 5 setxy 18 -24 set color red set rresources (rresources - 2) ] ] end to bhealth_givers if bresources > 3 and (ticks = 1) [ create-health_givers 1 [ set building? true set selected? true set shield 1 set health 15 set shape "healthgiver" set size 5 setxy 18 -24 set color blue set bresources (bresources - 4) ] ] end to rhealth_givers if rresources > 3 and (ticks = 1) [ create-health_givers 1 [ set building? true set selected? true set shield 1 set health 15 set shape "healthgiver" set size 5 setxy 18 -24 set color red set rresources (rresources - 4) ] ] end to bchemical_swaps if bresources > 5 and (ticks = 1) [ create-chemical_swaps 1 [ set building? true set selected? true set shield 1 set health 5 set shape "chemicalswap" set size 5 setxy 18 -24 set color blue set bresources (bresources - 6) ] ] end to rchemical_swaps if rresources > 5 and (ticks = 1) [ create-chemical_swaps 1 [ set building? true set selected? true set shield 1 set health 5 set shape "chemicalswap" set size 5 setxy 18 -24 set color red set rresources (rresources - 6) ] ] end ;=================================================================== ;==============================BUGS================================= ;=================================================================== to rbugstuff if rbudget > 0 [ create-bugs 1 [ set shield 1 set health 4 set maxhealth health set speed 1 set speedmemory 1 set damage 1 set dmemory damage set shape "bug" set size 3 setxy 18 -24 set color red set rbudget (rbudget - 1) set selected? true set labelmemory white if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [rselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set rselected?? false]] [set rbudget (rbudget + 1) die] ] ] ] end to bbugstuff if bbudget > 0 [ create-bugs 1 [ set shield 1 set health 4 set maxhealth health set speed 1 set speedmemory 1 set damage 1 set dmemory damage set shape "bug" set size 3 setxy 18 -24 set color blue set bbudget (bbudget - 1) set selected? true set labelmemory white if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [bselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set bselected?? false]] [set bbudget (bbudget + 1) die] ] ] ] end to rbeestuff if rbudget > 1 [ create-bees 1 [ set shield 1 set health 2 set maxhealth health set speed 3 set speedmemory 3 set damage 4 set dmemory damage set shape "bee 2" set size 3 setxy 18 -24 set color red set rbudget (rbudget - 2) set selected? true set labelmemory white set flying? true if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [rselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set rselected?? false]] [set rbudget (rbudget + 2) die] ] ] ] end to bbeestuff if bbudget > 1 [ create-bees 1 [ set shield 1 set health 2 set maxhealth health set speed 3 set speedmemory 3 set damage 4 set dmemory damage set shape "bee 2" set size 3 setxy 18 -24 set color blue set bbudget (bbudget - 2) set selected? true set labelmemory white set flying? true if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [bselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set bselected?? false]] [set bbudget (bbudget + 2) die] ] ] ] end to rantstuff if rbudget > 2 [ create-ants 1 [ set shield 1 set health 4.5 set maxhealth health set speed 1 set speedmemory 1 set damage 1 set dmemory damage set shape "ant 2" set size 3 setxy 18 -24 set color red set rbudget (rbudget - 3) set selected? true set labelmemory white set effectiverange 5 set ermemory effectiverange if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [rselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set rselected?? false]] [set rbudget (rbudget + 3) die] ] ] ] end to bantstuff if bbudget > 2 [ create-ants 1 [ set shield 1 set health 4.5 set maxhealth health set speed 1 set speedmemory 1 set damage 1 set dmemory damage set shape "ant 2" set size 3 setxy 18 -24 set color blue set bbudget (bbudget - 3) set selected? true set labelmemory white set effectiverange 5 set ermemory effectiverange if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [bselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set bselected?? false]] [set bbudget (bbudget + 3) die] ] ] ] end to rcaterpillars if rbudget > 0 [ create-caterpillars 1 [ set shield 1 set health 3 set maxhealth health set speed 1 set speedmemory 1 set damage 1 set dmemory damage set shape "caterpillar" set size 3 setxy 18 -24 set color red set rbudget (rbudget - 1) set selected? true set labelmemory white if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [rselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set rselected?? false]] [set rbudget (rbudget + 1) die] ] ] ] end to bcaterpillars if bbudget > 0 [ create-caterpillars 1 [ set shield 1 set health 3 set maxhealth health set speed 1 set speedmemory 1 set damage 1 set dmemory damage set shape "caterpillar" set size 3 setxy 18 -24 set color blue set bbudget (bbudget - 1) set selected? true set labelmemory white if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [bselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set bselected?? false]] [set bbudget (bbudget + 1) die] ] ] ] end to rbutterflies if rbudget > 3 [ create-butterflies 1 [ set shield 1 set health 5 set maxhealth health set speed 1.5 set speedmemory 1.5 set damage 1.5 set dmemory damage set shape "butterfly" set size 3 setxy 18 -24 set color red set rbudget (rbudget - 4) set selected? true set labelmemory white set flying? true set effectiverange 3 set ermemory effectiverange if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [rselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set rselected?? false]] [set rbudget (rbudget + 4) die] ] ] ] end to bbutterflies if bbudget > 3 [ create-butterflies 1 [ set shield 1 set health 5 set maxhealth health set speed 1.5 set speedmemory 1.5 set damage 1.5 set dmemory damage set shape "butterfly" set size 3 setxy 18 -24 set color blue set bbudget (bbudget - 4) set selected? true set labelmemory white set flying? true set effectiverange 3 set ermemory effectiverange if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [bselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set bselected?? false]] [set bbudget (bbudget + 4) die] ] ] ] end to bspiders if bbudget > 5 [ create-spiders 1 [ set shield 1 set health 5.5 set maxhealth health set speed 1 set speedmemory 1 set damage 2.5 set dmemory damage set shape "spider" set size 3.5 setxy 18 -24 set color blue set bbudget (bbudget - 6) set selected? true set labelmemory white set effectiverange 3 set ermemory effectiverange if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [bselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set bselected?? false]] [set bbudget (bbudget + 6) die] ] ] ] end to rspiders if rbudget > 5 [ create-spiders 1 [ set shield 1 set health 5.5 set maxhealth health set speed 1 set speedmemory 1 set damage 2.5 set dmemory damage set shape "spider" set size 3.5 setxy 18 -24 set color red set rbudget (rbudget - 6) set selected? true set labelmemory white set effectiverange 3 set ermemory effectiverange if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [rselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set rselected?? false]] [set rbudget (rbudget + 6) die] ] ] ] end to bmoths if bbudget > 2 [ create-moths 1 [ set shield 1 set health 5 set maxhealth health set speed 1.5 set speedmemory 1.5 set damage 1.5 set dmemory damage set shape "butterfly 2" set size 3 setxy 18 -24 set color blue set bbudget (bbudget - 3) set selected? true set labelmemory white set flying? true set effectiverange 3 set ermemory effectiverange if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [bselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set bselected?? false]] [set bbudget (bbudget + 3) die] ] ] ] end to rmoths if rbudget > 2 [ create-moths 1 [ set shield 1 set health 5 set maxhealth health set speed 1.5 set speedmemory 1.5 set damage 1.5 set dmemory damage set shape "butterfly 2" set size 3 setxy 18 -24 set color red set rbudget (rbudget - 3) set selected? true set labelmemory white set flying? true set effectiverange 3 set ermemory effectiverange if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [rselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set rselected?? false]] [set rbudget (rbudget + 3) die] ] ] ] end to bdragonflies if bbudget > 2 [ create-dragonflies 1 [ set shield 1 set health 4 set maxhealth health set speed 6 set speedmemory 6 set damage 2 set dmemory damage set shape "dragonfly" set size 3 setxy 18 -24 set color blue set bbudget (bbudget - 3) set selected? true set labelmemory white set flying? true set effectiverange 6 set ermemory effectiverange if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [bselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set bselected?? false]] [set bbudget (bbudget + 3) die] ] ] ] end to rdragonflies if rbudget > 2 [ create-dragonflies 1 [ set shield 1 set health 4 set maxhealth health set speed 6 set speedmemory 6 set damage 2 set dmemory damage set shape "dragonfly" set size 3 setxy 18 -24 set color red set rbudget (rbudget - 3) set selected? true set labelmemory white set flying? true set effectiverange 6 set ermemory effectiverange if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [rselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set rselected?? false]] [set rbudget (rbudget + 3) die] ] ] ] end to bbeetles if bbudget > 9 [ create-beetles 1 [ set shield 1 set health 10 set maxhealth health set speed 0.25 set speedmemory 0.5 set damage 0.25 set dmemory damage set shape "beetle" set size 4 setxy 18 -24 set color blue set bbudget (bbudget - 10) set selected? true set labelmemory white set effectiverange 2 set ermemory 2 if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [bselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set bselected?? false]] [set bbudget (bbudget + 10) die] ] ] ] end to rbeetles if rbudget > 9 [ create-beetles 1 [ set shield 1 set health 10 set maxhealth health set speed 0.25 set speedmemory 0.25 set damage 0.25 set dmemory damage set shape "beetle" set size 4 setxy 18 -24 set color red set rbudget (rbudget - 10) set selected? true set labelmemory white set effectiverange 2 set ermemory 2 if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [rselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set rselected?? false]] [set rbudget (rbudget + 10) die] ] ] ] end to bvenomspitters if bbudget > 4 [ create-venomspitters 1 [ set shield 1 set health 5.5 set maxhealth health set speed 1.5 set speedmemory 1.5 set damage 1.5 set dmemory damage set shape "venomspitter" set size 3 setxy 18 -24 set color blue set bbudget (bbudget - 5) set selected? true set labelmemory white set effectiverange 1.5 set ermemory 1.5 if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [bselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set bselected?? false]] [set bbudget (bbudget + 6) die] ] ] ] end to rvenomspitters if rbudget > 4 [ create-venomspitters 1 [ set shield 1 set health 5.5 set maxhealth health set speed 1.5 set speedmemory 1.5 set damage 1.5 set dmemory damage set shape "venomspitter" set size 3 setxy 18 -24 set color red set rbudget (rbudget - 5) set selected? true set labelmemory white set effectiverange 1.5 set ermemory 1.5 if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [rselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set rselected?? false]] [set rbudget (rbudget + 6) die] ] ] ] end to bgrasshoppers if bbudget > 2 [ create-grasshoppers 1 [ set shield 1 set health 5 set maxhealth health set speed 1 set speedmemory 1 set damage 1.5 set dmemory damage set shape "grasshopper" set size 3 setxy 18 -24 set color blue set bbudget (bbudget - 3) set selected? true set labelmemory white if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [bselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set bselected?? false]] [set bbudget (bbudget + 3) die] ] ] ] end to rgrasshoppers if rbudget > 2 [ create-grasshoppers 1 [ set shield 1 set health 5 set maxhealth health set speed 1 set speedmemory 1 set damage 1.5 set dmemory damage set shape "grasshopper" set size 3 setxy 18 -24 set color red set rbudget (rbudget - 3) set selected? true set labelmemory white if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [rselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set rselected?? false]] [set rbudget (rbudget + 3) die] ] ] ] end to bthornbugs if bbudget > 2 [ create-thornbugs 1 [ set shield 1 set health 3 set maxhealth health set speed 1 set speedmemory 1 set damage 1 set dmemory damage set thorns true set shape "thornbug" set size 3 setxy 18 -24 set color blue set bbudget (bbudget - 3) set selected? true set labelmemory white if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [bselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set bselected?? false]] [set bbudget (bbudget + 2) die] ] ] ] end to rthornbugs if rbudget > 2 [ create-thornbugs 1 [ set shield 1 set health 3 set maxhealth health set speed 1 set speedmemory 1 set damage 1 set dmemory damage set thorns true set shape "thornbug" set size 3 setxy 18 -24 set color red set rbudget (rbudget - 3) set selected? true set labelmemory white if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [rselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set rselected?? false]] [set rbudget (rbudget + 2) die] ] ] ] end to bmantis if bbudget > 7 [ create-mantises 1 [ set shield 1 set health 4.5 set maxhealth health set speed 2 set speedmemory 2 set damage 0.5 set dmemory damage set shape "mantis" set size 4 setxy 18 -24 set color blue set bbudget (bbudget - 8) set selected? true set labelmemory white set effectiverange 3 set ermemory effectiverange if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [bselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set bselected?? false]] [set bbudget (bbudget + 8) die] ] ] ] end to rmantis if rbudget > 7 [ create-mantises 1 [ set shield 1 set health 4.5 set maxhealth health set speed 2 set speedmemory 2 set damage 0.5 set dmemory damage set shape "mantis" set size 4 setxy 18 -24 set color red set rbudget (rbudget - 8) set selected? true set labelmemory