Autonomous Battery Electric Taxi Service
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globals ;; Setup global variables [ grid-size-x ;; Number of grids of streets in x direction grid-size-y ;; Number of grids of streets in y direction grid-x-inc ;; the amount of patches in between two roads in the x direction grid-y-inc ;; the amount of patches in between two roads in the y direction num-passengers ;; number of passengers dropped off roads ;; agentset containing the patches that are roads watch-a-car-true? ;; enables or disables watch a car feature chargers ;; agentset containing patches which are chargers gas_stations ;; agentset containing patches which are gas_stations initial-manual-cost ;; initial purchase cost for manual vehicles initial-abet-cost ;; initial purchase cost for ABET vehicles ] breed [abet a-abet] ;; There is a turtle breed of ABETs breed [manual a-manual] ;; There is a turtle breed of manual vehicles turtles-own ;; Properties for all turtles [ speed ;; the speed of the turtle destination ;; the patch where the passenger wants to go passenger ;; the patch where the passenger is goal ;; where am I currently headed trip-status ;; trip status (0 = heading to passenger, 1 = heading to destination, 2 = arrived) travel-distance ;; distance traveled by the vehicles paid-distance ;; distance traveled with a passenger energy_level ;; vehicles have an energy level (battery or fuel) recharge-cost ;; cost for vehicle to recharge or refill gas ] abet-own ;; Properties for ABETs [ charge ;; ABET's have a "charge goal" charging_state ;; ABET's have a "charging state condition" ] manual-own ;; Properties for Manual Vehicles [ refuel ;; Manual vehicles have a "refuel goal" refueling_state ;; Manual vehicles have a "refueling state condition" ] patches-own ;; Properties for patches [ my-row ;; the row of the intersection counting from the upper left corner of the world. -1 for non-intersection patches. my-column ;; the column of the intersection counting from the upper left corner of the world. -1 for non-intersection patches. ] to setup ;; On setup button, initialize model and create environment and agents clear-all setup-globals ;; Setup global variables setup-patches ;; ask the patches to draw themselves and set up a few variables if (num-manual + num-abet > count roads) [ ;; warning message if too many cars are created to fit user-message (word "There are too many cars to fit on the road.") stop ] create-manual num-manual [ ;; Create manual vehicles set shape "car" ;; sets turtle shape to be a car set color blue ;; sets car color to blue set travel-distance 0 ;; sets initial travel-distance to 0 set paid-distance 0 ;; sets initial paid-distance to 0 move-to one-of roads with [ not any? turtles-on self ] ;; Find a empty road and place the turtle there record-data set-passenger-destination set goal passenger ;; sets goal to be passenger set energy_level random (max_manual_range - max_manual_range / 2 + 1) + max_manual_range / 2 ;; set the initial energy level between 50% and 100% set refueling_state 0 ;; sets the initial refueling_state to 0 set initial-manual-cost manual-veh-price * num-manual ;; calculates initial cost of purchasing manual vehicles ] create-abet num-abet [ ;; Create ABET vehicles set shape "car" ;; sets turtle shape to be a car set color red ;; sets car color to red set travel-distance 0 ;; sets initial travel-distance to 0 set paid-distance 0 ;; sets initial paid-distance to 0 move-to one-of roads with [ not any? turtles-on self ] ;; Find a empty road and place the turtle there record-data set-passenger-destination set goal passenger ;; sets goal to be passenger set energy_level random (max_ABET_range - max_ABET_range / 2 + 1) + max_ABET_range / 2 ;; set the initial energy level between 50% and 100% set charging_state 0 ;; sets the initial charging_state to 0 set initial-abet-cost abet-veh-price * num-abet ;; calculates initial cost of purchasing ABET vehicles ] reset-ticks end to set-passenger-destination ;; Function to create passengers and destinations set trip-status 0 ;; set trip to 0 to indicate heading to pickup passenger let goal-candidates patches with [ ;; Find all patches where there can be a be a passenger or destination (not on road) pcolor = 38 and any? neighbors with [ pcolor = white ] ] set passenger one-of goal-candidates ;; choose at random a location for the passenger set destination one-of goal-candidates with [ ;; choose at random a location for the destination self != [ passenger ] of myself ] if watch-a-car-true? = 1 ;; if watching vehicle [update-labels] end to setup-globals ;; Initialize the global variables to appropriate values set watch-a-car-true? 0 set num-passengers 0 set grid-size-x 9 ;; road grid-size-x for enviornment set grid-size-y 9 ;; road grid-size-y for enviornment set grid-x-inc world-width / grid-size-x set grid-y-inc world-height / grid-size-y end to setup-patches ;; Set up the roads and charger/gas