TSP heuristics
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;; globals [k-unfeasible cn-failed-ants cn-lambda-invocations] breed [handlers a-handler] breed [nodes a-city] breed [ants an-ant] breed [tellers a-teller] undirected-link-breed [arcs an-arc] arcs-own [dm-distance dm-pheromone] patches-own [dm-zone] turtles-own [dm-arrival dm-departure dm-cohort] handlers-own [lambda-event dm-severity dm-next-event ] ants-own [lambda-andon dm-tabu-list dm-best-next-arc dm-last-arc] nodes-own [dm-node] tellers-own [dm-input] ;; to setup clear-all carefully [ set-default-shape handlers "flag" set-default-shape nodes "circle" set-default-shape ants "sheep" set-default-shape tellers "person" ask patches [set dm-zone "geography"] ask patches with [11 < pycor] [set pcolor cyan set dm-zone "FEL"] ask patches with [pxcor < -11] [set pcolor gray set dm-zone "arrival"] ask patches with [pxcor < -11 and 0 < pycor] [set pcolor turquoise set dm-zone "departure"] mt-data-entry mt-tour-construction reset-ticks eh-schedule-event "trigger-arcs" 1 task [eh-trigger-evaporation false] eh-schedule-event "trigger-ants" 2 task [eh-trigger-ants ] show (word " info! --------------------------- TRAVEL SALESPERSON ANT COLONY OPTIMIZATION STARTS ... ---------------------------- nodes: " rpt-full-network-list) mt-feedback-dataentry mt-label-habitat ] [eh-catch "observer" 0 "setup" error-message ] end ;; to go carefully [ if any? handlers with [member? "HALT!" dm-cohort] [error (word " HALT! order accepted by observer!")] if any? handlers with [member? "exch" dm-cohort] [error (word " there are reported bugs in the system!")] let lv-lane patches with ["FEL" = dm-zone] let lv-dead-events (handlers-on patches with ["arrival" = dm-zone]) with [member? "event-" dm-cohort] if bu-verify-mode? [show (word rpt-display-cron " DEBUG! " count lv-dead-events " dead events will now be moved to departure zone.") ] ask lv-dead-events [ if (ticks < dm-next-event ) [error (word self dm-cohort " in arrival before due " dm-next-event)] set dm-departure ticks set color violet move-to one-of patches with ["departure" = dm-zone] ] let lv-due-events (handlers-on lv-lane) with [(member? "event-" dm-cohort) and (dm-next-event <= ticks )] if bu-verify-mode? [show (word rpt-display-cron " DEBUG! " count lv-due-events " due events will run now their lambda. ") ] ask lv-due-events [ set dm-departure ticks move-to one-of patches with ["arrival" = dm-zone] set color green run lambda-event ] ask arcs [ set thickness 1.0 - exp ( -1 * dm-pheromone) ] update-plots tick-advance rpt-adv-cron ] [eh-catch "observer" ticks "go" error-message stop] end ;; to eh-catch [#who #when #where #issue] show (word " ------------------- system interrupted by " #who " at tick " #when " where? " #where " -----------------------------------------------") ask one-of patches with ["arrival" = dm-zone] [ sprout-handlers 1 [ set dm-cohort ifelse-value (member? "HALT!" #issue) ["HALT!"] ["exch"] set shape ifelse-value (member? "HALT!" #issue) ["flag"] ["bug"] set dm-arrival #when set color ifelse-value (member? "HALT!" #issue) [blue] [violet] set size 2 set dm-severity ifelse-value (member? "HALT!" #issue) ["warning!"] ["PANIC!"] set label (word dm-severity " – " #issue) watch-me show (word dm-cohort " – " dm-severity " message: " #issue) ] ] end ;; to eh-schedule-event [#tag #when #lambda] ask one-of patches with ["FEL" = dm-zone] [ sprout-handlers 1 [ set dm-cohort (word "event-" #tag) set dm-arrival ticks set dm-next-event #when set color blue set size 1.5 set dm-severity "info!" set label (word dm-cohort "@" precision dm-next-event 1) if not is-command-task? #lambda [error (word self dm-cohort " expected a lambda when scheduling event! found :" #lambda)] set lambda-event #lambda ] ] end ;; to eh-trigger-ants