Evolution and patchy resources GERMAN
Model was written in NetLogo 6.1.1
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breed [plants plant] breed [foragers forager] foragers-own [eattype energy mypatch] patches-own [ seedpatch? seedpatchnum foodpatch? foodpatchnum assortindex resource] globals [patch-width gap foodpatchlist Wachstumsrate Tragfähigkeit ;;maxpop costchild ] to setup clear-all set patch-width Size-Inseln set gap Abstand-Inseln set Wachstumsrate 0.2 set Tragfähigkeit 10 ;;set maxpop 400 setup-plants setup-frgs set costchild 10 reset-ticks end to setup-plants foreach [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13] [ x -> foreach [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13] [ y -> ask patches with [ pxcor = ( gap / 2 ) + (x * ( gap + (patch-width ))) and pycor = ( gap / 2 ) + (y * (gap + (patch-width))) ] [set seedpatch? true sprout-plants 1 [set hidden? true] set seedpatchnum [who] of plants-here ] ] ] ask patches with [seedpatch? = true] [ let localpatch (patch-set self patches in-radius patch-width) ask localpatch [ set resource Tragfähigkeit ;;if resource = 0 [set resource 0.1] set pcolor scale-color brown resource 0 (Tragfähigkeit + 10) set foodpatch? true set foodpatchnum [seedpatchnum] of localpatch with [seedpatch? = true] ] ] set foodpatchlist ( [who] of plants ) end to setup-frgs ask n-of (Anzahl-Agenten * Prozent-Nachhaltige / 100) patches with [foodpatch? = true] [sprout-foragers 1 [ set eattype "low" set color green set mypatch [foodpatchnum] of patch-here ] ] ask n-of (Anzahl-Agenten * ( 100 - Prozent-Nachhaltige) / 100) patches with [foodpatch? = true] [sprout-foragers 1 [ set eattype "high" set color red set mypatch [foodpatchnum] of patch-here ] ] ask foragers [ if Agenten = "Menschen" [ set shape "person"] if Agenten = "Bakterien" [ set shape "bacteria" ] if Agenten = "Kühe" [ set shape "cow"] if Agenten = "Zellen" [ set shape "cell"] set size 2 set energy Lebenshaltungskosten] end to go ask foragers [ if Agenten = "Menschen" [ set shape "person"] if Agenten = "Bakterien" [ set shape "bacteria" ] if Agenten = "Kühe" [ set shape "cow"] if Agenten = "Zellen" [ set shape "cell"]] move eat if Evolution? [reproduce] expend-energy if Evolution? [death] ask patches with [foodpatch? = true] [regrow recolor] tick end to move ask foragers [let local ( patch-set patch-here ( patches in-radius 2 with [not any? foragers-here] )) if local != nobody [let local-max ( max-one-of local [resource] ) ifelse local-max != nobody and [resource] of local-max >= Lebenshaltungskosten [face local-max move-to local-max set mypatch [foodpatchnum] of patch-here ] [if any? ( patches in-radius 2 with [not any? foragers-here] ) [move-to one-of ( patches in-radius 2 with [not any? foragers-here] )]] ] ] end to eat ask foragers [ifelse eattype = "low" [ set energy energy + ([resource] of patch-here * 0.5) ask patch-here [set resource resource / 2]] [ set energy energy + ([resource] of patch-here * 0.99) ask patch-here [set resource resource - (0.99 * resource) ]] ] end to reproduce ask foragers [ let birthrate 0.0005 * energy if energy > costchild and random-float 1 < birthrate [ let destination one-of neighbors with [not any? turtles-here] if destination != nobody [ hatch 1 [ move-to destination mutate set energy costchild ] set energy (energy - costchild) ] ] ] end to mutate if random-float 1 < Mutationsrate [ifelse eattype = "low" [set eattype "high"] [set eattype "low"] update-color ] end to expend-energy ask foragers [set energy energy - Lebenshaltungskosten] end to death ask foragers [if energy <= 0 [die] ] end to regrow ifelse resource >= 0.1 [set resource precision (resource + ((Wachstumsrate * resource) * (1 - (resource / Tragfähigkeit )))) 3] [set resource 0.1] end to recolor ;; patch set pcolor scale-color brown resource 0 (Tragfähigkeit + 10) end to update-color ifelse eattype = "low" [set color green] [set color red] end to calcassort foreach (foodpatchlist) [ x -> let foodpatch patches with [foodpatchnum = x] let lowfrgs count foragers with [eattype = "low" and mypatch = x] let frgs count foragers with [ mypatch = x] ask patches with [seedpatch? = true and seedpatchnum = x] [ set assortindex (lowfrgs / frgs) ] ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;reporters;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to-report avenhigh report sum [energy] of foragers with [eattype = "high"] / count foragers with [eattype = "high"] end to-report avenlow report sum [energy] of foragers with [eattype = "low"] / count foragers with [eattype = "low"] end to-report gensim-pop report ( count patches with [seedpatch? = true] - 1) / (count foragers - 1) end to-report avassort report sum [assortindex] of patches with [seedpatch? = true] / count patches with [seedpatch? = true] end
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