station agentsets ask patches [ ;; Initialize the patch-owned variables and color the patches to brown set my-row -1 set my-column -1 set pcolor brown + 3 ] set roads patches with [ ;; Define road patches (floor ((pxcor + max-pxcor - floor (grid-x-inc - 1)) mod grid-x-inc) = 0) or (floor ((pycor + max-pycor) mod grid-y-inc) = 0) ] ask roads [ set pcolor white ] ;; Colors road patches white set chargers patches with [ pxcor = -14 and pycor = -14] ;; Defines charger with this location (-14, -14) ask chargers [ set pcolor red ] ;; Colors chargers red set gas_stations patches with [ pxcor = 13 and pycor = 14] ;; Defines gas stations with this location ( 13, 14) ask gas_stations [ set pcolor blue ] ;; Colors gas stations blue end to go ;; Runs the simulation ask abet [ if charging_state = 0 [ ;; If ABET is NOT currently charging if energy_level <= 0 [ ;; ABET battery has died facexy 0 0 ;; Face car toward 0 0 fd 0 ;; Don't move car (dead) record-data ;; Record data for plotting ] if energy_level > 0 [ ;; ABET has battery remaining face next-patch ;; Face car toward next goal fd car_speed ;; Move car forward at car_speed set energy_level energy_level - 1 ;; Battery Level decreases by set amount record-data ;; Record data for plotting ] ] if charging_state = 1 [ ;; If ABET is currently charging facexy 0 0 ;; Face car toward 0 0 fd 0 ;; Don't move car (charging) set recharge-cost recharge-cost + (recharge-rate * electricity-cost) ;; Accumulate recharge cost with electricity rate set energy_level energy_level + recharge-rate ;; Energy level increases at recharge rate record-data ;; Record data for plotting ] ] ask manual [ if refueling_state = 0 [ ;; If manual vehicle is NOT currently refueling if energy_level <= 0 [ ;; Manual vehicle is out of fuel facexy 0 0 ;; Face car toward 0 0 fd 0 ;; Don't move car (dead) record-data ;; Record data for plotting ] if energy_level > 0 [ ;; Manual vehicle has fuel remaining face next-patch ;; Face car toward next goal fd car_speed ;; Move car forward at car_speed set energy_level energy_level - 1 ;; Battery Level decreases record-data ;; Record data for plotting ] ] if refueling_state = 1 [ ;; If manual vehicle is currently refueling facexy 0 0 ;; Face car toward 0 0 fd 0 ;; Don't move car (Refueling) set recharge-cost recharge-cost + (recharge-rate * 25 * gas-cost) ;; Accumulate recharge cost with gas rate set energy_level energy_level + recharge-rate * 25 ;; Energy level increases at recharge rate assuming gas fillup is 25x faster than recharging record-data ;; Record data for plotting ] ] label-subject ;; If watching a car, label it tick end to record-data ;; Data recorder for plots set travel-distance travel-distance + 1 ;; While moving, increase distance if trip-status = 1 [ set paid-distance paid-distance + 1 ;; Wile moving with passenger onboard, increase paid distance ] end to-report next-patch ;; Define goal of vehicle (passenger, destination, or charge/refuel) ask abet [ if goal = passenger and (member? patch-here [ neighbors4 ] of passenger) and charging_state = 0 [ ;; If goal is passenger and nearby passenger set trip-status 1 ;; Passenger is onboard set goal destination ;; Set goal to destination ] if goal = destination and (member? patch-here [ neighbors4 ] of destination) and charging_state = 0 [ ;; If goal is destination and nearby destination set trip-status 2 ;; Off-board passenger set num-passengers num-passengers + 1 ;; Count total number of passengers transported set-passenger-destination ;; Execute set-passenger-destination function let Passenger_X_Cor [ pxcor ] of passenger ;; Find X Coordinate of new passenger let Passenger_Y_Cor [ pycor ] of passenger ;; Find Y Coordinate of new passenger let Destination_X_Cor [ pxcor ] of destination ;; Find X Coordinate of new destination let Destination_Y_Cor [ pycor ] of destination ;; Find Y Coordinate of new destination let Charger_X_Cor [ pxcor ] of one-of chargers ;; Find X Coordinate of one of chargers let Charger_Y_Cor [ pycor ] of one-of chargers ;; Find Y Coordinate of one of chargers let required_range 1.5 * ( ;; Find required minimum range for next trip and add 50% safety factor abs(Passenger_X_Cor - [ xcor ] of myself ) + abs(Destination_X_Cor - Passenger_X_Cor) + abs(Charger_X_Cor - Destination_X_Cor) + abs(Passenger_Y_Cor - [ ycor ] of myself) + abs(Destination_Y_Cor - Passenger_Y_Cor) + abs(Charger_Y_Cor - Destination_Y_Cor) ) if required_range < energy_level [set goal passenger] ;; Find required range is less than energy level, assign passenger goal if required_range >= energy_level [ ;; If required range is greater than energy_level set charge one-of chargers ;; Set a charger location set goal charge ] ;; Set goal to charge ] if goal = charge and (member? patch-here [ neighbors ] of charge) and energy_level < max_ABET_range [ ;; If goal is to charge and not at full energy level and nearby charger set charging_state 1 ;; Set charging state to 1 set goal charge ;; Reset goal to charge ] if goal = charge and energy_level >= max_ABET_range [ ;; If goal and at full battery level set charging_state 0 ;; Set charging state to 0 set goal passenger ;; Set goal to passenger ] ] ask manual [ if goal = passenger and (member? patch-here [ neighbors4 ] of passenger) and refueling_state = 0 [ ;; If goal is passenger and nearby passenger set trip-status 1 ;; Passenger is onboard set goal destination ;; Set goal to destination ] if goal = destination and (member? patch-here [ neighbors4 ] of destination) and refueling_state = 0 [ ;; If goal is destination and nearby destination set trip-status 2 ;; Off-board passenger set num-passengers num-passengers + 1 ;; Count total number of passengers transported set-passenger-destination ;; Execute set-passenger-destination function let Passenger_X_Cor [ pxcor ] of passenger ;; Find X Coordinate of new passenger let Passenger_Y_Cor [ pycor ] of passenger ;; Find Y Coordinate of new passenger let Destination_X_Cor [ pxcor ] of destination ;; Find X Coordinate of new destination let Destination_Y_Cor [ pycor ] of destination ;; Find Y Coordinate of new destination let Gas_Station_X_Cor [ pxcor ] of one-of gas_stations ;; Find X Coordinate of one of gas stations let Gas_Station_Y_Cor [ pycor ] of one-of gas_stations ;; Find Y Coordinate of one of gas stations let required_range 1.5 * ( ;; Find required minimum range for next trip and add 50% safety factor abs(Passenger_X_Cor - [ xcor ] of myself ) + abs(Destination_X_Cor - Passenger_X_Cor) + abs(Gas_Station_X_Cor - Destination_X_Cor) + abs(Passenger_Y_Cor - [ ycor ] of myself) + abs(Destination_Y_Cor - Passenger_Y_Cor) + abs(Gas_Station_Y_Cor - Destination_Y_Cor) ) if required_range < energy_level [set goal passenger] ;; Find required range is less than energy level, assign passenger goal if required_range >= energy_level [ ;; If required range is greater than energy_level set refuel one-of gas_stations ;; Set a charger location set goal refuel ] ;; Set goal to charge ] if goal = refuel and (member? patch-here [ neighbors ] of refuel) and energy_level < max_manual_range [ ;; If goal is to refuel and not at energy level and nearby gas_station set refueling_state 1 ;; Set refueling state to 1 set goal refuel ;; Reset goal to refuel ] if goal = refuel and energy_level >= max_manual_range [ set refueling_state 0 ;; Set refueling state to 0 set goal passenger ;; Set goal to passenger ] ] let choices neighbors with [ pcolor = white ] ;; Define choices agentset which constrains vehicle to only drive on road patches let choice min-one-of choices [ distance [ goal ] of myself ] ;; Choose option which minimizes distance between goal and vehicle report choice ;; Report out chosen patch end to watch-a-car-button ;; Watch a car button ifelse watch-a-car-true? = 0 [set watch-a-car-true? 1 watch-a-car ] [set watch-a-car-true? 0 stop-watching ] end to watch-a-car ;; Watch a car function stop-watching ;; In case previously watching another car watch one-of turtles update-labels end to update-labels ;; Update labels of watched car if subject != nobody [ ask subject [ ask passenger [ set pcolor yellow ;; Color the passenger patch yellow set plabel-color yellow ;; Label the passenger in yellow font set plabel "passenger" ;; Label the passenger ] ask destination [ set pcolor orange ;; Color the destination patch orange set plabel-color orange ;; Label the destination in orange font set plabel "destination" ;; Label the destination ] set label [ plabel ] of goal ;; car displays its goal ] ] end to stop-watching ;; Stop watching a car ask patches with [ pcolor = yellow or pcolor = orange ] [ ;; Reset patch colors/labels stop-inspecting self set pcolor 38 set plabel "" ] ask turtles [ set label "" stop-inspecting self ] reset-perspective end to label-subject ;; Label watched vehicle if subject != nobody [ ask subject [ set label energy_level ;; Label watched vehicle with energy level set label-color black ;; Color label black ] ] end ;; Modified Version of Traffic Grid Goal Model by Uri Wilensky (2008). ;; Modified by David Caples, Cameron Culver
There is only one version of this model, created almost 6 years ago by Cameron Culver.
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Autonomous Battery Electric Taxi Service.png | preview | Preview for 'Autonomous Battery Electric Taxi Service' | almost 6 years ago, by Cameron Culver | Download |
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Cameron Culver
Use Instructions
To view and run the model online, click the link below, then click “Setup” → “Go”, and watch it run. Use “Watch a Car” to view a single vehicle operating, as it moves towards a passengers, picks them up, and then moves to the destination. Following a passenger drop off, the cycle repeats indefinitely, until the vehicle needs to re-energize, at which point it moves to either a gas station or charger, depending on vehicle type.
Posted almost 6 years ago