carefully [ if not (is-a-handler? self and member? "event-" dm-cohort) [error (word self label " was expected to be an event handler!" ) ] if not any? ants [error (word "HALT! there are no ants to continue exploring solutions!")] if bu-verify-mode? [show (word rpt-display-cron label " DEBUG! event lambda runs trigger event acceptor for ants.")] ifelse 0 < count ants with ["successful" != dm-cohort] [ eh-schedule-event "trigger-ants" (2 + ticks) task [eh-trigger-ants ] ask ants [ let k-prob-genchi-genbutsu 0.10 if (rpt-roulette? k-prob-genchi-genbutsu) [mt-audit-city-of-ant self] set cn-lambda-invocations ( 1 + cn-lambda-invocations) run lambda-andon ] ] [eh-schedule-event "trigger-halt" (1 + ticks) task [eh-trigger-halt ]] ] [eh-catch self ticks "trigger event acceptor for ants" error-message ] end ;; to eh-trigger-halt carefully [ if not (is-a-handler? self and member? "event-" dm-cohort) [error (word self label " was expected to be an event handler!" ) ] ask ants with ["star" = shape] [set size 1] ask min-one-of ants [rpt-my-tour-distance] [ show (word label rpt-display-cron dm-cohort " info! EUREKA: I am an OPTIMAL solution for this problem: " dm-tabu-list " total tour TSP distance:" rpt-my-tour-distance) foreach dm-tabu-list [ show (word " --> " rpt-display-city ? " distance to next city: " rpt-distance-to-next-node ? ) ] set label "*" set size 2 ] error (word " HALT! order received!") ] [eh-catch self ticks "trigger HALT! acceptor" error-message ] end ;; to eh-trigger-evaporation [#mode] carefully [ if not (is-boolean? #mode) [error (word #mode " expected boolean!")] if not (is-a-handler? self and member? "event-" dm-cohort) [error (word self label " was expected to be an event handler!" ) ] if bu-verify-mode? [show (word rpt-display-cron label " DEBUG! event lambda runs trigger event acceptor for ARCS.")] eh-schedule-event "trigger-ARCS" (2 + ticks) task [eh-trigger-evaporation not #mode] ask arcs [ ifelse #mode [ mt-pheromone-evaporation] [set color yellow] ] ] [eh-catch self ticks "trigger event acceptor for ARCS" error-message ] end ;; to mt-pheromone-evaporation carefully [ if not (is-an-arc? self) [error (word self label " was expected to be an arc so to evaporate pheromone!" ) ] set dm-pheromone (1 - bu-rho) * dm-pheromone if bu-verify-mode? [show (word rpt-display-cron label " DEBUG! pheromone after evaporation: " dm-pheromone)] set color green ] [eh-catch self ticks "arc evaporates pheromone" error-message ] end ;; to pm-ant-failed-tour carefully [ if not is-an-ant? self [error (word self label " is expected to be an ant!" ) ] set color red set cn-failed-ants (1 + cn-failed-ants) show (word rpt-display-cron rpt-display-self " warning! my tour " dm-tabu-list " has failed; there are some nodes not visited and no arcs to continue... total failed ants:" cn-failed-ants) die ] [eh-catch self ticks "ant failed tour" error-message ] end ;; to pm-ant-sucessful-tour carefully [ if not is-an-ant? self [error (word self label " is expected to be an ant!" ) ] set color green set size 2 set dm-cohort "successful" set shape "star" mt-deposit-pheromone self set lambda-andon task [] show (word rpt-display-cron rpt-display-self " info! EUREKA: I have completed a TSP tour " dm-tabu-list " to visit all cities; distance: " rpt-my-tour-distance) ] [eh-catch self ticks "ant successful tour" error-message ] end ;; to pm-try-close-tour carefully [ if not is-an-ant? self [error (word self label " is expected to be an ant!" ) ] set dm-last-arc rpt-arc last dm-tabu-list first dm-tabu-list ifelse nobody = dm-last-arc [ set lambda-andon task [pm-ant-failed-tour] ] [ set lambda-andon task [pm-ant-sucessful-tour] ] set color green ] [eh-catch self ticks "ant tries to close tour" error-message ] end ;; to pm-check-tour carefully [ if not is-an-ant? self [error (word self label " is expected to be an ant!" ) ] set color orange ifelse rpt-quasi-complete-tour? self [ show (word rpt-display-cron rpt-display-self " info! my tour is almost complete " dm-tabu-list "; just need to go back to origin.") set lambda-andon task [pm-try-close-tour] ] [ set lambda-andon task [pm-ant-failed-tour] ] ] [eh-catch self ticks "ant checks her tour complete?" error-message ] end ;; to pm-arrival-at-city carefully [ if not is-an-ant? self [error (word self label " subject arriving at the end of one must must be an ANT!" ) ] set color blue set dm-tabu-list lput [dm-node] of (rpt-next-node-using-best-arc self) dm-tabu-list move-to one-of nodes with [last [dm-tabu-list] of myself = dm-node] set lambda-andon task [pm-pheromone-trail] show (word rpt-display-cron rpt-display-self " info! ant arrival at " rpt-display-city patch-here " tabu list:" dm-tabu-list " tour distance:" rpt-tour-distance self) ] [eh-catch self ticks "ant arrives to node" error-message ] end ;; to pm-visit-arc carefully [ if not is-an-ant? self [error (word self label " subject of the arc visit must be an ant!" ) ] set color green if ticks >= dm-departure [ set lambda-andon task [pm-arrival-at-city] ] ] [eh-catch self ticks "ant visiting arc" error-message ] end ;; to pm-pheromone-trail carefully [ if not is-an-ant? self [error (word self label " is expected to be an ant to update its pheromone trail!" ) ] set color yellow set dm-best-next-arc nobody let tb-my-next-arcs rpt-feasible-arcs-for self ifelse (empty? tb-my-next-arcs) [ set lambda-andon task [pm-check-tour] show (word rpt-display-cron rpt-display-self " info! no more feasible arcs found! my tabu: " dm-tabu-list " now ant will check if she can arrive to origin and get a full tour.") ] [ set dm-best-next-arc rpt-select-arc tb-my-next-arcs set lambda-andon task [pm-visit-arc ] set dm-departure (ticks + rpt-walk-duration dm-best-next-arc) show (word rpt-display-cron rpt-display-self " info! ant starts walking " rpt-display-arc dm-best-next-arc " and will arrive next city at " dm-departure) ] ] [watch-me set size 4 eh-catch self ticks "update ants pheromone trail" error-message ] end ;; to mt-deposit-pheromone [#ant] if not is-an-ant? #ant [error (word #ant " only ants can pour pheromome over arcs!")] ask #ant [ let tb-arcs rpt-getter-tour #ant if not rpt-audit-are-arcs-connected? tb-arcs [error (word #ant " corrupted tour! arcs " tb-arcs " do not make a chain." )] foreach tb-arcs [ ask ? [ set dm-pheromone ((1 / rpt-tour-distance myself) + dm-pheromone)] ] show (word rpt-display-cron rpt-display-self " info! pour some pheromone on travelled arcs; overall pheromone level : " sum [dm-pheromone] of arcs) ] end ;; to mt-audit-city-of-ant [#ant] if not is-an-ant? #ant [error (word #ant " was expected to be an ant when randomly auditing that she is currently placed upon a city-node!")] let lv-city rpt-current-city-of-ant #ant if nobody = lv-city [error (word #ant " violates the rule that she must be placed upon a city!")] if [dm-node] of lv-city != last [dm-tabu-list] of #ant [ error (word #ant " tabu list " dm-tabu-list " last item should match node number " [dm-node] of lv-city " of the city " [label] of lv-city " where ant is now!") ] if bu-verify-mode? [show (word rpt-display-cron rpt-display-ant #ant " DEBUG! pass AUDIT; placed upon node " rpt-display-city lv-city)] end ;; to mt-link [#destination #distance] if not is-a-city? #destination [error (word #destination label " was expected to be a destination node!")] ask #destination [ if bu-verify-mode? [show (word label " DEBUG! distance " #distance " from node# " [label] of myself) ] if (k-unfeasible <= #distance) [show (word label " Warning! this arc with " [label] of myself " is defined as non-feasible! Not