Reinforcement Learning example
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;; Adapted from a model by Joe Roop: Learning Maze ;; Coppyright Russ Abbott ( ;; This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License. ;; To view a copy of the license, visit patches-own [ Qlist reward qa-elts ] breed [walkers walker] breed [qa-labels qa-label] globals [ episode goal-color goal-patch start-patch Hlist north east south west ] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to setup ca set north 0 set east 90 set south 180 set west 270 set Hlist (list west north east south) setup-maze create-walkers 1 [ set shape "bug" set color red + 1 set size 0.8 move-to start-patch set heading 45] set episode 1 set-current-plot "Ave Reward Per Episode" end to setup-maze ask patches [ let qa-elts-commands (list (list west 0.25) (list north 0.35) (list east 0.3) (list south 0.40) ) set qa-elts [] set Qlist [0 0 0 0] sprout 4 [ ;; These are four turtles which display the qa values at the patch edges set size 0 set heading east fd 0.1 set heading south fd 0.1 let command first qa-elts-commands set qa-elts-commands but-first qa-elts-commands set heading first command fd second command set label 0 set qa-elts lput self qa-elts ] ] set-maze-elements end to set-maze-elements clear-drawing ask patches [ set pcolor default-color self ] set start-patch patch -4 -4 ask start-patch [set pcolor black] set goal-patch patch 4 4 set goal-color orange + 3 ask goal-patch [set pcolor goal-color ] setup-blockades make-passage set-rewards ask patches [ foreach qa-elts [ qa-elt -> ask qa-elt [ set hidden? pcolor = blue or pcolor = goal-color ] ] ] end to setup-blockades ask patches with [pxcor = max-pxcor or pxcor = (- max-pxcor) or pycor = max-pycor or pycor = (- max-pycor) or pycor = -1] [set pcolor blue] foreach (list patch -1 2 patch 1 1 patch -2 -3) [ p -> ask p [ set pcolor blue ask n-of (ifelse-value (p = patch -2 -3) [1] [2]) neighbors [set pcolor blue]]] end to make-passage ask one-of patches with [pycor = -1 and pxcor > (- max-pxcor + 3 ) and pxcor < max-pxcor - 3] [ set pcolor default-color self ask patches with [pxcor = [pxcor] of myself and (pycor = [pycor] of myself + 1 or pycor = [pycor] of myself - 1) ] [ set pcolor default-color self ] ask one-of patches with [(pycor = [pycor] of myself + 1 ) and (pxcor = [pxcor] of myself + 1 or pxcor = [pxcor] of myself - 1) ] [ set pcolor default-color self ] ] end to set-rewards ask patches [set reward ifelse-value (pcolor = blue) [boundary-reward] [base-reward] ] ask goal-patch [ set reward goal-reward ] ask patches [sprout 1 [ set size 0 set label-color ifelse-value (myself = goal-patch) [black] [yellow + 2] set label [reward] of myself set heading east fd 0.2 ] foreach (list item 0 qa-elts item 2 qa-elts) [qa-elt -> ask qa-elt [set heading south fd 0.1]] ] end to-report default-color [a-patch] report green - 2 + ifelse-value is-odd? ([pxcor] of a-patch + [pycor] of a-patch) [0.2] [-0.2] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to go if (episode > num-episodes) [stop] set trace? false one-trip end to one-trip clear-drawing ;; Don't explore when running with trace-path let path episode-path ifelse-value trace? [0] [exploration-% / 100] let lng length path let lngsum sum path let avg-reward lngsum / lng plot avg-reward output-print (word " " episode "; path-length: " lng "; avg-reward: " precision avg-reward 2) set episode episode + 1 end to-report episode-path [explore-%] let r-episode [] ask walkers [ pen-up move-to start-patch if trace? [pen-down set pen-size 3] while [ [pcolor] of patch-here = default-color self or patch-here = start-patch] [ let Qmax max Qlist ;--get max from the Qlist values of the current patch let dirp 0 ifelse (random-float 1 < explore-%) [ set heading one-of Hlist ;--pick random direction set dirp position heading Hlist ;--find dir's position in the Hlist array ] [ set dirp one-of all-positions Qmax Qlist ;; Qmax may appear multiple times in Qlist. Select one at random. set heading item dirp Hlist ] let Qa item dirp Qlist ;--find the value in Qlist with the same position as in the Hlist let r [reward] of patch-ahead 1 set r-episode lput r r-episode ;-- Q-learning update function let Qmax' max [Qlist] of patch-ahead 1 set Qa precision ( (1 - weight) * Qa + weight * (r + gamma * Qmax') ) 3 ;--perform Q-Learning set Qlist replace-item dirp Qlist Qa ask patch-here [ (foreach qa-elts Qlist [ [t q] -> ask t [ set label precision q 1]] )] fd 1 ] ] report r-episode end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to-report all-positions [elt a-list] report all-positions' elt a-list 0 end to-report all-positions' [elt a-list n] if empty? a-list [report []] let positions all-positions' elt (but-first a-list) ( n + 1 ) if (first a-list = elt) [set positions fput n positions] report positions end to-report is-odd? [n] report n mod 2 = 1 end to-report list-to-string [a-list sep] report reduce [ [so-far next] -> (word so-far sep next)] a-list end to-report second [a-list] report first but-first a-list end
There is only one version of this model, created almost 7 years ago by Russ Abbott.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
2018-04-01_21-30-12.png | png | Model image | almost 7 years ago, by Russ Abbott | Download |
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