Car Flow Simulation

Car Flow Simulation preview image

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Default-person eric kiennemann (Author)


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This model aims at answering various questions regarding road traffic. It is a framework that can be updated to take in account different scenarios. In this actual version it is possible to simulate the following scenarios :

  • impact on the traffic of a slow car/truck on the first lane
  • impact of a closed lane (for instance the right lane) on the traffic
  • creation of a bottleneck when the road is totally closed


General view

First adjust the zoom to your screen so that you can see the whole road on your screen

There are two main ways to use it :

  • out of the box : for simple simulation

    • adjust the parameters you want with the sliders (see below slider description) and the chooser (to choice "trucks")
    • SETUP button to set up the lanes and the cars (3 lanes by default)
    • GO to start up moving
    • GO once button drives the cars for just one tick of the clock.
  • setup file : for more advanced built-in scenario

    • ajust same parameters as in out of the box scenarios
    • plus internal parameters
    • plus add specific vehicules to simulate close line, slow vehicules ...

For both way of using it there are two simulation mode available :

  • "mode flow" where :

    • the cars are killed at the end of the road
    • new cars are created depending on the flow-cars slider value
  • "mode loop" where :

    • the car arriving at the end of the road start back at the beginning
    • the cars are created at tick 0 with the number of cars given by number-of-cars slider

Setup files

  • reset button :

    • should be used the first time using the simulation before setup.
    • it initialize all the values of sliders and chooser to default values
    • it allows also to cancel the selection of configuration file and come back to "out of the box" way of playing
  • load config button :

    • to be done before setup
    • is used to load a setup file
    • the fields available in this setup file are described in the config_sample.txt file
    • never suppress a line or change the order of the parameters
    • some parameters in the setup file can be changed after loading using sliders (see below sliders description)
  • load truck button :

    • to be done before setup
    • is used to load a truck file
    • the fields available in this truck file are described in the truck_sample.txt file (exemple of a closed lane)
    • never suppress a line or change the order of the parameters
    • initialise the chooser truck-config to "None"
  • setup button :

    • create the road
    • create the trucks on the road
    • create the cars if in "mode loop"

Chooser / Sliders / Switch description

The chooser / sliders / switch parameters are the following :

  • The truck-config chooser makes it possible to add pre defined "truck" configuration. Three choices are available :

    • "None" : no truck is added
    • "Closed lane" : trucks are added to simulate a closed lane
    • "One obstacle per lane" : one obstacle is randomly added to each lane to disturb the fow
  • The Flow? switch detemrine if we are on "mode flow" or "mode loop"

  • The flow-cars slider define the flow of created car in the "mode flow". All the cars are created on theleft of the road. This parameter can be changed during the GO phase

  • The number-of-cars slider controls the number of cars on the road. This is a SETUP parameter that can't be changed during the GO. It only applies to "mode loop"

  • The acceleration slider controls the rate at which cars accelerate when there are no cars ahead.(unit : km/h/s). Can be used in GO mode. This is a global parameter for all the cars but each car has a specific acceleration build from this acceleration time a triangle random acceleration (between 0 and 1). The formula for each car is "car accelerarion" = "acceleration" * (1 + rate-accel * "random triangle"). rate-accel is a global parameter setup (see below)

  • The deceleration slider controls the rate at which cars decelerate when there is a car close ahead.(unit km/h/s). Can be used in GO mode This is a global parameter for all the cars but each car has a specific deceleration build from this deceleration time a triangle random deceleration (between 0 and 1). The formula for each car is "car deceleration" = "decelaration" * (1 + rate-decel * "random triangle"). rate-decel is a global parameter setup (see below)

  • The max-patience slider controls how many times a car can slow down or be under its expected speed before a driver loses their patience and tries to change lanes. This is a global parameter for all the cars but each car has a specific patience build from the formula : 2 + random max-patience

  • The auth-change-lane is a switch that enable or not cars to change lane (overtake or cut-back)