white set effectiverange 3 set ermemory effectiverange if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [rselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set rselected?? false]] [set rbudget (rbudget + 8) die] ] ] ] end to bpillbug if bbudget > 3 [ create-pillbugs 1 [ set shield 1 set health 2 set maxhealth health set speed 1 set speedmemory 1 set damage 1 set dmemory damage set shape "pillbug" set size 2.5 setxy 18 -24 set color blue set bbudget (bbudget - 4) set selected? true set labelmemory white set effectiverange 1.5 set ermemory effectiverange if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [bselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set bselected?? false]] [set bbudget (bbudget + 4) die] ] ] ] end to rpillbug if rbudget > 3 [ create-pillbugs 1 [ set shield 1 set health 2 set maxhealth health set speed 1 set speedmemory 1 set damage 1 set dmemory damage set shape "pillbug" set size 2.5 setxy 18 -24 set color red set rbudget (rbudget - 4) set selected? true set labelmemory white set effectiverange 1.5 set ermemory effectiverange if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [rselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set rselected?? false]] [set rbudget (rbudget + 4) die] ] ] ] end to bcicada if bbudget > 4 [ create-cicadas 1 [ set shield 1 set health 5 set maxhealth health set speed 1.5 set speedmemory 1.5 set damage 2 set dmemory damage set shape "cicada" set size 3 setxy 18 -24 set color blue set bbudget (bbudget - 5) set selected? true set labelmemory white set effectiverange 3 set ermemory effectiverange if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [bselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set bselected?? false]] [set bbudget (bbudget + 5) die] ] ] ] end to rcicada if rbudget > 4 [ create-cicadas 1 [ set shield 1 set health 5 set maxhealth health set speed 1.5 set speedmemory 1.5 set damage 2 set dmemory damage set shape "cicada" set size 3 setxy 18 -24 set color red set rbudget (rbudget - 5) set selected? true set labelmemory white set effectiverange 3 set ermemory effectiverange if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [rselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set rselected?? false]] [set rbudget (rbudget + 5) die] ] ] ] end to bwasp if bbudget > 4 [ create-wasps 1 [ set shield 1 set health 3 set maxhealth health set speed 3 set speedmemory 3 set damage 4 set dmemory damage set shape "wasp" set size 3 setxy 18 -24 set color blue set bbudget (bbudget - 5) set selected? true set labelmemory white set flying? true set effectiverange 2 set ermemory effectiverange if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [bselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set bselected?? false]] [set bbudget (bbudget + 5) die] ] ] ] end to rwasp if rbudget > 4 [ create-wasps 1 [ set shield 1 set health 3 set maxhealth health set speed 3 set speedmemory 3 set damage 4 set dmemory damage set shape "wasp" set size 3 setxy 18 -24 set color red set rbudget (rbudget - 5) set selected? true set labelmemory white set flying? true set effectiverange 2 set ermemory effectiverange if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [rselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set rselected?? false]] [set rbudget (rbudget + 5) die] ] ] ] end to bbedbug if bbudget > 2 [ create-bedbugs 1 [ set shield 1 set health 4 set maxhealth health set speed 1 set speedmemory 1 set damage 1 set dmemory damage set shape "bedbug" set size 2 setxy 18 -24 set color blue set bbudget (bbudget - 3) set selected? true set labelmemory white set flying? false set effectiverange 3 set ermemory effectiverange if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [bselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set bselected?? false]] [set bbudget (bbudget + 3) die] ] ] ] end to rbedbug if rbudget > 2 [ create-bedbugs 1 [ set shield 1 set health 4 set maxhealth health set speed 1 set speedmemory 1 set damage 1 set dmemory damage set shape "bedbug" set size 2 setxy 18 -24 set color red set rbudget (rbudget - 3) set selected? true set labelmemory white set flying? false set effectiverange 3 set ermemory effectiverange if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [rselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set rselected?? false]] [set rbudget (rbudget + 3) die] ] ] ] end to bstickbug if bbudget > 4 [ create-stickbug 1 [ set shield 1 set health 4.5 set maxhealth health set speed 1.5 set speedmemory 1.5 set damage 2 set dmemory damage set shape "walkingstick" set size 3.5 setxy 18 -24 set color blue set bbudget (bbudget - 5) set selected? true set labelmemory white set effectiverange 1.5 set ermemory 1.5 if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [bselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set bselected?? false]] [set bbudget (bbudget + 5) die] ] ] ] end to rstickbug if rbudget > 4 [ create-stickbug 1 [ set shield 1 set health 4.5 set maxhealth health set speed 1.5 set speedmemory 1.5 set damage 2 set dmemory damage set shape "walkingstick" set size 3.5 setxy 18 -24 set color red set rbudget (rbudget - 5) set selected? true set labelmemory white set effectiverange 1.5 set ermemory 1.5 if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [rselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set rselected?? false]] [set rbudget (rbudget + 5) die] ] ] ] end to btarantulahawk if bbudget > 8 [ create-tarantulahawks 1 [ set shield 1 set health 5 set maxhealth health set speed 4 set speedmemory 4 set damage 4 set dmemory damage set shape "tarantulahawk" set size 4 setxy 18 -24 set color blue set bbudget (bbudget - 9) set selected? true set labelmemory white set flying? true if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [bselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set bselected?? false]] [set bbudget (bbudget + 9) die] ] ] ] end to rtarantulahawk if rbudget > 8 [ create-tarantulahawks 1 [ set shield 1 set health 5 set maxhealth health set speed 4 set speedmemory 4 set damage 4 set dmemory damage set shape "tarantulahawk" set size 4 setxy 18 -24 set color red set rbudget (rbudget - 9) set selected? true set labelmemory white set flying? true if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [rselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set rselected?? false]] [set rbudget (rbudget + 9) die] ] ] ] end to bscrewworms if bbudget > 6 [ create-screwworms 1 [ set shield 1 set health 4 set maxhealth health set speed 1.5 set speedmemory 1.5 set damage 1.5 set dmemory damage set shape "screwworm" set size 2.5 setxy 18 -24 set color blue set bbudget (bbudget - 7) set selected? true set labelmemory white set flying? true if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [bselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set bselected?? false]] [set bbudget (bbudget + 7) die] ] ] ] end to rscrewworms if rbudget > 6 [ create-screwworms 1 [ set shield 1 set health 4 set maxhealth health set speed 1.5 set speedmemory 1.5 set damage 1.5 set dmemory damage set shape "screwworm" set size 2.5 setxy 18 -24 set color red set rbudget (rbudget - 7) set selected? true set labelmemory white set flying? true if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [rselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [rselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set rselected?? false]] [set rbudget (rbudget + 7) die] ] ] ] end to btermites if bbudget > 3 [ create-termites 1 [ set shield 1 set health 4.5 set maxhealth health set speed 1 set speedmemory 1 set damage 1 set dmemory damage set shape "termite" set size 2.5 setxy 18 -24 set color blue set bbudget (bbudget - 4) set selected? true set labelmemory white if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [bselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set bselected?? false]] [set bbudget (bbudget + 7) die] ] ] ] end to rtermites if rbudget > 3 [ create-termites 1 [ set shield 1 set health 4.5 set maxhealth health set speed 1 set speedmemory 1 set damage 1 set dmemory damage set shape "termite" set size 2.5 setxy 18 -24 set color red set rbudget (rbudget - 4) set selected? true set labelmemory white if gamemode = 2 and (ticks != 1) [ ifelse (count patches with [bselected?? = true]) = 1 [setxy ([pxcor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) ([pycor] of one-of patches with [bselected?? = true]) set selected? false ask patch-here [set bselected?? false]] [set bbudget (bbudget + 7) die] ] ] ] end ;=========================================================================================== to start if ticks = 1 [ ask turtles with [color = blue] [ set heading 0 ] ask turtles with [color = red] [ set heading 180 ] ] every 0.5 [ ask leaves [set hidden? false] ask lleaves [set hidden? false] ask turtles with [building? != true and shape != "energybug" and shape != "leaf 2" and shape != "leaf"] [ set label precision health 2 ] ask patches [ if redweb = true [ set pcolor 19.5 ] if blueweb = true [ set pcolor 109 ] if redweb = true and blueweb = true [ set pcolor 118.5 ] ] ask patches with [redweb = true or blueweb = true] [ set sspawntime (sspawntime - 1) if sspawntime <= 0 [ set redweb false set blueweb false set pcolor colormemory ] ] ;Building Stuff-------------------------------------------------------------------- ask turtles with [building? = true and shape != "chemicalswap"] [ set label health ] ask turtles with [shape = "chemicalswap"] [ set label spawntime ] ask turtles with [building? != true and (not any? (pollen_flowers with [shade-of? color ([color] of self)]) in-radius 6)] [ ask my-links with [shape = "pollon"] [ die ] ] ask turtles with [building? != true and (not any? (health_givers with [shade-of? color ([color] of self)]) in-radius 6)] [ ask my-links with [shape = "healing"] [ die ] ] ;Special Tiles---------------------------------------------------------------------- ask turtles with [flying? = 0] [ set flying? false ] ask antlions [ face min-one-of other turtles [distance myself] ] ask turtles with [shape != "ant"] [ if [color] of self = red and [pcolor] of patch-here = 12 [ hatch 1 [ set size (size / 2) set maxhealth (maxhealth / 4) set health maxhealth right 90 forward 3 left 90 set poisoned? false set label "" ] ask min-one-of patches with [rednest = true and ((count patches with [rednest = true] in-radius 1.5) = 9)] [distance myself] [ ask patches in-radius 1.5 [ set pcolor colormemory ] ] ] if [color] of self = blue and [pcolor] of patch-here = 102 [ hatch 1 [ set size (size / 2) set maxhealth (maxhealth / 4) set health maxhealth right 90 forward 3 left 90 set poisoned? false set label "" ] ask min-one-of patches with [bluenest = true and ((count patches with [bluenest = true] in-radius 1.5) = 9)] [distance myself] [ ask patches in-radius 1.5 [ set pcolor colormemory ] ] ] if any? antlions in-radius 1.5 and [flying?] of self = false [ ask patches in-radius 3 with [pcolor = 47.5] [ set pcolor colormemory ] ask antlions in-radius 1.5 [ die ] die ] ;Status Effects---------------------------------------------------------------------- if poisoned? = true and [shape] of self != "beetle" [set health (health - 0.25) set label-color green set labelmemory green] ;Cicada Ability============================================== ifelse count other cicadas with [color = [color] of myself] > 0 [ ifelse any? other cicadas with [color = ([color] of myself)] in-radius ([effectiverange] of min-one-of other cicadas [distance myself]) [ set effectiverange (ermemory * 2) ] [ set effectiverange ermemory ] ] [ set effectiverange ermemory ] ;Pillbug Ability============================================= ifelse count other pillbugs with [color = [color] of myself] > 0 [ ifelse any? other (pillbugs in-radius ([effectiverange] of min-one-of other pillbugs [distance myself])) with [color = ([color] of myself)] [ set shield 2 set label-color black ] [ set shield 1 set label-color [labelmemory] of self ] ] [ set shield 1 set label-color [labelmemory] of self ] ;Wasp Ability=============================================== ifelse count other wasps with [color = [color] of myself] > 0 [ ifelse any? other (wasps in-radius ([effectiverange] of min-one-of other wasps [distance myself])) with [color = ([color] of myself)] [ set damage (dmemory * 1.5) set label-color (red - 2) ] [ set damage dmemory set label-color [labelmemory] of self ] ] [ set damage dmemory set label-color [labelmemory] of self ] ;Dragonfly Ability================================================== ifelse count other dragonflies with [color = [color] of myself] > 0 [ ifelse any? (dragonflies in-radius ([effectiverange] of min-one-of other dragonflies [distance myself])) with [color = [color] of myself] and ([shape] of self != "dragonfly") [ set speed (speedmemory * 2) set label-color yellow ] [ set speed speedmemory set label-color [labelmemory] of self ] ] [ set speed speedmemory set label-color [labelmemory] of self ] ;Bedbug Ability====================================================== ifelse count other bedbugs with [color = [color] of myself] > 0 [ ifelse any? other (bedbugs in-radius ([effectiverange] of min-one-of other bedbugs [distance myself])) with [color = ([color] of myself)] [ set speed [speed] of one-of (bedbugs in-radius ([effectiverange] of min-one-of other bedbugs [distance myself])) with [color = ([color] of myself)] set label-color grey ] [ set speed speedmemory set label-color [labelmemory] of self ] ] [ set speed speedmemory set label-color [labelmemory] of self ] ;============================Termite Burrows======================================== if size = 1.256 [ die ] if [pcolor] of patch-here = black and flying? = false [ set size 1.256 set speed 0 set speed speedmemory ] ] ask poisons [ set label "" repeat 45 [ forward 1 if any? turtles with [color = [rival] of myself] in-radius effectiverange [ ask turtles with [color = [rival] of myself] in-radius effectiverange [ set poisoned? true ] die ] ] die ] ask blinds [ set label "" repeat 45 [ forward 1 if any? turtles with [color = [rival] of myself] in-radius effectiverange [ ask turtles with [color = [rival] of myself] in-radius effectiverange [ set blindtime (blindtime + 7) ] die ] ] die ] ;========================================================================================== ;======================================FREE FOR ALL======================================== ;========================================================================================== if gamemode = 0 [ ifelse count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 and gamemode = 0 [ if gamemode = 0 [ ;Bugs Nest============================================== ask bugs_nests with [shade-of? color blue] [ set color 104 if ticks = 1 [ set bx xcor set by ycor ] if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime = 0 [ hatch-bugs 1 [ set shield 1 set building? 