created." ) stop] create-an-arc-with myself [ set dm-distance #distance set dm-pheromone (1 / dm-distance) set label precision dm-distance 1 ] ] end ;; to mt-create-arcs [#nodes #arcs] if not is-a-city? self [error (word self label " was expected to be a node!")] let tb-destinations n-values dm-node [?] if bu-verify-mode? [show (word label " DEBUG! creating arcs from node# " dm-node " with nodes " tb-destinations) ] foreach tb-destinations [ let lv-destination one-of nodes with [dm-node = ?] let lv-distance ifelse-value ("non-FAT" = bu-fat) [ rpt-input (word " enter distance (or \"NA\" for no-arc) from " label " to node# " ?) task [rpt-valid-distance?] ] [ (item ? #arcs)] mt-link lv-destination lv-distance ] end ;; to mt-create-city [#index #nodes #arcs] if not is-list? #arcs [error (word #arcs " is expected to be a list of distances between this city and its predecessors!")] if not is-list? #nodes [error (word #nodes " is expected to be a list of cities!")] if not (0 <= #index and #index <= length #nodes) [error (word #index " is an invalid subscriptor for " #nodes)] ask one-of patches with ["geography" = dm-zone] [ sprout-nodes 1 [ set dm-node #index set dm-cohort item #index #nodes set label (word dm-node ":" dm-cohort) set color lime if "?" = label [set label user-input "please enter city name" ] if bu-verify-mode? [show (word label " DEBUG! creating node " #index " of the city's network " #nodes "; distances to predecesors: " #arcs)] mt-create-arcs #nodes #arcs ] ask (patch-set self neighbors) [set dm-zone "node" set pcolor orange] ] end ;; to mt-data-entry set k-unfeasible 1E20 let tb-cities n-values (bu-num-cities) ["?"] let tb-distance n-values (bu-num-cities) [ (list ) ] if bu-fat = "Wilson-p751" [ set tb-cities ["NewYork" "Miami" "Dallas" "Chicago"] set bu-num-cities length tb-cities let lv-row1 (list 1334) let lv-row2 (list 1559 1343) let lv-row3 (list 809 1397 921) set tb-distance (list [] lv-row1 lv-row2 lv-row3) ] if bu-fat = "Dasgupta" [ set tb-cities ["origin" "city1" "city2" "city3" "city4" "city5"] set bu-num-cities length tb-cities let lv-row1 (list 3) let lv-row2 (list 3 4) let lv-row3 (list k-unfeasible 5 3) let lv-row4 (list k-unfeasible 2 6 4 ) let lv-row5 (list k-unfeasible k-unfeasible k-unfeasible 3 2 ) set tb-distance (list [] lv-row1 lv-row2 lv-row3 lv-row4 lv-row5) ] if bu-fat = "—delta" [ set tb-cities ["O" "A" "B" "C" ] set bu-num-cities length tb-cities let lv-row1 (list 10) let lv-row2 (list k-unfeasible 20) let lv-row3 (list k-unfeasible 30 40) set tb-distance (list [] lv-row1 lv-row2 lv-row3 ) ] if bu-fat = "acid-TEST" [ set tb-cities ["O" "A" "B" "C" "D" "E"] set bu-num-cities length tb-cities let lv-row1 (list 10) let lv-row2 (list 20 k-unfeasible) let lv-row3 (list 30 k-unfeasible k-unfeasible ) let lv-row4 (list 40 k-unfeasible k-unfeasible k-unfeasible k-unfeasible ) let lv-row5 (list 50 k-unfeasible k-unfeasible k-unfeasible k-unfeasible k-unfeasible ) set tb-distance (list [] lv-row1 lv-row2 lv-row3 lv-row4 lv-row5) ] if bu-verify-mode? [show (word " DEBUG! now this list of cities: " tb-cities " will be created ...")] foreach n-values (bu-num-cities) [?] [ mt-create-city ? tb-cities (item ? tb-distance) ] end ;; to mt-create-ant-on-node [#node] if (not is-a-city? #node) [error (word #node " was expected to be a city when creating an ant upon it!")] ask #node [ hatch-ants 1 [ set dm-cohort [label] of myself set label "" set color blue set dm-tabu-list (list [dm-node] of myself) set lambda-andon task [pm-pheromone-trail] set dm-last-arc nobody set dm-best-next-arc nobody ] ] end ;; to mt-tour-construction set cn-lambda-invocations 0 set cn-failed-ants 0 foreach sort-on [dm-node] nodes [ repeat bu-popsize-per-node [mt-create-ant-on-node ?] ] end ;; to mt-feedback-dataentry