Other parameters that can be changed with configuration file

  • number-of-lanes (default = 3) : number of lanes on the road only one way is simulated by this tool. The maximum number of lanes is 8
  • frame-rate (default = 25) : used to make the conversion between time and ticks : number of images(ticks) per second
  • road-length-m (default = 1000m) : length of the road in m. On the screen the length of the road is always the same. This parameter changes the length in m of each patch
  • max-speed-kmh (default = 130 km/h) max-authorised speed for all cars : also used to calculate the maximum decelaration (max-speed-kmh / reactivity-time / frame-rate)
  • max-accel-kmhs (default = 10 km/h/s) maximum of accelaration speed for all cars. Upper bound for acceleration slider.
  • reactivity-time (default = 2s) : reactivity time in case of danger in second.Used to calculate security distance between cars This is a global parameter for all the cars but each car has a specific reactivity time build from this reactivity-time time a triangle random reactivity-time (between 0 and 1). The formula for each car is "car reactivity time" = "reactivity-time" * (1 + rate-react-time * "random triangle"). rate-react-time is a global parameter setup (see below)
  • average-speed (default = 110 km/h) ; average top-speed (= expected speed for all the cars). Used with variance-speed to define the initial and top-speed of each car (see THINGS TO NOTICE)
  • variance-speed (default = 20 km/h) : max delta around average top-speed
  • ticks-for-overtaking (default = 4) : number of ticks necessary to overtake or cut-back (to go from one lane to the other)
  • dist-min-between-car (default = 5m) : minimum distance between cars in m
  • min-speed-flow (default = 60km/h) : minimal speed when creating a car in "flow mode"
  • rate-accel (default = 0.1) : rate of change around the average acceleration for the cars (see sliders description for explanation)
  • rate-decel (default = 0.1) : rate of change around the average decelaration for the cars (see sliders description for explanation)
  • rate-react-time (default = 0.1) : rate of change around the average reactivity time for the cars (see above for global description)


The YCOR OF CARS plot shows a histogram of how many cars are in each lane, as determined by their y-coordinate. The histogram also displays the amount of cars that are in between lanes while they are trying to change lanes.

The CAR SPEEDS plot displays four quantities over time:

  • the maximum speed of any car - CYAN
  • the minimum speed of any car - BLUE
  • the average speed of all cars - GREEN


Three parameters are monitored :

  • Nb of Cars : the number of cars present on the road (do not take in account the "trucks")
  • Mean speed : the mean speed for all the cars
  • Cars to be created : in "mode flow" the number of car still to create if the programme do not manage to create cars quickly enough



  • the setup do not clear all the globals variables. Some global variables are initialized during setup bu not all.
  • the following variables are not initialized by setup but can be initialized by reset button :

    • truck-file
    • config-file
    • number-of-cars
    • acceleration
    • deceleration
    • max-patience
    • flow?
    • flow-cars


  • The way cars are created depends of the mode :

    • on "mode flow" the flow-cars parameter define the frequency of creation of a car. On each tick this frequency is checked. If a car must be created, it is created on the rightest lane with the highest speed possible. The security distance with the car ahead is checked. If the security distance is too small then the car is killed and the creation process is tried again at next tick. If the flow is high it can be difficult to create cars quickly enough so the systems first try to create the cars on the other lanes; if it is still too slow then it reduces the car creation speed to reduce security distance. Finally if it is still not quick enough then the variable late-create-cars (which is monitored increases)
    • on "mode loop" cars are created during the setup and no other cars are created during go phase. The cars are created randomly on the road with an equal number on each lane. The cars are created on empty patches.

    • the "trucks" are created using the datas in the "truck config file"

  • rules to overtake / cut-back

    • to overtake a car must have a patience equal or lower to 0. Then in the same tick the car is moved to the next lane and checks on secutity distance are made with the car ahead and below if everything is ok the overtaking process starts. The process it self takes a number of ticks driven by the ticks-change-lane parameter.
    • the cut-back process is mainly the same. The main difference is that there is no patience parameter. Cut-back can be done immediatly


Three configuration files are delivered :

  • impact on the traffic of a slow car/truck on the first lane (truckslow.txt and configsample.txt)
  • impact of a closed lane (for instance the right lane) on the traffic (truckclosedline.txt and config_sample.txt)
  • impact of a totally closed road (truckclosedroad.txt and config_5000m.txt)

But the number of scenario is infinite : just play with the parameters and the configuration file


A lot of improvment can be made :

  • add a 2nd way lane to simulate the "curiosity bottleneck" for instance
  • add crossroads
  • add more specific behaviors : for instance people that always stay on the line or never cut-back
  • simulate accident .....