0 set health 1 set maxhealth health set speed 1 set speedmemory 1 set damage 1 set dmemory damage set shape "bug" set size 1.5 set color blue set labelmemory white ] set health (health - 2) set spawntime 10 ] ] setxy bx by ] ask bugs_nests with [shade-of? color red] [ set color 14 if ticks = 1 [ set bx xcor set by ycor ] if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime = 0 [ hatch-bugs 1 [ set shield 1 set building? 0 set health 1 set maxhealth health set speed 1 set speedmemory 1 set damage 1 set dmemory damage set shape "bug" set size 1.5 set color red set labelmemory white ] set health (health - 2) set spawntime 10 ] ] setxy bx by ] ;Pollen Flowers============================================================= ask pollen_flowers with [shade-of? color blue] [ set color 104 if ticks = 1 [ set bx xcor set by ycor ] if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime = 0 [ set health (health - 1) set spawntime 10 ] create-links-to turtles with [color = red] in-radius 4.5 [ set shape "pollon" set color yellow ] ask turtles with [color = red] in-radius 4.5 [ set blindtime 2 ] ] setxy bx by ] ask pollen_flowers with [shade-of? color red] [ set color 14 if ticks = 1 [ set bx xcor set by ycor ] if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime = 0 [ set health (health - 1) set spawntime 10 ] create-links-to turtles with [color = blue] in-radius 4.5 [ set shape "pollon" set color yellow ] ask turtles with [color = blue] in-radius 4.5 [ set blindtime 2 ] ] setxy bx by ] ;Bug Decoys=============================================== ask bug_decoys with [shade-of? color blue] [ set color 104 if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime = 0 [ set health (health - 1) set spawntime 10 ] ] ] ask bug_decoys with [shade-of? color red] [ set color 14 if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime = 0 [ set health (health - 1) set spawntime 10 ] ] ] ;Health Givers============================================== ask health_givers with [shade-of? color blue] [ face min-one-of turtles with [color = blue] [distance myself] set color 104 if ticks = 1 [ set bx xcor set by ycor ] if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ create-links-to turtles with [color = blue and health < maxhealth] in-radius 6 [ set shape "healing" set color lime ] ask turtles with [color = blue and health < maxhealth] in-radius 6 [ set health (health + 0.5) ask myself [ set health (health - 0.5) ] if health > maxhealth [ set health maxhealth ] ] ] setxy bx by ] ask health_givers with [shade-of? color red] [ face min-one-of turtles with [color = red] [distance myself] set color 14 if ticks = 1 [ set bx xcor set by ycor ] if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ create-links-to turtles with [color = red and health < maxhealth] in-radius 6 [ set shape "healing" set color lime ] ask turtles with [color = red and health < maxhealth] in-radius 6 [ set health (health + 0.5) ask myself [ set health (health - 0.5) ] if health > maxhealth [ set health maxhealth ] ] ] setxy bx by ] ;Chemical Swappers============================================================================== ask chemical_swaps with [shade-of? color blue] [ set color 104 if ticks = 1 [ set bx xcor set by ycor ] if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ if count turtles with [color = red and switching? = true] != 1 [ if any? turtles with [color = red] in-radius 9 [ ask min-one-of turtles with [color = red] in-radius 9 [distance myself] [ set switching? true ] create-links-to turtles with [color = red and switching? = true] [ set color blue set shape "chemical" ] set spawntime ([maxhealth] of one-of turtles with [color = red and switching? = true] * 2) ] ] set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime <= 0 [ ask turtles with [color = red and switching? = true] in-radius 9 [ set color blue set switching? false ask my-links with [shape = "chemical"] [ die ] ] set spawntime 0 ] ] setxy bx by ] ask chemical_swaps with [shade-of? color red] [ set color 14 if ticks = 1 [ set bx xcor set by ycor ] if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ if count turtles with [color = blue and switching? = true] != 1 [ if any? turtles with [color = blue] in-radius 9 [ ask min-one-of turtles with [color = blue] in-radius 9 [distance myself] [ set switching? true ] create-links-to turtles with [color = blue and switching? = true] [ set color red set shape "chemical" ] set spawntime ([maxhealth] of one-of turtles with [color = blue and switching? = true] * 2) ] ] set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime <= 0 [ ask turtles with [color = blue and switching? = true] in-radius 9 [ set color red set switching? false ask my-links with [shape = "chemical"] [ die ] ] set spawntime 0 ] ] setxy bx by ] ;Bugs--------------------------------------------------- ask bugs with [color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ask bugs with [color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Bees------------------------------------------------------------------- ask bees with [color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ repeat speed [ forward 1 if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) / ([speed] of myself)) / shield)) forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] set health (health - ((1 / speed) / shield)) ] ] ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] ] ] ask bees with [color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ repeat speed [ forward 1 if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) / ([speed] of myself)) / shield)) forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] set health (health - ((1 / speed) / shield)) ] ] ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] ] ] ;Ants-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ask ants with [color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ set damage 1 + (0.5 * (count other ants in-radius effectiverange with [color = blue])) set dmemory damage face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ask ants with [color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ set damage 1 + (0.5 * (count other ants in-radius effectiverange with [color = red])) set dmemory damage face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Caterpillars-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ask caterpillars with [color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ask caterpillars with [color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask (turtles in-radius 1) with [color = blue] [ set health (health - ([damage] of myself)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Butterflies----------------------------------------------------------------------- ask butterflies with [color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse any? caterpillars with [color = blue and health < maxhealth] [ face min-one-of caterpillars with [color = blue and health < maxhealth] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? caterpillars with [color = blue] in-radius effectiverange [ ask caterpillars with [color = blue] in-radius effectiverange [ set health (health + 1) if health > 3 [ set health 3] ] ] ] [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ask butterflies with [color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse any? caterpillars with [color = red and health < 3] [ face min-one-of caterpillars with [color = red and health < 3] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? caterpillars with [color = red] in-radius effectiverange [ ask caterpillars with [color = red] in-radius effectiverange [ set health (health + 1) if health > 3 [ set health 3] ] ] ] [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Spiders---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ask spiders with [color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ if random 20 = 1 and count (turtles-on patches with [pcolor != 109]) with [color = red] > 0 [ ask max-one-of (turtles-on patches with [pcolor != 109]) with [color = red] [distance myself] [ ask patches in-radius ([effectiverange] of myself) [ set pcolor 109 set blueweb true set sspawntime 60 ] ] ] face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 set poisoned? true if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ask spiders with [color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ if random 20 = 1 and count (turtles-on patches with [pcolor != 19.5]) with [color = blue] > 0 [ ask max-one-of (turtles-on patches with [pcolor != 19.5]) with [color = blue] [distance myself] [ ask patches in-radius ([effectiverange] of myself) [ set pcolor 19.5 set redweb true set sspawntime 60 ] ] ] face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 set poisoned? true if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Moths------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ask moths with [color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse any? butterflies with [color = red] [ face min-one-of butterflies with [color = red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (butterflies in-radius 1) with [color = red] [ ask one-of (butterflies in-radius 1) with [color = red] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) * 2) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 ] ] ] [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] if health <= 0 [ ask turtles in-radius effectiverange with [color = red and [shape] of self != "beetle"] [ set damage (damage / 2) set dmemory damage set speed (speed / 2) set speedmemory speed set label-color (grey - 2) set labelmemory (grey - 2) set dmemory damage set speedmemory speed ] ] ] ] ask moths with [color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse any? butterflies with [color = blue] [ face min-one-of butterflies with [color = blue] [distance myself] ifelse [BLUEWEB] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (butterflies in-radius 1) with [color = blue] [ ask one-of (butterflies in-radius 1) with [color = blue] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) * 2) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 ] ] ] [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [BLUEWEB] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] if health <= 0 [ ask turtles in-radius effectiverange with [color = blue and [shape] of self != "beetle"] [ set damage (damage / 2) set dmemory damage set speed (speed / 2) set speedmemory speed set label-color (grey - 2) set labelmemory (grey - 2) set dmemory damage set speedmemory speed ] ] ] ] ;Dragonflies------------------------------------------------------------------------- ask dragonflies with [color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ repeat speed [ forward 1 if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) / ([speed] of myself)) / shield)) forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage / 2)) ] ] ] ] ] ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] ] ] ask dragonflies with [color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ repeat speed [ forward 1 if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) / ([speed] of myself)) / shield)) forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] ] ] ;Beetles----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ask beetles with [color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse ramming = true [ set heading facememory ] [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ] forward speed set speed (speed + 0.25) set speedmemory speed set damage speed set dmemory damage if ([pxcor] of patch-here >= 33.9) or ([pycor] of patch-here >= -0.9) or ([pxcor] of patch-here <= 0.9) or ([pycor] of patch-here <= -45.9) and ramming = true [ set ramming false set speed 0.25 set speedmemory speed set damage speed set dmemory damage forward 0 - [damage] of self forward -1 ] if speed > 3 [ set facememory [heading] of self set ramming true ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask (turtles in-radius effectiverange) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward 0 - [damage] of myself forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] if [damage] of self > 3.5 [ forward 0 - [damage] of self forward -1 ] set speed 0.25 set speedmemory speed set damage speed set dmemory damage set ramming false ] ] ] ask beetles with [color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse ramming = true [ set heading facememory ] [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ] forward speed set speed (speed + 0.25) set speedmemory speed set damage speed set dmemory damage if ([pxcor] of patch-here >= 33.9) or ([pycor] of patch-here >= -0.9) or ([pxcor] of patch-here <= 0.9) or ([pycor] of patch-here <= -45.9) and ramming = true [ set ramming false set speed 0.25 set speedmemory speed set damage speed set dmemory damage forward -2 forward -1 ] if speed > 3 [ set facememory [heading] of self set ramming true ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask (turtles in-radius effectiverange) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward 0 - [damage] of myself forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] if [damage] of self > 3.5 [ forward 0 - [damage] of self forward -1 ] set speed 0.25 set speedmemory speed set damage speed set dmemory damage set ramming false ] ] ] ;Venom Spitters------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ask venomspitters with [color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse any? turtles with [color = red and poisoned? = true] [ face min-one-of turtles with [color = red and poisoned? = true] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [color = red and poisoned? = true] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [color = red and poisoned? = true] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] hatch-poisons 1 [ set label "" set rival red set color 52 set ermemory effectiverange set size 1 face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ] ] ] ] ask venomspitters with [color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse any? turtles with [color = blue and poisoned? = true] [ face min-one-of turtles with [color = blue and poisoned? = true] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [color = blue and poisoned? = true] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [color = blue and poisoned? = true] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] hatch-poisons 1 [ set label "" set rival blue set color 52 set ermemory effectiverange set size 1 face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ] ] ] ] ;Grasshoppers---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ask grasshoppers with [color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse [distance myself] of (min-one-of turtles with [color = red] [distance myself]) > 12 [ set speed 12 ] [ set speed speedmemory ] face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage / 2)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ask grasshoppers with [color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse [distance myself] of (min-one-of turtles with [color = blue] [distance myself]) > 12 [ set speed 12 ] [ set speed speedmemory ] face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Thorn Bugs--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ask thornbugs with [color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ask thornbugs with [color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Mantises--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ask mantises with [color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [distance myself] of (min-one-of turtles with [color = red] [distance myself]) < 7 and speed < ([distance myself] of min-one-of turtles with [color = red] [distance myself]) [ set speed (speed + 1) set speedmemory speed set damage (damage + 1) set dmemory damage ] [ ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed - 1 set speed 2 ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] set speed 2 set speedmemory speed set damage 1 set dmemory damage ] ] if any? turtles with [color = red and health <= 0] in-radius 3 [ ask one-of turtles with [color = red and health <= 0] in-radius 3 [ ask turtles with [color = blue] in-radius 6 [ set health health + (1 + (([maxhealth] of one-of (turtles with [color = red and health <= 0] in-radius 6) / (count turtles with [color = blue] in-radius 6)))) if health > maxhealth [ set health maxhealth ] ] ] ] ] ] ask mantises with [color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [distance myself] of (min-one-of turtles with [color = blue] [distance myself]) < 7 and speed < ([distance myself] of min-one-of turtles with [color = blue] [distance myself]) [ set speed (speed + 1) set speedmemory speed set damage (damage + 1) set dmemory damage ] [ ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed - 1 set speed 2 ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] set speed 2 set speedmemory speed set damage 1 set dmemory damage ] ] if any? turtles with [color = blue and health <= 0] in-radius 3 [ ask one-of turtles with [color = blue and health <= 0] in-radius 3 [ ask turtles with [color = red] in-radius 6 [ set health health + (1 + (([maxhealth] of one-of (turtles with [color = blue and health <= 0] in-radius 6) / (count turtles with [color = red] in-radius 6)))) if health > maxhealth [ set health maxhealth ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Pillbug---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ask pillbugs with [color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ask pillbugs with [color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Cicadas----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ask cicadas with [color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ask cicadas with [color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Wasps----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ask wasps with [color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ repeat speed [ forward 1 if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) / ([speed] of myself)) / shield)) forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] ] ] ask wasps with [color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ repeat speed [ forward 1 if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) / ([speed] of myself)) / shield)) forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] ] ] ;Bedbugs------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ask bedbugs with [color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ask bedbugs with [color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Walking Sticks-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ask stickbug with [color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse any? turtles with [color = red] and (random 15 != 1) [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] [ face one-of turtles with [color = red] with-max [damage] hatch-blinds 1 [ set rival red set color brown set ermemory effectiverange set size 1 set heading [heading] of myself ] ] ] ] ask stickbug with [color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse any? turtles with [color = blue] and (random 15 != 1) [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] [ face one-of turtles with [color = blue] with-max [damage] hatch-blinds 1 [ set rival blue set color brown set ermemory effectiverange set size 1 set heading [heading] of myself ] ] ] ] ;Tarantula Hawks------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ask tarantulahawks with [color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ repeat speed [ forward 1 if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) / ([speed] of myself)) / shield)) if [shape] of self != "beetle" [ set poisoned? true set effectiverange 0 set ermemory 0 ] set paralyzetime (paralyzetime + 1) forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] ] ] ask tarantulahawks with [color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ repeat speed [ forward 1 if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) / ([speed] of myself)) / shield)) if [shape] of self != "beetle" [ set poisoned? true set effectiverange 0 set ermemory 0 ] set paralyzetime (paralyzetime + 1) forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] ] ] ;Screwworm Flies-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ask screwworms with [color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) set poisoned? true set bhost? true forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ask screwworms with [color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) set poisoned? true set rhost? true forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ask larvaes with [color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime <= 0 [ hatch-screwworms 1 [ set shield 1 set health 4 set maxhealth health set speed 1.5 set speedmemory 1.5 set damage 1.5 set dmemory damage set shape "screwworm" set size 3 set color blue set flying? true ] die ] face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ask larvaes with [color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime <= 0 [ hatch-screwworms 1 [ set shield 1 set health 4 set maxhealth health set speed 1.5 set speedmemory 1.5 set damage 1.5 set dmemory damage set shape "screwworm" set size 3 set color red set flying? true ] die ] face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Termites----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ask termites with [color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] if ((not any? patches with ([nobody = true]) in-radius 3) and (any? (turtles-on patch-ahead 2) with [color = red]) and (not any? (patches with [pcolor = black]) in-radius 3)) [ ask patch-ahead 3 [ ask patches in-radius 1 with [center? = true] [ ask patches in-radius 1.5 [ set pcolor black ] ] ] ] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ifelse building? != true [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) ] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) / shield)) * 4) ] forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ask termites with [color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black)] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] if ((not any? patches with ([nobody = true]) in-radius 3) and (any? (turtles-on patch-ahead 2) with [color = blue]) and (not any? (patches with [pcolor = black]) in-radius 3)) [ ask patch-ahead 3 [ ask patches in-radius 1 with [center? = true] [ ask patches in-radius 1.5 [ set pcolor black ] ] ] ] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ifelse building? != true [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) ] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) / shield)) * 4) ] forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ask turtles with [blindtime > 0] [ left random 90 right random 90 forward speed set blindtime (blindtime - 1) ] ask turtles with [paralyzetime > 0] [ set paralyzetime (paralyzetime - 1) ] ask turtles with [(patch-ahead speed = nobody) or ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) = black) and (color = blue) and flying? = false] [ right 135 forward speed ] ask turtles with [(patch-ahead speed = nobody) or ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) = black) and (color = red) and flying? = false] [ left 135 forward speed ] ask turtles with [health <= 0] [ if bhost? = true [ hatch-larvaes 1 [ set shield 1 set health 1.5 set maxhealth health set speed 1 set speedmemory 1 set damage 1 set dmemory damage set shape "larvae" set size 2 set color blue set label-color white set labelmemory white set poisoned? false set flying? true set spawntime 20 set bhost? false ] ] if rhost? = true [ hatch-larvaes 1 [ set shield 1 set health 1.5 set maxhealth health set speed 1 set speedmemory 1 set damage 1 set dmemory damage set shape "larvae" set size 2 set color red set label-color white set labelmemory white set poisoned? false set flying? true set spawntime 20 set rhost? false ] ] die ] ] ] [ if count turtles with [color = red] = 0 [ print "BLUE WINS" stop ] if count turtles with [color = blue] = 0 [ print "RED WINS" stop ] ] ] ;==================================================================================================== ;==========================================NEST DESTROYER============================================ ;==================================================================================================== if gamemode = 1 [ ifelse count nests = 2 and gamemode = 1 [ if gamemode = 1 [ ask nests with [color = blue] [ set color 103 set label health ] ask nests with [color = red] [ set color 13 set label health ] ask turtles with [color = red] [ set nestnumber 2 ] ask turtles with [color = blue] [ set nestnumber 1 ] ask turtles with [recovering? = true] [ setxy ([xcor] of one-of nests with [nestnumber = [nestnumber] of myself]) ([ycor] of one-of nests with [nestnumber = [nestnumber] of myself]) set health (health + 1) set paralyzetime 10 if health >= maxhealth [ set recovering? false ] ] ;Bugs Nest============================================== ask bugs_nests with [shade-of? color blue] [ set color 104 if ticks = 1 [ set bx xcor set by ycor ] if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime = 0 [ hatch-bugs 1 [ set shield 1 set building? 0 set health 1 set maxhealth health set speed 1 set speedmemory 1 set damage 1 set dmemory damage set shape "bug" set size 1.5 set color blue set labelmemory white ] set health (health - 2) set spawntime 10 ] ] setxy bx by ] ask bugs_nests with [shade-of? color red] [ set color 14 if ticks = 1 [ set bx xcor set by ycor ] if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime = 0 [ hatch-bugs 1 [ set shield 1 set building? 