foreach sort-on [dm-node] nodes [ ask ? [ show (word label " info! city " dm-node " has " rpt-count-ants-on self " ants on here; and has connections to neighbor cities...") ask my-arcs [ show (word " info! has a connection to " [label] of other-end " at distance " dm-distance) ] ] ask one-of ants-on ? [show (word label " info! my starting node is " first dm-tabu-list " and my partial tour is " but-first dm-tabu-list )] ] show (word " info! ants will travel : " rpt-velocity " units of distance during each tick.") end ;; to mt-label-habitat ask patches with [member? dm-zone (list "geography" "node" )] [set dm-zone ""] foreach remove-duplicates [dm-zone] of patches [ ask one-of patches with [rpt-is-patch-inside-zone? ?] [set plabel dm-zone] ] end ;; to-report rpt-my-strength [#arc] report ([dm-pheromone] of #arc ^ bu-alpha) * ([dm-distance] of #arc ^ (-1 * bu-beta)) end ;; to-report rpt-my-prob-arc [#arc] if nobody = #arc [report 0.0] if not is-an-ant? self [error (word self " only ants can calculate probability of arcs in her neighbor!")] if not (member? #arc rpt-feasible-arcs-for self) [error (word #arc " only feasible arcs can be asked by an ant about probability!")] let ac-pheromone sum map [rpt-my-strength ?] (rpt-feasible-arcs-for self) let lv-prob rpt-my-strength #arc / ifelse-value (0 < ac-pheromone) [ac-pheromone] [1.0] if not (0 <= lv-prob and lv-prob <= 1 ) [error (word self label " probability " lv-prob " is out of range!")] report lv-prob end ;; to-report rpt-count-ants-on [#city] if not is-a-city? #city [error (word #city " was expected to be a node!" )] report count ants-on ([patch-here] of #city) end ;; to-report rpt-valid-distance? if not is-a-teller? self [error (word self " was expected to be a teller who takes care for this distance validation!")] if ("NA" = dm-input) [set dm-input k-unfeasible] report rpt-positive-number? end ;; to-report rpt-positive-number? if not is-a-teller? self [error (word self " was expected to be a teller who takes care for a positive number validation!")] if not ( (is-number? dm-input) and (0 < dm-input) ) [user-message (word dm-input " should be a positive number!") report false] if k-unfeasible < dm-input [user-message (word dm-input " too large! amended to upper bound.") set dm-input k-unfeasible] report true end ;; to-report rpt-is-string? report (is-string? dm-input) end ;; to-report rpt-input [#inquiry #is-valid?] if not is-reporter-task? #is-valid? [error (word #is-valid? " was expected to be a reporter task to validate a data entry!")] ask one-of patches with ["arrival" = dm-zone] [ sprout-tellers 1 [ set dm-cohort "teller" set label (word dm-cohort " : " #inquiry) set color red set dm-input read-from-string user-input #inquiry if (not runresult #is-valid?) [die report rpt-input #inquiry #is-valid? ] move-to one-of patches with ["departure" = dm-zone] ] ] report [dm-input] of one-of tellers with [(word dm-cohort " : " #inquiry) = label] end ;; to-report rpt-other-node [#node #arc] if (not is-a-city? #node) [error (word #node " was expected to be a city when finding the other end of " #arc "!")] let lv-next-city nobody ask #node [ if (not is-an-arc? #arc) [error (word #arc " should be an arc when finding other node of " #node)] ask #arc [ set lv-next-city other-end ] ] report lv-next-city end ;; to-report rpt-next-node-using-best-arc [#ant] if not is-an-ant? #ant [error (word #ant " is expected to be an ant when trying to move to next city!")] report rpt-other-node (rpt-current-city-of-ant #ant) [dm-best-next-arc] of #ant end ;; to-report rpt-my-current-city report rpt-current-city-of-ant self end ;; to-report rpt-current-city-of-ant [#ant] if not is-an-ant? #ant [error (word #ant " is expected to be an ant, to determine the city in which she is now!")] report one-of