  • loading config files
  • the weblogo version is available here : on the web version it is not possible to load config file and truck file. It is still possible to modify the parameters directly in the code and to add in the code more "truck" configurations.


This model has been build from the "NetLogo Traffic 2 Lanes model"

using the NetLogo software :

Other models related to "traffic" :

  • "Traffic Basic": a simple model of the movement of cars on a highway.

  • "Traffic Basic Utility": a version of "Traffic Basic" including a utility function for the cars.

  • "Traffic Basic Adaptive": a version of "Traffic Basic" where cars adapt their acceleration to try and maintain a smooth flow of traffic.

  • "Traffic Basic Adaptive Individuals": a version of "Traffic Basic Adaptive" where each car adapts individually, instead of all cars adapting in unison.

  • "Traffic Intersection": a model of cars traveling through a single intersection.

  • "Traffic Grid": a model of traffic moving in a city grid, with stoplights at the intersections.

  • "Traffic Grid Goal": a version of "Traffic Grid" where the cars have goals, namely to drive to and from work.

  • "Gridlock HubNet": a version of "Traffic Grid" where students control traffic lights in real-time.

  • "Gridlock Alternate HubNet": a version of "Gridlock HubNet" where students can enter NetLogo code to plot custom metrics.


Using the NetLogo software :

Comments and Questions

Please start the discussion about this model! (You'll first need to log in.)

Click to Run Model

;define global variables
globals [
  number-of-lanes        ; number of lanes on the road
  lanes                  ; a list of the y coordinates of different lanes
  road-length-m          ; length of the road in m
  frame-rate             ; number of images(ticks) per second
  max-speed-kmh          ; max-authorised speed for all cars in km/h
  max-accel-kmhs         ; max possible acceleration in km/h/s
  max-decel-kmhs         ; upper bound for deceleration
  min-decel-kmhs         ; lower bound for deceleration
  reactivity-time        ; reactivity time in case of danger in second
  conv-kmh-patch         ; conversion from km/h to patch
  conv-kmh-dist-security ; conversion of km/h into security distance in patch unit
  average-speed          ; average top-speed and initial speed of normal cars
  variance-speed         ; max delta around average top-speed and initial speed for normal car
  ticks-change-lane      ; number of ticks necessary to overtake or cute-back
  dy-move                ; delta y patch when overtaking
  dist-min-between-car   ; minimum distance between cars in m
  dist-min-patch         ; minimal distance between 2 car in patch unit
  config-file            ; filepath of the config file
  truck-file             ; filepath of the truck file
  late-create-cars       ; number of cars to be created as soon as possible to reach the expected flow
  ticks-between-cars     ; number of ticks between each creation of a car in "flow" mode
  min-speed-flow         ; minimal speed when creating a car in "flow mode"
  rate-accel             ; rate of change around the average acceleration for the cars
  rate-decel             ; rate of change around the average decelaration for the cars
  rate-react-time        ; rate of change around the average reactivity time for the cars
  previous-flow?         ; memorize the last value for flow? variable
  previous-accel         ; memorize the last value for acceleration variable
  previous-decel         ; memorize the last value for deceleration variable
  previous-reac-time     ; memorize the last value for reactivity-time variable

;two kinds of turtle
;cars   : "normal" cars
;trucks : used to introduce perturbetaion in the normal flow
breed [cars car ]
breed [trucks truck ]

; common parameters to all the turtles
turtles-own [
  speed             ; the current speed of the car
  top-speed         ; the maximum speed of the car (different for all cars)
  target-lane       ; the desired lane of the car
  patience          ; the driver's current level of patience
  patience-car      ; level of patience of the car
  overtaking?       ; overtaking in progress
  cut-back?         ; cut-back in progress
  mvt-step          ; current mouvement step (during overtake or cut-back)
  default-color     ; default color when not selected
  mode-flow         ; define is the car is in "mode flow" or "mode loop"
  car-accel         ; car specific acceleration in km/h/s
  car-decel         ; car specific deceleration in km/h/s
  car-reac-time     ; car specific reaction-time in second
  change-lane?      ; turtle can change of lane ?