0 set health 1 set maxhealth health set speed 1 set speedmemory 1 set damage 1 set dmemory damage set shape "bug" set size 1.5 set color red set labelmemory white ] set health (health - 2) set spawntime 10 ] ] setxy bx by ] ;Pollen Flowers============================================================= ask pollen_flowers with [shade-of? color blue] [ set color 104 if ticks = 1 [ set bx xcor set by ycor ] if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime = 0 [ set health (health - 1) set spawntime 10 ] create-links-to turtles with [color = red] in-radius 4.5 ask turtles with [color = red] in-radius 4.5 [ set blindtime 2 ] ] setxy bx by ] ask pollen_flowers with [shade-of? color red] [ set color 14 if ticks = 1 [ set bx xcor set by ycor ] if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime = 0 [ set health (health - 1) set spawntime 10 ] create-links-to turtles with [color = blue] in-radius 4.5 ask turtles with [color = blue] in-radius 4.5 [ set blindtime 2 ] ] setxy bx by ] ;Bug Decoys============================================================ ask bug_decoys with [shade-of? color blue] [ set color 104 if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime = 0 [ set health (health - 1) set spawntime 10 ] ] ] ask bug_decoys with [shade-of? color red] [ set color 14 if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime = 0 [ set health (health - 1) set spawntime 10 ] ] ] ;Health Givers===================================================================== ask health_givers with [shade-of? color blue] [ face min-one-of turtles with [color = blue] [distance myself] set color 104 if ticks = 1 [ set bx xcor set by ycor ] if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ create-links-to turtles with [color = blue and health < maxhealth] in-radius 6 [ set shape "healing" set color lime ] ask turtles with [color = blue and health < maxhealth] in-radius 6 [ set health (health + 0.5) ask myself [ set health (health - 0.5) ] if health > maxhealth [ set health maxhealth ] ] ] setxy bx by ] ask health_givers with [shade-of? color red] [ face min-one-of turtles with [color = red] [distance myself] set color 14 if ticks = 1 [ set bx xcor set by ycor ] if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ create-links-to turtles with [color = red and health < maxhealth] in-radius 6 [ set shape "healing" set color lime ] ask turtles with [color = red and health < maxhealth] in-radius 6 [ set health (health + 0.5) ask myself [ set health (health - 0.5) ] if health > maxhealth [ set health maxhealth ] ] ] setxy bx by ] ;Chemical Swappers============================================================================== ask chemical_swaps with [shade-of? color blue] [ set color 104 if ticks = 1 [ set bx xcor set by ycor ] if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ if count turtles with [color = red and switching? = true] != 1 [ if any? turtles with [color = red] in-radius 9 [ ask min-one-of turtles with [color = red] in-radius 9 [distance myself] [ set switching? true ] create-links-to turtles with [color = red and switching? = true] [ set color blue set shape "chemical" ] set spawntime ([maxhealth] of one-of turtles with [color = red and switching? = true] * 3) ] ] set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime <= 0 [ ask turtles with [color = red and switching? = true] in-radius 9 [ set color blue set switching? false ask my-links with [shape = "chemical"] [ die ] ] set spawntime 0 ] ] setxy bx by ] ask chemical_swaps with [shade-of? color red] [ set color 14 if ticks = 1 [ set bx xcor set by ycor ] if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ if count turtles with [color = blue and switching? = true] != 1 [ if any? turtles with [color = blue] in-radius 9 [ ask min-one-of turtles with [color = blue] in-radius 9 [distance myself] [ set switching? true ] create-links-to turtles with [color = blue and switching? = true] [ set color red set shape "chemical" ] set spawntime ([maxhealth] of one-of turtles with [color = blue and switching? = true] * 3) ] ] set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime <= 0 [ ask turtles with [color = blue and switching? = true] in-radius 9 [ set color red set switching? false ask my-links with [shape = "chemical"] [ die ] ] set spawntime 0 ] ] setxy bx by ] ;========================================================================== ask turtles with [shape != "nest" and shape != "ant"] [ ifelse any? turtles with [(color != [color] of myself) and (shape != "nest")] in-radius 9 and (not any? nests with [nestnumber != [nestnumber] of myself] in-radius 9) [ if shape = "bug" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] if shape = "bug" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Bees------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "bee 2" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ repeat speed [ forward 1 if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) / ([speed] of myself)) / shield)) forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] set health (health - ((1 / speed) / shield)) ] ] ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] ] ] if shape = "bee 2" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ repeat speed [ forward 1 if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) / ([speed] of myself)) / shield)) forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] set health (health - ((1 / speed) / shield)) ] ] ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] ] ] ;Ants-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "ant 2" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ set damage 1 + (0.5 * (count other ants in-radius effectiverange with [color = blue])) set dmemory damage face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] if shape = "ant 2" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ set damage 1 + (0.5 * (count other ants in-radius effectiverange with [color = red])) set dmemory damage face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Caterpillars-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "caterpillar" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] if shape = "caterpillar" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask (turtles in-radius 1) with [color = blue] [ set health (health - 1) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Butterflies----------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "butterfly" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse any? caterpillars with [color = blue and health < 3] [ face min-one-of caterpillars with [color = blue and health < 3] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? caterpillars with [color = blue] in-radius effectiverange [ ask caterpillars with [color = blue] in-radius effectiverange [ set health (health + 1) if health > 3 [ set health 3] ] ] ] [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ] if shape = "butterfly" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse any? caterpillars with [color = red and health < 3] [ face min-one-of caterpillars with [color = red and health < 3] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? caterpillars with [color = red] in-radius effectiverange [ ask caterpillars with [color = red] in-radius effectiverange [ set health (health + 1) if health > 3 [ set health 3] ] ] ] [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Spiders---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "spider" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ if random 20 = 1 and count (turtles-on patches with [pcolor != 109]) with [color = red] > 0 [ ask max-one-of (turtles-on patches with [pcolor != 109]) with [color = red] [distance myself] [ ask patches in-radius ([effectiverange] of myself) [ set pcolor 109 set blueweb true set sspawntime 60 ] ] ] face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 set poisoned? true if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] if shape = "spider" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ if random 20 = 1 and count (turtles-on patches with [pcolor != 19.5]) with [color = blue] > 0 [ ask max-one-of (turtles-on patches with [pcolor != 19.5]) with [color = blue] [distance myself] [ ask patches in-radius ([effectiverange] of myself) [ set pcolor 19.5 set redweb true set sspawntime 60 ] ] ] face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 set poisoned? true if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Moths------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "butterfly 2" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse any? butterflies with [color = red] [ face min-one-of butterflies with [color = red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (butterflies in-radius 1) with [color = red] [ ask one-of (butterflies in-radius 1) with [color = red] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) * 2) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 ] ] ] [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] if health <= 0 [ ask turtles in-radius effectiverange with [color = red and [shape] of self != "beetle"] [ set damage (damage / 2) set speed (speed / 2) set label-color (grey - 2) set labelmemory (grey - 2) set dmemory damage set speedmemory speed ] ] ] ] if shape = "butterfly 2" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse any? butterflies with [color = blue] [ face min-one-of butterflies with [color = blue] [distance myself] ifelse [BLUEWEB] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (butterflies in-radius 1) with [color = blue] [ ask one-of (butterflies in-radius 1) with [color = blue] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) * 2) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 ] ] ] [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [BLUEWEB] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] if health <= 0 [ ask turtles in-radius effectiverange with [color = blue and [shape] of self != "beetle"] [ set damage (damage / 2) set speed (speed / 2) set label-color (grey - 2) set labelmemory (grey - 2) set dmemory damage set speedmemory speed ] ] ] ] ;Dragonflies------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "dragonfly" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ repeat speed [ forward 1 if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) / ([speed] of myself)) / shield)) forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage / 2)) ] ] ] ] ] ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] ] ] if shape = "dragonfly" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ repeat speed [ forward 1 if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) / ([speed] of myself)) / shield)) forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] ] ] ;Beetles----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "beetle" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse ramming = true [ set heading facememory ] [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ] forward speed set speed (speed + 0.25) set speedmemory speed set damage speed set dmemory damage if ([pxcor] of patch-here >= 33.9) or ([pycor] of patch-here >= -0.9) or ([pxcor] of patch-here <= 0.9) or ([pycor] of patch-here <= -45.9) and ramming = true [ set ramming false set speed 0.25 set speedmemory speed set damage speed set dmemory damage forward 0 - [damage] of self forward -1 ] if speed > 3 [ set facememory [heading] of self set ramming true ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask (turtles in-radius effectiverange) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward 0 - [damage] of myself forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] if [damage] of self > 3.5 [ forward 0 - [damage] of self forward -1 ] set speed 0.25 set speedmemory speed set damage speed set dmemory damage set ramming false ] ] ] if shape = "beetle" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse ramming = true [ set heading facememory ] [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ] forward speed set speed (speed + 0.25) set speedmemory speed set damage speed set dmemory damage if ([pxcor] of patch-here >= 33.9) or ([pycor] of patch-here >= -0.9) or ([pxcor] of patch-here <= 0.9) or ([pycor] of patch-here <= -45.9) and ramming = true [ set ramming false set speed 0.25 set speedmemory speed set damage speed set dmemory damage forward -2 forward -1 ] if speed > 3 [ set facememory [heading] of self set ramming true ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask (turtles in-radius effectiverange) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward 0 - [damage] of myself forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] if [damage] of self > 3.5 [ forward 0 - [damage] of self forward -1 ] set speed 0.25 set speedmemory speed set damage speed set dmemory damage set ramming false ] ] ] ;Venom Spitters------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if shape = "venomspitter" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse any? turtles with [color = red and poisoned? = true] [ face min-one-of turtles with [color = red and poisoned? = true] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [color = red and poisoned? = true] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [color = red and poisoned? = true] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] hatch-poisons 1 [ set label "" set rival red set color 52 set ermemory effectiverange set size 1 face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ] ] ] ] if shape = "venomspitter" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse any? turtles with [color = blue and poisoned? = true] [ face min-one-of turtles with [color = blue and poisoned? = true] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [color = blue and poisoned? = true] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [color = blue and poisoned? = true] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] hatch-poisons 1 [ set label "" set rival blue set color 52 set ermemory effectiverange set size 1 face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ] ] ] ] ;Grasshoppers---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "grasshopper" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse [distance myself] of (min-one-of turtles with [color = red] [distance myself]) > 12 [ set speed 12 ] [ set speed speedmemory ] face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage / 2)) ] ] ] ] ] ] if shape = "grasshopper" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse [distance myself] of (min-one-of turtles with [color = blue] [distance myself]) > 12 [ set speed 12 ] [ set speed speedmemory ] face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Thorn Bugs--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "thornbug" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] if shape = "thornbug" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Mantises--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "mantis" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [distance myself] of (min-one-of turtles with [color = red] [distance myself]) < 7 and speed < ([distance myself] of min-one-of turtles with [color = red] [distance myself]) [ set speed (speed + 1) set speedmemory speed set damage (damage + 1) set dmemory damage ] [ ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed - 1 set speed 2 ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] set speed 2 set speedmemory speed set damage 1 set dmemory damage ] ] if any? turtles with [color = red and health <= 0] in-radius 3 [ ask one-of turtles with [color = red and health <= 0] in-radius 3 [ ask turtles with [color = blue] in-radius 6 [ set health health + (1 + (([maxhealth] of one-of (turtles with [color = red and health <= 0] in-radius 6) / (count turtles with [color = blue] in-radius 6)))) if health > maxhealth [ set health maxhealth ] ] ] ] ] ] if shape = "mantis" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [distance myself] of (min-one-of turtles with [color = blue] [distance myself]) < 7 and speed < ([distance myself] of min-one-of turtles with [color = blue] [distance myself]) [ set speed (speed + 1) set speedmemory speed set damage (damage + 1) set dmemory damage ] [ ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed - 1 set speed 2 ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] set speed 2 set speedmemory speed set damage 1 set dmemory damage ] ] if any? turtles with [color = blue and health <= 0] in-radius 3 [ ask one-of turtles with [color = blue and health <= 0] in-radius 3 [ ask turtles with [color = red] in-radius 6 [ set health health + (1 + (([maxhealth] of one-of (turtles with [color = blue and health <= 0] in-radius 6) / (count turtles with [color = red] in-radius 6)))) if health > maxhealth [ set health maxhealth ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Pillbug---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "pillbug" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] if shape = "pillbug" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Cicadas----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "cicada" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] if shape = "cicada" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Wasps----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "wasp" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ repeat speed [ forward 1 if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) / ([speed] of myself)) / shield)) forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] ] ] if shape = "wasp" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ repeat speed [ forward 1 if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) / ([speed] of myself)) / shield)) forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] ] ] ;Bedbugs------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "bedbug" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] if shape = "bedbug" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Walking Sticks-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "walkingstick" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse any? turtles with [color = red] and (random 20 != 1) [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] [ face one-of turtles with [color = red] with-max [damage] hatch-blinds 1 [ set rival red set color brown set ermemory effectiverange set size 1 set heading [heading] of myself ] ] ] ] if shape = "walkingstick" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse any? turtles with [color = blue] and (random 20 != 1) [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] [ face one-of turtles with [color = blue] with-max [damage] hatch-blinds 1 [ set rival blue set color brown set ermemory effectiverange set size 1 set heading [heading] of myself ] ] ] ] ;Tarantula Hawks------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "tarantulahawk" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ repeat speed [ forward 1 if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) / ([speed] of myself)) / shield)) if [shape] of self != "beetle" [ set poisoned? true set effectiverange 0 set ermemory 0 ] set paralyzetime (paralyzetime + 1) forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] ] ] if shape = "tarantulahawk" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ repeat speed [ forward 1 if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) / ([speed] of myself)) / shield)) if [shape] of self != "beetle" [ set poisoned? true set effectiverange 0 set ermemory 0 ] set paralyzetime (paralyzetime + 1) forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] ] ] ;Screwworms------------------------------------------------------------------------ if shape = "screwworm" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) set poisoned? true set bhost? true forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] if shape = "screwworm" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) set poisoned? true set rhost? true forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] if shape = "larvae" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime <= 0 [ hatch-screwworms 1 [ set shield 1 set health 4 set maxhealth health set speed 1.5 set speedmemory 1.5 set damage 1.5 set dmemory damage set shape "screwworm" set size 3 set color blue set flying? true ] die ] face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] if shape = "larvae" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime <= 0 [ hatch-screwworms 1 [ set shield 1 set health 4 set maxhealth health set speed 1.5 set speedmemory 1.5 set damage 1.5 set dmemory damage set shape "screwworm" set size 3 set color red set flying? true ] die ] face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Termites------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "termite" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] if ((not any? patches with ([nobody = true]) in-radius 3) and (any? (turtles-on patch-ahead 2) with [color = red]) and (not any? (patches with [pcolor = black]) in-radius 3)) [ ask patch-ahead 3 [ ask patches in-radius 1 with [center? = true] [ ask patches in-radius 1.5 [ set pcolor black ] ] ] ] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ifelse building? != true [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) ] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) / shield)) * 4) ] forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] if shape = "termite" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] if ((not any? patches with ([nobody = true]) in-radius 3) and (any? (turtles-on patch-ahead 2) with [color = blue]) and (not any? (patches with [pcolor = black]) in-radius 3)) [ ask patch-ahead 3 [ ask patches in-radius 1 with [center? = true] [ ask patches in-radius 1.5 [ set pcolor black ] ] ] ] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ifelse building? != true [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) ] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) / shield)) * 4) ] forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ;------------ ] [ ;================= if any? nests with [nestnumber != [nestnumber] of myself] in-radius 4 [ ask nests with [nestnumber != [nestnumber] of myself] [ set health (health - [damage] of myself) ] ask self [ forward 0 - speed forward -1 if shape = "mantis" [ set speed 2 set speedmemory speed set damage 1 set dmemory damage ] if shape = "beetle" [ set speed 0.25 set speedmemory speed set damage speed set dmemory damage set ramming false ] ] ] if [color] of self = blue [ face one-of nests with [color = 13] ] if [color] of self = red [ face one-of nests with [color = 103] ] ifelse shape != "mantis" [ forward speed ] [ forward speed - 1 ] ] ] ;Grasshoppers---------- ask grasshoppers [ ifelse not any? turtles with [shade-of? [color] of self [color] of myself = false] in-radius 9 [ set speed 12 ] [ set speed speedmemory ] ] ;Spiders-------------------- ask spiders with [color = blue] [ if random 20 = 1 and count (turtles-on patches with [pcolor != 109]) with [color = red] > 0 [ ask max-one-of (turtles-on patches with [pcolor != 109]) with [color = red] [distance myself] [ ask patches in-radius ([effectiverange] of myself) [ set pcolor 109 set blueweb true set sspawntime 60 ] ] ] ] ask spiders with [color = red] [ if random 20 = 1 and count (turtles-on patches with [pcolor != 19.5]) with [color = blue] > 0 [ ask max-one-of (turtles-on patches with [pcolor != 19.5]) with [color = blue] [distance myself] [ ask patches in-radius ([effectiverange] of myself) [ set pcolor 19.5 set redweb true set sspawntime 60 ] ] ] ] ;Venom Spitters--- ask venomspitters with [color = blue] [ if count turtles with [color = red and poisoned? = true] = 0 [ if count turtles with [color = red] >= 1 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] hatch-poisons 1 [ set label "" set rival red set color 52 set ermemory effectiverange set size 1 face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ] ] ] ] ask venomspitters with [color = red] [ if count turtles with [color = blue and poisoned? = true] = 0 [ if count turtles with [color = blue] >= 1 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] hatch-poisons 1 [ set label "" set rival blue set color 52 set ermemory effectiverange set size 1 face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ] ] ] ] ;Beetles---------- ask beetles [ set speed (speed + 0.25) set speedmemory speed set damage speed set dmemory damage if speed > 3 [ set facememory [heading] of self set ramming true ] ] ;Walking Stick---- ask stickbug with [color = blue] [ if random 20 = 1 and (count turtles with [color = red] > 0) [ face one-of turtles with [color = red] with-max [damage] hatch-blinds 1 [ set rival red set color brown set ermemory effectiverange set size 1 set heading [heading] of myself ] ] ] ask stickbug with [color = red] [ if random 20 = 1 and (count turtles with [color = red] > 0) [ face one-of turtles with [color = blue] with-max [damage] hatch-blinds 1 [ set rival blue set color brown set ermemory effectiverange set size 1 set heading [heading] of myself ] ] ] ask larvaes with [color = blue] [ set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime <= 0 [ hatch-screwworms 1 [ set shield 1 set health 4 set maxhealth health set speed 1.5 set speedmemory 1.5 set damage 1.5 set dmemory damage set shape "screwworm" set size 2.5 set color blue set flying? true ] die ] ] ask larvaes with [color = red] [ set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime <= 0 [ hatch-screwworms 1 [ set shield 1 set health 4 set maxhealth health set speed 1.5 set speedmemory 1.5 set damage 1.5 set dmemory damage set shape "screwworm" set size 2.5 set color red set flying? true ] die ] ] ;================= ] ask turtles with [blindtime > 0] [ left random 90 right random 90 forward speed set blindtime (blindtime - 1) ] ask turtles with [paralyzetime > 0] [ set paralyzetime (paralyzetime - 1) ] ask turtles with [(patch-ahead speed = nobody) or ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) = black) and (color = blue) and flying? = false] [ right 135 forward speed ] ask turtles with [(patch-ahead speed = nobody) or ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) = black) and (color = red) and flying? = false] [ left 135 forward speed ] ask turtles with [shape != "nest"] [ if (health <= 0) [ ask nests with [nestnumber = [nestnumber] of myself] [ ifelse count turtles with [recovering? = true and nestnumber = [nestnumber] of myself] = 0 [ ask myself [ setxy ([xcor] of one-of nests with [nestnumber = [nestnumber] of myself]) ([ycor] of one-of nests with [nestnumber = [nestnumber] of myself]) set paralyzetime 10 set recovering? true ] ] [ ask myself [ if bhost? = true [ hatch-larvaes 1 [ set shield 1 set health 1.5 set maxhealth health set speed 1 set speedmemory 1 set damage 1 set dmemory damage set shape "larvae" set size 2 set color blue set poisoned? false set label-color white set labelmemory white set poisoned? false set flying? true set spawntime 20 set bhost? false ] ] if rhost? = true [ hatch-larvaes 1 [ set shield 1 set health 1.5 set maxhealth health set speed 1 set speedmemory 1 set damage 1 set dmemory damage set shape "larvae" set size 2 set color red set poisoned? false set label-color white set labelmemory white set poisoned? false set flying? true set spawntime 20 set bhost? false ] ] die ] ] ] ] ] ask nests [ if health <= 0 [ die ] ] ] [ if count nests with [color = 13] = 0 [ print "BLUE WINS" stop ] if count nests with [color = 103] = 0 [ print "RED WINS" stop ] ] ] ;===================================================================================== ;=================================ENERGY BUGS========================================= ;===================================================================================== if gamemode = 2 [ ask points with [color = blue] [ set color violet ] ask points with [color = red] [ set color orange ] ;Bugs Nest============================================== ask bugs_nests with [shade-of? color blue] [ set color 104 if ticks = 1 [ set bx xcor set by ycor ] if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime = 0 [ hatch-bugs 1 [ set shield 1 set building? 0 set health 1 set maxhealth health set speed 1 set speedmemory 1 set damage 1 set dmemory damage set shape "bug" set size 1.5 set color blue set label "" set labelmemory white set building? 0 ] set health (health - 2) set spawntime 10 ] ] setxy bx by ] ask bugs_nests with [shade-of? color red] [ set color 14 if ticks = 1 [ set bx xcor set by ycor ] if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime = 0 [ hatch-bugs 1 [ set shield 1 set building? 0 set health 1 set maxhealth health set speed 1 set speedmemory 1 set damage 1 set dmemory damage set shape "bug" set size 1.5 set color red set label "" set labelmemory white set building? 