nodes-on ([patch-here] of #ant) end ;; to-report rpt-quasi-complete-tour? [#ant] if not is-an-ant? #ant [error (word #ant " was expected to be an ant when asking whether her tour is ready to complete or not!")] report (sort [dm-node] of nodes) = (sort [dm-tabu-list] of #ant) end ;; to-report rpt-make-chain? [#arc1 #arc2] if (not is-an-arc? #arc1) or (not is-an-arc? #arc2) [error (word #arc1 #arc2 " were both expected to be arcs to check if they are inter-connected!")] let tb-nodes [] foreach (list #arc1 #arc2) [ set tb-nodes fput [end2] of ? tb-nodes set tb-nodes fput [end1] of ? tb-nodes ] if (4 != length tb-nodes) [error (word #arc1 #arc2 " together they must have 4 nodes! but got " length tb-nodes )] let tb-trajectory remove-duplicates tb-nodes report (length tb-trajectory < length tb-nodes) end ;; to-report rpt-audit-are-arcs-connected? [#arcs] if not is-list? #arcs [error (word #arcs " expected to be a list of arcs, when checking if they are connected as in a chain!")] if (length #arcs <= 1) [report true] report reduce [?1 and ?2 ] (map [rpt-make-chain? ?1 ?2] but-last #arcs but-first #arcs) end ;; to-report rpt-getter-tour [#ant] if not is-an-ant? #ant [error (word #ant " was expected to be an ant when asking to display her tour!")] let tb-arcs [] ask #ant [ set tb-arcs (map [rpt-arc ?1 ?2] but-last dm-tabu-list but-first dm-tabu-list) ] report tb-arcs end ;; to-report rpt-is-tabu? [#node #list] if (not is-a-city? #node) [error (word #node " was expected to be a city when checking in a tabu list!")] if not (is-list? #list) [error (word #list " was expected to be a tabu list of nodes.")] let sw-member? false ask #node [ set sw-member? (member? dm-node #list) if (bu-verify-mode? and rpt-roulette? 0.01) [show (word rpt-display-city #node " sample DEBUG! in tabu list " #list " ? " sw-member? )] ] report sw-member? end ;; to-report rpt-neighbors [#ant] if not (is-an-ant? #ant) [error (word #ant " argument should be an ant to report its arcs connected to her current node!")] report arcs with [member? (rpt-current-city-of-ant #ant) both-ends] end ;; to-report rpt-acum-prob-arcs [#list] let ac-prob 0.0 foreach #list [ if not (is-an-arc? ?) [error (word ? " was expected to be an arc when calculating acum prob of a list of arcs!")] set ac-prob (rpt-my-prob-arc ?) + ac-prob ] report ac-prob end ;; to-report rpt-select-arc [#list] if not (is-an-ant? self) [error (word self " was expected to be an ant selecting her next node to visit!")] let lv-roulette random-float (rpt-acum-prob-arcs #list) if (bu-verify-mode? and rpt-roulette? 0.10) [show (word rpt-display-cron rpt-display-self " sample DEBUG! selecting next arc, using roulette: " lv-roulette " arcs:" length #list) ] let ac-prob 0.0 foreach #list [ set ac-prob (rpt-my-prob-arc ?) + ac-prob if lv-roulette <= ac-prob [ if bu-verify-mode? [ show (word rpt-display-cron rpt-display-self " DEBUG! ant selects arc " rpt-display-arc ? " roulette:" lv-roulette " acum arcs prob:" ac-prob ) ] report ? ] ] error (word self " fails selecting among the list of feasible arcs: " #list) end ;; to-report rpt-feasible-arcs-for [#ant] let lv-feasible-arcs [] if not (is-an-ant? #ant) [error (word #ant " is expected to be an ant when filtering feasible next arcs in her tour!")] ask rpt-my-current-city [ ask rpt-neighbors #ant [ if not (rpt-is-tabu? other-end [dm-tabu-list] of #ant) [ set lv-feasible-arcs lput self lv-feasible-arcs] ] ] if (bu-verify-mode? and rpt-roulette? 