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;   BEFORE SETUP  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

;reset config/truck file and sliders/button parameters to default value

to reset
  set truck-config "None"
  set truck-file FALSE
  set config-file FALSE
  set number-of-cars 30
  set acceleration 10
  set previous-accel acceleration
  set deceleration 35
  set previous-decel deceleration
  set max-patience 20
  set flow? TRUE             ; new cars by flow or by number
  set previous-flow? flow?
  set flow-cars 1200         ; flow of cars arriving

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;   SETUP PHASE   ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to setup
  ; the global variables are not cleared to keep the config file name and truck file name
  ; the other global variables are initialised either with the file or the init-constant/calculate constant procedure
  clear-ticks clear-turtles clear-patches clear-drawing clear-all-plots clear-output
  set-default-shape cars "car"
  set-default-shape trucks "truck"

  ; if a config-file has been selected before setup then use this config file
  ; only for desktop version of netlogo
  ifelse config-file != FALSE and config-file != 0 and file-exists? config-file [
  ; if not use the standard values for init
  [ init-constant ]
  ; calculate usefull variables
  ; draw the road
  ; if a truck-file has been selected before setup then use this truck file otherwise no truck is created
  ; only for desktop version of netlogo
  ifelse truck-config = "None" [
    if truck-file != FALSE and truck-file != 0 and file-exists? truck-file [
  ; initialise with one of the 2 availables truck config
  [ init-truck ]

  ;if "mode loop" create the number of cars expected
  if flow? = FALSE [ create-cars-nb ]

  ;reset time

;initialise the truck depending on the value of the chooser truck-config

to init-truck
  ifelse truck-config = "Closed lane" [
    ; setup trucks to simulate a closed lane
    let x 0
    let y last lanes
    ; fill half a lane with trucks to "close" the lane
    repeat (world-width - 1) / 2 [
      create-trucks 1 [
        set mode-flow flow?
        setxy x y
        set color white
        set default-color white
        set target-lane pycor
        set heading 90
        set top-speed 0
        set speed top-speed
        set car-accel acceleration
        set car-decel deceleration
        set car-reac-time reactivity-time
        set patience-car max-patience
        set patience patience-car
        set overtaking? FALSE         ; overtaking in progress
        set cut-back?   FALSE         ; cut-back in progress
        set mvt-step 0
        set change-lane? FALSE
      set x x + 1
    ; setup truck to simulate a "One obstacle per lane"
    ; on each lane create a random truck
    foreach lanes [
      y ->
      let x (random (world-width - 1)) - (world-width - 1) / 2
      let truck-speed 0

      ; create the truck
      create-trucks 1 [
        set mode-flow flow?
        setxy x y
        set color white
        set default-color white
        set target-lane pycor
        set heading 90
        set top-speed truck-speed
        set speed top-speed
        set car-accel acceleration
        set car-decel deceleration
        set car-reac-time reactivity-time
        set patience-car max-patience
        set patience patience-car
        set overtaking? FALSE         ; overtaking in progress
        set cut-back?   FALSE         ; cut-back in progress
        set mvt-step 0
        set change-lane? FALSE

; initialise the values (see glgobal for all the definitions)

to init-constant
  set number-of-lanes 3
  set frame-rate 25          ; number of images(ticks) per second
  set road-length-m 1000     ; length of the road in m
  set max-speed-kmh 130      ; max-authorised speed for all cars
  set max-accel-kmhs 10
  set reactivity-time 2      ; reactivity time in case of danger in second
  set average-speed 110      ; average top-speed and initial speed of normal cars
  set variance-speed 20      ; max delta around average top-speed and initial speed for normal car
  set ticks-change-lane 4    ; number of ticks necessary to change lane
  set dist-min-between-car 5 ; minimum distance between cars in m
  set min-speed-flow 80
  set rate-accel 0.1         ; rate of change around the average acceleration for the cars
  set rate-decel 0.1         ; rate of change around the average decelaration for the cars
  set rate-react-time 0.1    ; rate of change around the average reactivity time for the cars