0 ] set health (health - 2) set spawntime 10 ] ] setxy bx by ] ;Pollen Flowers============================================================= ask pollen_flowers with [shade-of? color blue] [ set color 104 if ticks = 1 [ set bx xcor set by ycor ] if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime = 0 [ set health (health - 1) set spawntime 10 ] create-links-to turtles with [color = red] in-radius 4.5 ask turtles with [color = red] in-radius 4.5 [ set blindtime 2 ] ] setxy bx by ] ask pollen_flowers with [shade-of? color red] [ set color 14 if ticks = 1 [ set bx xcor set by ycor ] if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime = 0 [ set health (health - 1) set spawntime 10 ] create-links-to turtles with [color = blue] in-radius 4.5 ask turtles with [color = blue] in-radius 4.5 [ set blindtime 2 ] ] setxy bx by ] ;Bug Decoys============================================================ ask bug_decoys with [shade-of? color blue] [ set color 104 if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime = 0 [ set health (health - 1) set spawntime 10 ] ] ] ask bug_decoys with [shade-of? color red] [ set color 14 if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime = 0 [ set health (health - 1) set spawntime 10 ] ] ] ;Health Givers===================================================================== ask health_givers with [shade-of? color blue] [ if count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [color = blue] [distance myself] ] set color 104 if ticks = 1 [ set bx xcor set by ycor ] if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ create-links-to turtles with [color = blue and health < maxhealth] in-radius 6 [ set shape "healing" set color lime ] ask turtles with [color = blue and health < maxhealth] in-radius 6 [ set health (health + 0.5) ask myself [ set health (health - 0.5) ] if health > maxhealth [ set health maxhealth ] ] ] setxy bx by ] ask health_givers with [shade-of? color red] [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [color = red] [distance myself] ] set color 14 if ticks = 1 [ set bx xcor set by ycor ] if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ create-links-to turtles with [color = red and health < maxhealth] in-radius 6 [ set shape "healing" set color lime ] ask turtles with [color = red and health < maxhealth] in-radius 6 [ set health (health + 0.5) ask myself [ set health (health - 0.5) ] if health > maxhealth [ set health maxhealth ] ] ] setxy bx by ] ;Chemical Swappers============================================================================== ask chemical_swaps with [shade-of? color blue] [ set color 104 if ticks = 1 [ set bx xcor set by ycor ] if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ if count turtles with [color = red and switching? = true] != 1 [ if any? turtles with [color = red] in-radius 9 [ ask min-one-of turtles with [color = red] in-radius 9 [distance myself] [ set switching? true ] create-links-to turtles with [color = red and switching? = true] [ set color blue set shape "chemical" ] set spawntime ([maxhealth] of one-of turtles with [color = red and switching? = true] * 3) ] ] set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime <= 0 [ ask turtles with [color = red and switching? = true] in-radius 9 [ set color blue set switching? false ask my-links with [shape = "chemical"] [ die ] ] set spawntime 0 ] ] setxy bx by ] ask chemical_swaps with [shade-of? color red] [ set color 14 if ticks = 1 [ set bx xcor set by ycor ] if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ if count turtles with [color = blue and switching? = true] != 1 [ if any? turtles with [color = blue] in-radius 9 [ ask min-one-of turtles with [color = blue] in-radius 9 [distance myself] [ set switching? true ] create-links-to turtles with [color = blue and switching? = true] [ set color red set shape "chemical" ] set spawntime ([maxhealth] of one-of turtles with [color = blue and switching? = true] * 3) ] ] set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime <= 0 [ ask turtles with [color = blue and switching? = true] in-radius 9 [ set color red set switching? false ask my-links with [shape = "chemical"] [ die ] ] set spawntime 0 ] ] setxy bx by ] ;========================================================================== ;GAMEMODE CONSTANTS================================================================================================ ask patches with [(plabel != "") and ((rselected?? = true) or (bselected?? = true))] [ set plabel-color black ] ask patches with [(plabel != "") and ((rselected?? != true) and (bselected?? != true))] [ set plabel-color white ] ifelse (count points with [color = violet] > 0) and (count points with [color = orange] > 0) and gamemode = 2 [ set rgen (rgen - 1) set bgen (bgen - 1) if rgen <= 0 [ repeat (count points with [color = orange]) [ set rbudget (rbudget + 1) ] set rgen 12 ] if bgen <= 0 [ repeat (count points with [color = violet]) [ set bbudget (bbudget + 1) ] set bgen 12 ] ask points with [color = violet] [ if any? turtles with [color = red] in-radius 1 [ set spawntime (spawntime - 1) ] if spawntime <= 0 [ die ] set label precision spawntime 1 ] ask points with [color = orange] [ if any? turtles with [color = blue] in-radius 1 [ set spawntime (spawntime - 1) ] if spawntime <= 0 [ die ] set label precision spawntime 1 ] ask turtles with [blindtime > 0] [ left random 90 right random 90 forward speed set blindtime (blindtime - 1) ] ask turtles with [paralyzetime > 0] [ set paralyzetime (paralyzetime - 1) ] ask turtles with [(patch-ahead speed = nobody) or ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) = black) and (color = blue) and flying? = false] [ right 135 forward speed ] ask turtles with [(patch-ahead speed = nobody) or ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) = black) and (color = red) and flying? = false] [ left 135 forward speed ] ask turtles with [health <= 0] [ if bhost? = true [ hatch-larvaes 1 [ set shield 1 set health 1.5 set maxhealth health set speed 1 set speedmemory 1 set damage 1 set dmemory damage set shape "larvae" set size 2 set color blue set label-color white set labelmemory white set poisoned? false set flying? true set spawntime 20 set bhost? false ] ] if rhost? = true [ hatch-larvaes 1 [ set shield 1 set health 1.5 set maxhealth health set speed 1 set speedmemory 1 set damage 1 set dmemory damage set shape "larvae" set size 2 set color red set label-color white set labelmemory white set poisoned? false set flying? true set spawntime 20 set rhost? false ] ] die ] ;=================================================================================================================== ask turtles with [(building? != true) and (shape != "energybug")] [ ifelse not any? turtles with [(shade-of? color ([color] of myself) = false) and shape != "energybug"] in-radius 9 [ ifelse not any? (points-on patch-here) with [(color != ([color] of myself + 10))] [ if blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 [ if count points with [(color != ([color] of myself + 10))] > 0 [ face min-one-of points with [(color != ([color] of myself + 10))] [distance myself] if color = blue [ ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] ] if color = red [ ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] ] ;Grasshoppers---------- if shape = "grasshopper" [ ifelse not any? turtles with [shade-of? [color] of self [color] of myself = false] in-radius 9 [ set speed 12 ] [ set speed speedmemory ] ] ;Spiders-------------------- if shape = "spider" and color = blue [ if random 20 = 1 and count (turtles-on patches with [pcolor != 109]) with [color = red] > 0 [ ask max-one-of (turtles-on patches with [pcolor != 109]) with [color = red] [distance myself] [ ask patches in-radius ([effectiverange] of myself) [ set pcolor 109 set blueweb true set sspawntime 60 ] ] ] ] if shape = "spider" and color = red [ if random 20 = 1 and count (turtles-on patches with [pcolor != 19.5]) with [color = blue] > 0 [ ask max-one-of (turtles-on patches with [pcolor != 19.5]) with [color = blue] [distance myself] [ ask patches in-radius ([effectiverange] of myself) [ set pcolor 19.5 set redweb true set sspawntime 60 ] ] ] ] ;Venom Spitters--- if shape = "venomspitter" and color = blue [ if count turtles with [color = red and poisoned? = true] = 0 [ if count turtles with [color = red] >= 1 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] hatch-poisons 1 [ set label "" set rival red set color 52 set ermemory effectiverange set size 1 face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ] ] ] ] if shape = "venomspitter" and color = red [ if count turtles with [color = blue and poisoned? = true] = 0 [ if count turtles with [color = blue] >= 1 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] hatch-poisons 1 [ set label "" set rival blue set color 52 set ermemory effectiverange set size 1 face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ] ] ] ] ;Beetles---------- if shape = "beetle" [ set speed (speed + 0.25) set speedmemory speed set damage speed set dmemory damage if speed > 3 [ set facememory [heading] of self set ramming true ] ] ;Walking Stick---- if shape = "stickbug" and color = blue [ if random 20 = 1 and (count turtles with [color = red] > 0) [ face one-of turtles with [color = red] with-max [damage] hatch-blinds 1 [ set rival red set color brown set ermemory effectiverange set size 1 set heading [heading] of myself ] ] ] if shape = "stickbug" and color = red [ if random 20 = 1 and (count turtles with [color = red] > 0) [ face one-of turtles with [color = blue] with-max [damage] hatch-blinds 1 [ set rival blue set color brown set ermemory effectiverange set size 1 set heading [heading] of myself ] ] ] ;Larvae---------- if shape = "larvae" and color = blue [ set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime <= 0 [ hatch-screwworms 1 [ set shield 1 set health 4 set maxhealth health set speed 1.5 set speedmemory 1.5 set damage 1.5 set dmemory damage set shape "screwworm" set size 2.5 set color blue set flying? true ] die ] ] if shape = "larvae" and color = red [ set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime <= 0 [ hatch-screwworms 1 [ set shield 1 set health 4 set maxhealth health set speed 1.5 set speedmemory 1.5 set damage 1.5 set dmemory damage set shape "screwworm" set size 2.5 set color red set flying? true ] die ] ] ] ] ] [ ] ] [ ifelse not any? (points-on patch-here) with [(color != ([color] of myself + 10))] [ if shape = "bug" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] if shape = "bug" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Bees------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "bee 2" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ repeat speed [ forward 1 if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) / ([speed] of myself)) / shield)) forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] set health (health - ((1 / speed) / shield)) ] ] ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] ] ] if shape = "bee 2" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ repeat speed [ forward 1 if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) / ([speed] of myself)) / shield)) forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] set health (health - ((1 / speed) / shield)) ] ] ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] ] ] ;Ants-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "ant 2" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ set damage 1 + (0.5 * (count other ants in-radius effectiverange with [color = blue])) set dmemory damage face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] if shape = "ant 2" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ set damage 1 + (0.5 * (count other ants in-radius effectiverange with [color = red])) set dmemory damage face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Caterpillars-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "caterpillar" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] if shape = "caterpillar" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask (turtles in-radius 1) with [color = blue] [ set health (health - ([damage] of myself)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Butterflies----------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "butterfly" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse any? caterpillars with [color = blue and health < 3] [ face min-one-of caterpillars with [color = blue and health < 3] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? caterpillars with [color = blue] in-radius effectiverange [ ask caterpillars with [color = blue] in-radius effectiverange [ set health (health + 1) if health > 3 [ set health 3] ] ] ] [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ] if shape = "butterfly" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse any? caterpillars with [color = red and health < 3] [ face min-one-of caterpillars with [color = red and health < 3] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? caterpillars with [color = red] in-radius effectiverange [ ask caterpillars with [color = red] in-radius effectiverange [ set health (health + 1) if health > 3 [ set health 3] ] ] ] [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Spiders---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "spider" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ if random 20 = 1 and count (turtles-on patches with [pcolor != 109]) with [color = red] > 0 [ ask max-one-of (turtles-on patches with [pcolor != 109]) with [color = red] [distance myself] [ ask patches in-radius ([effectiverange] of myself) [ set pcolor 109 set blueweb true set sspawntime 60 ] ] ] face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 set poisoned? true if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] if shape = "spider" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ if random 20 = 1 and count (turtles-on patches with [pcolor != 19.5]) with [color = blue] > 0 [ ask max-one-of (turtles-on patches with [pcolor != 19.5]) with [color = blue] [distance myself] [ ask patches in-radius ([effectiverange] of myself) [ set pcolor 19.5 set redweb true set sspawntime 60 ] ] ] face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 set poisoned? true if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Moths------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "butterfly 2" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse any? butterflies with [color = red] [ face min-one-of butterflies with [color = red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (butterflies in-radius 1) with [color = red] [ ask one-of (butterflies in-radius 1) with [color = red] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) * 2) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 ] ] ] [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] if health <= 0 [ ask turtles in-radius effectiverange with [color = red and [shape] of self != "beetle"] [ set damage (damage / 2) set dmemory damage set speed (speed / 2) set speedmemory