0.05) [ show (word rpt-display-cron rpt-display-self " sample DEBUG! finished gathering my feasible arcs " lv-feasible-arcs " using tabu list " dm-tabu-list) ] report lv-feasible-arcs end ;; to-report rpt-velocity report min [dm-distance] of arcs end ;; to-report rpt-walk-duration [#arc] if not is-an-arc? #arc [error (word #arc " was expected to be an arc in order to calculate walk duration at standarized speed!")] report ceiling (rpt-distance #arc / rpt-velocity) end ;; to-report rpt-arc [#node-a #node-b] let tb-nodes map [one-of nodes with [? = dm-node] ] (list #node-a #node-b) foreach tb-nodes [ if (nobody = ?) [show (word " warning! " ? " is expected to match a node # when looking for an arc between " #node-a " and " #node-b "!") report nobody] ] report reduce [one-of arcs with [(member? ?1 both-ends) and (member? ?2 both-ends)]] tb-nodes end ;; to-report rpt-distance-to-next-node [#node] if not is-an-ant? self [error (word self " expected to be an ant to calculate distance to next node of " #node)] let lv-pos position #node dm-tabu-list let lv-next-pos (1 + lv-pos) mod (length dm-tabu-list) report rpt-distance-between #node item lv-next-pos dm-tabu-list end ;; to-report rpt-distance-between [#node-a #node-b] report rpt-distance (rpt-arc #node-a #node-b) end ;; to-report rpt-distance [#arc] if #arc = nobody [report 0.0] if not (is-an-arc? #arc) [error (word #arc " is expected to be an arc so to ask about its distance!")] report [dm-distance] of #arc end ;; to-report rpt-tour-distance [#ant] if not (is-an-ant? #ant) [error (word #ant " is expected to be an ant so to calculate the tour distance already travelled (my tabu list)!")] if empty? [dm-tabu-list] of #ant [report 0.0] let tb-distances (map [rpt-distance-between ?1 ?2 ] but-last [dm-tabu-list] of #ant but-first [dm-tabu-list] of #ant ) report sum tb-distances end ;; to-report rpt-my-tour-distance report rpt-distance dm-last-arc + rpt-tour-distance self end ;; to-report rpt-full-network-list let tb-node [dm-node] of nodes report sort tb-node end ;; to-report rpt-is-patch-inside-zone? [#where] if not (is-patch? self) [error (word self " was expected to be a patch!")] let tb-zones-around fput dm-zone [dm-zone] of neighbors report reduce [?1 and (#where = ?2)] (fput true tb-zones-around ) end ;; to-report rpt-roulette? [#prob] report (random-float 1 < #prob) end ;; to-report rpt-adv-cron let lv-lane patches with ["FEL" = dm-zone] let lv-candidates (handlers-on lv-lane) with [member? "event-" dm-cohort] if not (any? lv-candidates) [error (word lv-candidates " Future Event List should not be empty!")] let lv-next-due min [dm-next-event] of lv-candidates if not (ticks < lv-next-due) [error (word " cron can only move forward! next event scheduled at " lv-next-due)] report lv-next-due - ticks end ;; to-report rpt-display-city [#node] if is-number? #node [report rpt-display-city one-of nodes with [#node = dm-node] ] if is-an-ant? #node [report rpt-display-city (rpt-current-city-of-ant #node)] if is-patch? #node [report rpt-display-city one-of nodes-on #node ] if (not is-a-city? #node) [error (word #node " was expected to be a city when displaying node ID!")] report (word " " [label] of #node " ") end ;; to-report rpt-display-ant [#ant] if not is-an-ant? #ant [error (word #ant " was expected to be an ant when asking to display her ID!")] report (word " origin " first [dm-tabu-list] of #ant ":" [label] of #ant ", ") end ;; to-report rpt-display-arc [#arc] if nobody = #arc [report "nobody"] if not is-an-arc? #arc [error (word #arc " expected to be an arc when asking to display its ID!")] report (word " arc between " rpt-display-city [end1] of #arc " and " rpt-display-city [end2] of #arc ", ") end ;; to-report rpt-display-self if is-an-ant? self [report rpt-display-ant self] if is-an-arc? self [report rpt-display-arc self] if is-a-city? self [report rpt-display-city self] end ;; to-report rpt-display-cron report (word " CRON " precision ticks 1 ", ") end ;;
There is only one version of this model, created almost 6 years ago by Shrinidhi KR KR.
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