; load the constant values from the  file

to load-config-file
  file-open config-file
  let flow-binary file-read
  ifelse flow-binary = 1 [set flow? TRUE]
  [set flow? FALSE]
  set flow-cars file-read
  set number-of-cars file-read
  set acceleration file-read
  set deceleration file-read
  set max-patience file-read
  set number-of-lanes file-read
  set frame-rate file-read                   ; number of images(ticks) per second
  set road-length-m file-read                ; length of the road in m
  set max-speed-kmh file-read                ; max-authorised speed for all cars
  set max-accel-kmhs file-read
  set reactivity-time file-read              ; reactivity time in case of danger in second
  set average-speed file-read                ; average top-speed and initial speed of normal cars
  set variance-speed file-read               ; max delta around average top-speed and initial speed for normal car
  set ticks-change-lane file-read            ; number of ticks necessary to overtake
  set dist-min-between-car file-read
  set min-speed-flow file-read
  set rate-accel file-read                   ; rate of change around the average acceleration for the cars
  set rate-decel file-read                   ; rate of change around the average decelaration for the cars
  set rate-react-time file-read              ; rate of change around the average reactivity time for the cars

; calculate the usefull constants

to calculate-constant
  set conv-kmh-patch (world-width / (3.6 * frame-rate * road-length-m ))                  ; conversion coefficient between km/h and patch
  set conv-kmh-dist-security ( world-width / ( 3.6 * road-length-m))                      ; conversion coefficient between speed(km/h) and security speed (patch/s unit)
  set max-decel-kmhs (max-speed-kmh / reactivity-time )                                   ; max decelaration in km/h/s
  set min-decel-kmhs (max-speed-kmh / reactivity-time )   / 2                             ; min decelaration in km/h/s
  set dy-move 2 / ticks-change-lane                                                       ; delta y patch when overtaking
  set late-create-cars 0                                                                  ; number of car to be created to achieve expected car flow
  set dist-min-patch dist-min-between-car * world-width / road-length-m

; load truck config-file and create trucks

to load-truck-file
  file-open truck-file
  ; loop till the end of the file
  while [ not file-at-end? ] [
    ; for each truck read position on the road(x,y) and speed
    let x file-read
    let y file-read
    let truck-speed file-read
    let truck-change-lane file-read
    ifelse truck-change-lane = 1 [set truck-change-lane TRUE]
    [set truck-change-lane FALSE]
    ; transform the lane number into an index used in the lane list variable
    let lane-index (2 * y - 1 - number-of-lanes)

    ; create the truck
    create-trucks 1 [
      set mode-flow flow?
      setxy x lane-index
      set color white
      set default-color white
      set target-lane pycor
      set heading 90
      set top-speed truck-speed
      set speed top-speed
      set car-accel acceleration
      set car-decel deceleration
      set car-reac-time reactivity-time
      set patience-car max-patience
      set patience patience-car
      set overtaking? FALSE         ; overtaking in progress
      set cut-back?   FALSE         ; cut-back in progress
      set mvt-step 0
      set change-lane? truck-change-lane

; function used to draw the road on the view

to draw-road
  ask patches [
    ; the road is surrounded by green grass of varying shades
    set pcolor green - random-float 0.5
  ; build a list of number-of-lanes items, centered on 0 and spaced by 2 patches
  set lanes n-values number-of-lanes [ n -> (2 / 2 ) * (number-of-lanes - (n * 2) - 1) ]
  ask patches with [ abs pycor <= number-of-lanes * (2 / 2 ) ] [
    ; the road itself is varying shades of grey
    set pcolor grey - 2.5 + random-float 0.25
  ; draw the line on the road

; function to draw the lines on the road

to draw-road-lines
  let y (last lanes) - 1 ; start below the "lowest" lane
  while [ y <= first lanes + 1 ] [
    if not member? y lanes [
      ; draw lines on road patches that are not part of a lane
      ifelse abs y = number-of-lanes
        [ draw-line y yellow 0 ]  ; yellow for the sides of the road
        [ draw-line y white 0.5 ] ; dashed white between lanes
    set y y + 1 ; move up one patch