speed set label-color (grey - 2) set labelmemory (grey - 2) set dmemory damage set speedmemory speed ] ] ] ] if shape = "butterfly 2" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse any? butterflies with [color = blue] [ face min-one-of butterflies with [color = blue] [distance myself] ifelse [BLUEWEB] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (butterflies in-radius 1) with [color = blue] [ ask one-of (butterflies in-radius 1) with [color = blue] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) * 2) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 ] ] ] [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [BLUEWEB] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] if health <= 0 [ ask turtles in-radius effectiverange with [color = blue and [shape] of self != "beetle"] [ set damage (damage / 2) set dmemory damage set speed (speed / 2) set speedmemory speed set label-color (grey - 2) set labelmemory (grey - 2) set dmemory damage set speedmemory speed ] ] ] ] ;Dragonflies------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "dragonfly" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ repeat speed [ forward 1 if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) / ([speed] of myself)) / shield)) forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage / 2)) ] ] ] ] ] ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] ] ] if shape = "dragonfly" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ repeat speed [ forward 1 if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) / ([speed] of myself)) / shield)) forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] ] ] ;Beetles----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "beetle" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse ramming = true [ set heading facememory ] [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ] forward speed set speed (speed + 0.25) set speedmemory speed set damage speed set dmemory damage if ([pxcor] of patch-here >= 33.9) or ([pycor] of patch-here >= -0.9) or ([pxcor] of patch-here <= 0.9) or ([pycor] of patch-here <= -45.9) and ramming = true [ set ramming false set speed 0.25 set speedmemory speed set damage speed set dmemory damage forward 0 - [damage] of self forward -1 ] if speed > 3 [ set facememory [heading] of self set ramming true ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask (turtles in-radius effectiverange) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward 0 - [damage] of myself forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] if [damage] of self > 3.5 [ forward 0 - [damage] of self forward -1 ] set speed 0.25 set speedmemory speed set damage speed set dmemory damage set ramming false ] ] ] if shape = "beetle" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse ramming = true [ set heading facememory ] [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ] forward speed set speed (speed + 0.25) set speedmemory speed set damage speed set dmemory damage if ([pxcor] of patch-here >= 33.9) or ([pycor] of patch-here >= -0.9) or ([pxcor] of patch-here <= 0.9) or ([pycor] of patch-here <= -45.9) and ramming = true [ set ramming false set speed 0.25 set speedmemory speed set damage speed set dmemory damage forward -2 forward -1 ] if speed > 3 [ set facememory [heading] of self set ramming true ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask (turtles in-radius effectiverange) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward 0 - [damage] of myself forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] if [damage] of self > 3.5 [ forward 0 - [damage] of self forward -1 ] set speed 0.25 set speedmemory speed set damage speed set dmemory damage set ramming false ] ] ] ;Venom Spitters------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if shape = "venomspitter" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse any? turtles with [color = red and poisoned? = true] [ face min-one-of turtles with [color = red and poisoned? = true] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [color = red and poisoned? = true] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [color = red and poisoned? = true] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] hatch-poisons 1 [ set label "" set rival red set color 52 set ermemory effectiverange set size 1 face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ] ] ] ] if shape = "venomspitter" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse any? turtles with [color = blue and poisoned? = true] [ face min-one-of turtles with [color = blue and poisoned? = true] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [color = blue and poisoned? = true] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [color = blue and poisoned? = true] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] hatch-poisons 1 [ set label "" set rival blue set color 52 set ermemory effectiverange set size 1 face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ] ] ] ] ;Grasshoppers---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "grasshopper" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse [distance myself] of (min-one-of turtles with [color = red] [distance myself]) > 12 [ set speed 12 ] [ set speed speedmemory ] face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage / 2)) ] ] ] ] ] ] if shape = "grasshopper" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse [distance myself] of (min-one-of turtles with [color = blue] [distance myself]) > 12 [ set speed 12 ] [ set speed speedmemory ] face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Thorn Bugs--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "thornbug" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] if shape = "thornbug" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Mantises--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "mantis" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [distance myself] of (min-one-of turtles with [color = red] [distance myself]) < 7 and speed < ([distance myself] of min-one-of turtles with [color = red] [distance myself]) [ set speed (speed + 1) set speedmemory speed set damage (damage + 1) set dmemory damage ] [ ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed - 1 set speed 2 ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] set speed 2 set speedmemory speed set damage 1 set dmemory damage ] ] if any? turtles with [color = red and health <= 0] in-radius 3 [ ask one-of turtles with [color = red and health <= 0] in-radius 3 [ ask turtles with [color = blue] in-radius 6 [ set health health + (1 + (([maxhealth] of one-of (turtles with [color = red and health <= 0] in-radius 6) / (count turtles with [color = blue] in-radius 6)))) if health > maxhealth [ set health maxhealth ] ] ] ] ] ] if shape = "mantis" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [distance myself] of (min-one-of turtles with [color = blue] [distance myself]) < 7 and speed < ([distance myself] of min-one-of turtles with [color = blue] [distance myself]) [ set speed (speed + 1) set speedmemory speed set damage (damage + 1) set dmemory damage ] [ ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed - 1 set speed 2 ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] set speed 2 set speedmemory speed set damage 1 set dmemory damage ] ] if any? turtles with [color = blue and health <= 0] in-radius 3 [ ask one-of turtles with [color = blue and health <= 0] in-radius 3 [ ask turtles with [color = red] in-radius 6 [ set health health + (1 + (([maxhealth] of one-of (turtles with [color = blue and health <= 0] in-radius 6) / (count turtles with [color = red] in-radius 6)))) if health > maxhealth [ set health maxhealth ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Pillbug---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "pillbug" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] if shape = "pillbug" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Cicadas----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "cicada" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] if shape = "cicada" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Wasps----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "wasp" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ repeat speed [ forward 1 if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) / ([speed] of myself)) / shield)) forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] ] ] if shape = "wasp" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ repeat speed [ forward 1 if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) / ([speed] of myself)) / shield)) forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] ] ] ;Bedbugs------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "bedbug" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] if shape = "bedbug" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Walking Sticks-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "walkingstick" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse any? turtles with [color = red] and (random 15 != 1) [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] [ face one-of turtles with [color = red] with-max [damage] hatch-blinds 1 [ set rival red set color brown set ermemory effectiverange set size 1 set heading [heading] of myself ] ] ] ] if shape = "walkingstick" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ ifelse any? turtles with [color = blue] and (random 15 != 1) [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] [ face one-of turtles with [color = blue] with-max [damage] hatch-blinds 1 [ set rival blue set color brown set ermemory effectiverange set size 1 set heading [heading] of myself ] ] ] ] ;Tarantula Hawks------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "tarantulahawk" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ repeat speed [ forward 1 if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) / ([speed] of myself)) / shield)) if [shape] of self != "beetle" [ set poisoned? true set effectiverange 0 set ermemory 0 ] set paralyzetime (paralyzetime + 1) forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] ] ] if shape = "tarantulahawk" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ repeat speed [ forward 1 if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) / ([speed] of myself)) / shield)) if [shape] of self != "beetle" [ set poisoned? true set effectiverange 0 set ermemory 0 ] set paralyzetime (paralyzetime + 1) forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] ] ] ;Screwworm Flies-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "screwworm" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) set poisoned? true set bhost? true forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] if shape = "screwworm" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) set poisoned? true set rhost? true forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] if shape = "larvae" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime <= 0 [ hatch-screwworms 1 [ set shield 1 set health 4 set maxhealth health set speed 1.5 set speedmemory 1.5 set damage 1.5 set dmemory damage set shape "screwworm" set size 2.5 set color blue set flying? true ] die ] face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] if shape = "larvae" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ set spawntime (spawntime - 1) if spawntime <= 0 [ hatch-screwworms 1 [ set shield 1 set health 4 set maxhealth health set speed 1.5 set speedmemory 1.5 set damage 1.5 set dmemory damage set shape "screwworm" set size 2.5 set color red set flying? true ] die ] face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) forward -2 forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ;Termites------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if shape = "termite" and color = blue and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color red] [distance myself] if ((not any? patches with ([nobody = true]) in-radius 3) and (any? (turtles-on patch-ahead 2) with [color = red]) and (not any? (patches with [pcolor = black]) in-radius 3)) [ ask patch-ahead 3 [ ask patches in-radius 1 with [center? = true] [ ask patches in-radius 1.5 [ set pcolor black ] ] ] ] ifelse [redweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color red] [ ifelse building? != true [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) ] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) / shield)) * 4) ] forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] if shape = "termite" and color = red and blindtime = 0 and paralyzetime = 0 and (patch-ahead speed != nobody) and ([pcolor] of (patch-ahead speed) != black) [ if count turtles with [color = red] > 0 and count turtles with [color = blue] > 0 [ face min-one-of turtles with [shade-of? color blue] [distance myself] if ((not any? patches with ([nobody = true]) in-radius 3) and (any? (turtles-on patch-ahead 2) with [color = blue]) and (not any? (patches with [pcolor = black]) in-radius 3)) [ ask patch-ahead 3 [ ask patches in-radius 1 with [center? = true] [ ask patches in-radius 1.5 [ set pcolor black ] ] ] ] ifelse [blueweb] of patch-here = false [ forward speed ] [ forward (speed / 4) ] if any? (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ask one-of (turtles in-radius 1) with [shade-of? color blue] [ ifelse building? != true [ set health (health - (([damage] of myself) / shield)) ] [ set health (health - ((([damage] of myself) / shield)) * 4) ] forward -1 if thorns = true [ ask myself [ set health (health - (damage * 0.75)) ] ] ] ] ] ] ;------------------------------------------------------- ] [ ] ] ] ] [ if count points with [color = orange] = 0 [ print "BLUE WINS" stop ] if count points with [color = violet] = 0 [ print "RED WINS" stop ] ] ] ] tick end
There is only one version of this model, created over 3 years ago by Israel Alderete.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
Silly Bug Game.png | preview | Preview for 'Silly Bug Game' | over 3 years ago, by Israel Alderete | Download |
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