Airplane seating

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Default-person Amulya Angajala (Author)


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patches-own [seat-type]
turtles-own [pref countdown seated chosen hasBag]

to setup
  resize-world -10 10 -100 10
  ask patches [ set pcolor grey]
  set seats patches with
  [pxcor <= 3 and pxcor >= -3 and pxcor != 0  and pycor >= 0]
  ask seats [set pcolor green]
  set aisle patches with
  [pxcor = 0 and pycor >= 0]
  ask aisle [set pcolor yellow]
   set runway patches with
  [pxcor = 0 and pycor < 0]
  ask runway [set pcolor black]
  ask seats [
    if pxcor = 3 [ set seat-type  "window"]
    if pxcor = 2 [ set seat-type  "middle"]
    if pxcor = 1 [ set seat-type  "aisle"]
    if pxcor = -1 [ set seat-type  "aisle"]
    if pxcor = -2 [ set seat-type  "middle"]
    if pxcor = -3 [ set seat-type  "window"]

  create-turtles numberPassengers
    set color blue
    setxy 0 0
    move-to one-of runway
    set heading 0
    set countdown  2
    set hasBag random 100
    if (hasBag < bagPercent) [set countdown countdown + 10]
    set pref one-of (list "window" "aisle")
    set seated  0
    set chosen 0
    set shape "person"

to move

  if heading = 0
  [ ifelse  ycor = 10
     [set heading 180]

      ifelse count turtles-at 0 1 > 0 [
        ifelse ( ([heading] of one-of turtles-at 0 1) = 180)
        [set heading 180]

         [if not any? turtles-on patch-ahead 1 and seated = 0
         [fd 1]
    if not any? turtles-on patch-ahead 1 and seated = 0
      [fd 1]
  if heading = 180
      ifelse  ycor = 0
      [set heading 0]

      ifelse count turtles-at 0 -1 > 0 [
        ifelse ( ([heading] of one-of turtles-at 0 -1) = 0) ; or (([heading] of one-of turtles-at 0 -1) = 0 and ([heading] of one-of turtles-at 0 -2) = 0))
         [set heading 0]

         [if not any? turtles-on patch-ahead 1 and seated = 0
         [fd 1]
    if not any? turtles-on patch-ahead 1 and seated = 0
      [fd 1]

to go
  ; stop simulation if everyone is seated

  if not any? turtles with [seated = 0] [stop]
  ask turtles [
  ask seats [

;to go-once
;  ask turtles [
;    seat-people
;  ]
;  ask seats
;  [turn-patch-red]

to-report try-seat [a b c]

  ifelse ([pcolor] of patch-at a 0 = green and

    ((pref = b and random count patches with [pycor = c and pcolor = green] > 1)


      (random ((count patches with [pcolor = green] * 5)) ^ 3) <= 1))

    set chosen a
    report true
  [report false]

to seat-people
 if seated = 0 [
    ifelse chosen = 0 [

    ifelse (try-seat -1 "aisle" ycor)
      ifelse (try-seat 1 "aisle" ycor)
      [] [
        ifelse (try-seat 3 "window" ycor)
        [] [
          ifelse (try-seat -3 "window" ycor)
            ifelse (try-seat 2 "middle" ycor)
              ifelse (try-seat -2 "middle" ycor)
     ifelse countdown <= 0
      [move-to patch-at chosen 0
        set seated  1
      [set countdown countdown - 1
;   ifelse ([pcolor] of patch-at -1 0 = green and (pref = "aisle" or random count patches with [pcolor = green] <= 1))
;    [ifelse countdown <= 0
;      [move-to patch-at -1 0
;        set seated  1]
;      [set countdown countdown - 1]]
;    [move]
 ; ]

to turn-patch-red
  if one-of turtles-here != nobody [set pcolor  red]

;([pxcor] of self = xcor) and ([pcolor] of self = green) and ([seat-type] of self = pref)

There are 2 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Amulya Angajala almost 7 years ago Fixed bug Download this version
Amulya Angajala almost 7 years ago Initial upload Download this version

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