; draw the line itself

to draw-line [ y line-color gap ]
  ; We use a temporary turtle to draw the line:
  ; - with a gap of zero, we get a continuous line;
  ; - with a gap greater than zero, we get a dasshed line.
  create-turtles 1 [
    setxy (min-pxcor - 0.5) y
    set color line-color
    set heading 90
    repeat world-width [
      forward gap
      forward (1 - gap)

; create the new cars in "mode loop" simulation
; use the "number-of-cars" slider to define when new cars
; should be created

to create-cars-nb
  let nb-cars number-of-cars / number-of-lanes
  foreach lanes [
    x -> create-cars-per-lane x nb-cars ]

;create the cars on each lane

to create-cars-per-lane [y-lane nb-cars]

  ; make sure we don't have too many cars for the room we have on the road
  let road-patches patches with [ pycor = y-lane ]

  create-cars (nb-cars) [
    move-to one-of free road-patches
    set target-lane pycor
    set heading 90
    set top-speed (average-speed  + (random-float (variance-speed)) * 2 - variance-speed)
    set speed  top-speed - variance-speed  +  (random-float variance-speed)
    set default-color car-color
    set color default-color
    set mode-flow FALSE
    set patience-car 2 + random max-patience
    set patience patience-car
    set car-accel acceleration * (1 + triangle-random rate-accel)
    set car-decel deceleration * (1 + triangle-random rate-decel)
    set car-reac-time reactivity-time * (1 + triangle-random rate-react-time)
    set overtaking? FALSE       ; overtaking in progress
    set cut-back?   FALSE      ; cut-back in progress
    set mvt-step 0
    set change-lane? auth-change-lane?

; report the patches without any car

to-report free [ road-patches ]
  let this-car self
  report road-patches with [
    not any? turtles-here with [ self != this-car ]

; calculate the triangle random number associated to number

to-report triangle-random [ number ]
  report (0.5 + random-float 0.5 - random-float 0.5) * number

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;    GO PHASE   ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to go
  ;update variable that are using sliders value

  ; create the cars on the road
  ; at each tick evaluate if new car need to be created depending on the requested number of cars
  ; car creation procedure depends on "mode flow" or "mode loop" simulation (see documentation)
  if flow? = TRUE [ create-cars-flow ]

  ; move forward cars and truck ... if possible
  ask turtles [ move-forward ]

  ; select the turtles that are not doing overtaking or cut-back and check if it can cut-back and check authorised to change lane ?
  ask turtles with [ not-moving and change-lane? = TRUE ] [ check-to-cut-back ]
  ; select the turtles that are not doing overtaking or cut-back and which patience is over, and check if it can overtake ?
  ; and check authorised to change lane
  ask turtles with [ patience <= 0 and not-moving and change-lane? = TRUE] [ check-target-lane ]

  ; depending on the previous check realise cut-back or overtaking (cut-back is prioritary)
  ask turtles with [ overtaking? = TRUE] [ move-to-target-lane ]
  ask turtles with [ cut-back? = TRUE] [ cut-to-target-lane ]

  ;move the clock

; update the variable that are using sliders values

to update-slider-variable
  set ticks-between-cars (frame-rate * 3600 / flow-cars)
  ; if the average acceleration change, change it for all the cars
  if acceleration != previous-accel [
    ask cars [
      set car-accel acceleration * (1 + triangle-random rate-accel)
    ask trucks [
      set car-accel acceleration
  ; if the average deceleration change, change it for all the cars
  if deceleration != previous-decel [
    ask cars [
      set car-decel deceleration * (1 + triangle-random rate-decel)
    ask trucks [
      set car-decel deceleration

  ; if the flow-mode is changed
  if flow? != previous-flow? [
    ask turtles [
      set mode-flow flow?
    set previous-flow? flow?

; create the new cars in "mode flow" simulation
; rely on flow "flow-cars" slider to define when new cars
; should be created

to create-cars-flow

  let local-lanes lanes  ; list of lanes on the road

  ; check if it is time to create a car. If yes add one to the car to be created
  if remainder ticks int(ticks-between-cars) = 0 [ set late-create-cars late-create-cars + 1]
  let to-create late-create-cars

  ; try to create at maximum one car per lane at each tick
  set to-create min list to-create number-of-lanes
  ;if there are cars to be created
  if to-create > 0 [
     ; try to create the number of car needed
     repeat to-create [
        ; start creating the car
        create-cars 1 [
        set heading 90
        ; position the car on the left of the road
        setxy (- world-width / 2 + 0.5 ) last local-lanes
        set speed  0
        set car-reac-time reactivity-time * (1 + triangle-random rate-react-time)
        ; calculate the maximum of security distance
        let dist security-distance max-speed-kmh
        ;select the cars ahead that are in this maximum security distance
        let blocking-cars other turtles in-cone dist 0
        ; select the closest car inside this security distance
        let blocking-car min-one-of blocking-cars [ distance myself ]
        ; for closest car, calculate its distance
        ifelse  blocking-car != nobody [
          set top-speed (average-speed  + (random-float (variance-speed)) * 2 - variance-speed)
          set dist distance blocking-car
          set speed min list  ( speed-from-distance dist) (top-speed - variance-speed  +  (random-float variance-speed))
          set top-speed (average-speed  + (random-float (variance-speed)) * 2 - variance-speed)
          set speed  top-speed - variance-speed  +  (random-float variance-speed)
        ; adapt the speed of the created car to this distance (used as a security distance)
        set speed speed-from-distance dist
        ; if the speed is too low (under min-speed-flow parameter)
        ; kill the created vehicule ... and try at next tick
        ifelse speed < min-speed-flow [
          die ] [
          ; finish the initialisation of the car
          set default-color car-color
          set color default-color
          set patience-car 2 + random max-patience
          set patience patience-car
          set car-accel acceleration * (1 + triangle-random rate-accel)
          set car-decel deceleration * (1 + triangle-random rate-decel)
          set overtaking? FALSE       ; overtaking in progress
          set cut-back?   FALSE      ; cut-back in progress
          set mvt-step 0
          set change-lane? auth-change-lane?
          ; decrease the number of car to be created
          set late-create-cars late-create-cars - 1
          set mode-flow flow?
      ; go to the next lane (on the left) if more cars need to be created
      set local-lanes but-last local-lanes
    ; if impossible to create enough cars to achieve right flow
    ; decrease min-speed-flow of 10 km/h
    if late-create-cars > number-of-lanes [
      set min-speed-flow min-speed-flow - 10
      if min-speed-flow < 10 [ set min-speed-flow 10]

; report TRUE when a turtle is not overtaking or cutting back

to-report not-moving
 report (cut-back? = FALSE) and (overtaking? = FALSE)

; procedure to define the moving forward of a turtle
; take in account other cars position to decide

to move-forward
  ; test if the car is in "mode flow" or "mode loop"
  ;let mode-flow FALSE
  ifelse (mode-flow = FALSE) [
    ; we are in mode loop, no need to take in account the "end of the road",
    ; netlogo do it since the world is closed
    ; list the cars inside the security distance
    let blocking-cars other turtles in-cone security-distance speed 0
    ; selected the closest car inside security distance
    let blocking-car min-one-of blocking-cars [ distance myself ]
    ; if there is a car inside security distance
    ifelse blocking-car != nobody [
      ;slow down to try to "rebuild" the security distance
      ; every time you slow down, you loose a little patience
      set patience patience - 1
    ;if the road is free
      ;try to speed up
    ; move forward of a value depending on your speed
    forward kmh-to-patch speed
    ; we are in mode flow, we need to take in account the "end of the road",
    ; and to kill cars when they reach it

    ; calculate if we are at the end of the road
    let deltax kmh-to-patch speed
    ifelse xcor + dx > world-width / 2 [
      ; the turtle is at the end of the road, it is killed
      ;not yet at the end of the road
      ; list the cars inside the security distance; do not consider the closed world
      let blocking-cars other turtles in-cone min list (security-distance speed) (world-width / 2 - xcor) 0
      ; selected the closest car inside security distance
      let blocking-car min-one-of blocking-cars [ distance myself ]
      ; if there is a car inside security distance
      ifelse blocking-car != nobody [
        ;slow down to try to "rebuild" the security distance
        ; every time you hit the brakes, you loose a little patience
        set patience patience - 1
      ;if the road is free
        ;try to speed up
      ; move forward of a value depending on your speed
      forward kmh-to-patch speed

; return the closest car to the actual car looking in a direction,
;at a distance and with an open angle

to-report detect-car [ dist angle direction ]
  set heading direction
  let blocking-cars other turtles in-cone dist angle
  let blocking-car min-one-of blocking-cars [ distance myself ]
  set heading 90
  report blocking-car

; reduce the speed of a car

to slow-down-car ; turtle procedure
  set speed (speed - car-decel / frame-rate)
  if speed < 0 [ set speed 0 ]

; increase the speed of a car
; the speed can't be above top-speed
; if the top-speed expected is reach the patience is set to
; maximal value again

to speed-up-car ; turtle procedure
  set speed (speed + car-accel / frame-rate)
  if speed >= top-speed [
    set speed top-speed
    ; the road is free; your patience is max again
    set patience patience-car

; check if the lane on the left is free
; in order to overtake

to check-target-lane ;
  ; if the car is not already on the left lane
  if ycor != first lanes [
    let my-position position ycor lanes
    ; define the position of the lane on the left
    set target-lane item (my-position - 1) lanes
    ;move temporary the turtle to check for overtaking
    let save-ycor ycor
    setxy xcor target-lane
    ; calculate the security distance available in case of overtaking
    let sec-dist security-distance speed
    ; front-car is the car in front inside distance security
    let front-car detect-car  sec-dist 0 90
    ; back car is the car behind inside distance security
    let back-car detect-car sec-dist 0 270
    ;come back to initial position
    setxy xcor save-ycor
    ; overtaking is possible if no car behind and no car ahead
    if (front-car = nobody) and (back-car = nobody) [
      set overtaking?  TRUE
      set patience patience-car

; check if the lane on the right is free
; in order to cut-back

to check-to-cut-back ;
  ; if the car is not already on the right lane
  if ycor != last lanes [
    let my-position position ycor lanes
    ; define the position of the lane on the right
    set target-lane item (my-position + 1) lanes

    ;move temporary the turtle to check for cutting back
    let save-ycor ycor
    setxy xcor target-lane
    ; calculate the security distance available in case of overtaking
    let sec-dist security-distance speed
    ; front-car is the car in front inside distance security
    let front-car detect-car  sec-dist 0 90
    ; back car is the car behind inside twice the minimal distance between cars
    let back-car detect-car (dist-min-patch * 2) 0 270
    setxy xcor save-ycor
    ; cut-back is possible if no car behind and no car ahead
    if (front-car = nobody) and (back-car = nobody) [
      set cut-back?  TRUE
      set patience patience-car
; realize the overtaking

to move-to-target-lane ;
  ; the over taking is done in ticks-change-lane ticks
  setxy xcor ycor + dy-move
  if ycor = target-lane [
    set overtaking? FALSE

;realize the cut-back

to cut-to-target-lane ;
  ; the cut-back is done in ticks-change-lane ticks
  setxy xcor ycor - dy-move
  if ycor = target-lane [
    set cut-back? FALSE

; convert km/h in patch/tick

to-report kmh-to-patch [ kmh ]
  report kmh * conv-kmh-patch

; give the security distance for
; a given speed in km/h
; the result is in patch unit
; dist-min-patch is the minimum security distance between
; 2 cars

to-report security-distance [ kmh ]
  let dist  kmh * conv-kmh-dist-security * car-reac-time
  if dist < dist-min-patch [
    set dist  dist-min-patch ]
  report dist

; convert a distance between car (patch unit)
; into the allowed speed in km/h

to-report speed-from-distance [ dist ]
  let to-speed  dist / ( conv-kmh-dist-security * car-reac-time)
  report to-speed

; report a car color

to-report car-color
  ; give all cars a blueish color, but still make them distinguishable
  report one-of [ blue cyan sky ] + 1.5 + random-float 1.0

There is only one version of this model, created about 4 years ago by eric kiennemann.

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Car Flow Simulation.png preview Preview for 'Car Flow Simulation' about 4 years ago, by eric kiennemann Download

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