Problem Solving in Networks

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This model is designed to demonstrate the effect of network topology on complex problem solving. It is based on:

Lazer, D., & Friedman, A. (2007). The network structure of exploration and exploitation. Administrative Science Quarterly, 52(4), 667-694.


Each agent starts with a randomly chosen "solution," represented by a bit string where each slot has B possible values.

At each time step, an agent first checks to see if any neighbors have a better solution. If they do, the agent will "exploit" that social information by adopting the best solution from among their neighbors.

If neighbors do not offer a better solution, an agent will "explore" by randomly changing one bit of their bit-string solution; if that new solution is better, they keep that new solution. The value of a solution is determined by a randomly generated NK space.

The exact details of the "NK Space" are outside of the scope of this description. Suffice to say, an "NK Space" is a way of mapping solutions to complex problems on a fitness landscale offering "tunable ruggedness." A "fitness landscape" is a landscape of all the possible solutions to a problem, where "fitness" refers to how good a solution is.

By increasing "K" you increase the interdependence between parts of the solution -- so that with higher K, changing one choice impacts the fitness of other choices. (Think: adding extra thrusters to a plane also increases weight, so the two decisions are interdependent.)


Set the network topology using the "topology" parameters.

Set the NK space parameters by setting N and K. N is the length of the bit-string (the number of factors that must be considered in the solution) and K is the extent of interdependency, or complexity of the problem.


For very simple problems (N=10, k=0) Who will find a better solution in the long run - agents in a fully connected network or agents in a line or lattice?

What about for very complex problems (N=10, k=5)?

What prevents an agent or network from finding the optimal solution?


In this model, agents never make mistakes. What happens if you add "noise," or random variations, to the model?

Agents here are limited ot changing one feature of their bitstring at a time. What happens if they can change more?


This model uses the 'array' extension to generate the NK space.


Lazer, D., & Friedman, A. (2007). The network structure of exploration and exploitation. Administrative Science Quarterly, 52(4), 667-694.


Copyright 2017 Joshua Becker


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.

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;;;;    code created by
;;;;    joshua becker
;;;;    standing on the shoulders of giants

;;;;  extension for this:
;;;;      when is the game over?
;;;;      adding the error factor
;;;;      allowing agents to change more than 1 bit at a time
;;;;      reducing the frequency with which agents copy

extensions[array palette]
globals [
  nk-space         ;; an array of length B^K that determines the value of a given allele
  allele-map       ;; an array of length N that maps each digit-location to K other digit-locations
  infinity                             ;; a very large number.
                                         ;; used to denote distance between two turtles which
                                         ;; don't have a connected or unconnected path between them



  plist            ;; used for
  numpeaks         ;; value distribution


turtles-own [
  solution                      ;; a turtle's solution to the complex problem.
  distance-from-other-turtles   ;; list of distances of this node from other turtles
                                ;; (just to make sure the small-world rewiring doesn't leave islands

links-own [

to setup
  ask patches [ set pcolor white ]
  set infinity 99999  ;; just an arbitrary choice for a large number
  set b 2

  ;; initialize distribution
  set numpeaks 8
  set plist []
  let i 0
  while [i < numpeaks]
    set plist lput random-float 1 plist
    set i i + 1



to go
  let keepgoing false
  let compare-to [solution] of turtle 0
  ask turtles [
    ; If anybody's doesn't match, then we keep going.
    if (solution != compare-to) [ set keepgoing true ]
  if (not keepgoing) [ stop ]

;;;  run a step   ;;;

to run-step
  ask turtles [
    ;; step 1:  ask around.  do any of my neighbors have better solutions?
    let best-solution solution
    let better-one? false
    ask link-neighbors [
      if evaluate-fitness solution > evaluate-fitness best-solution
        set best-solution solution
        set better-one? true

    ;; step 2:  if nobody had a better one, explore
    if not better-one?
      let found-solution explore
      if evaluate-fitness found-solution > evaluate-fitness solution
        set best-solution found-solution
        set better-one? true

    set solution best-solution

    let this-color precision evaluate-fitness solution 2
    ifelse enable-space-analysis
    [ set color palette:scale-scheme "Sequential" "Reds" 7 this-color 0 1 ]
    [ set label this-color ]

;;;                                 ;;;
;;; the following set of functions  ;;;
;;; defines the agent behavior.     ;;;
;;;                                 ;;;

to spawn-turtles
  create-turtles Number-Of-Agents [
    ;; each turtle starts with a randomly generated solution
    set solution n-values n [ random b ]
    set label-color black
    set color palette:scale-scheme "Sequential" "Reds" 7 0 0 1
  set-default-shape turtles "circle"
  layout-circle (sort turtles) max-pxcor - 1

to-report explore
  ;; set the variable 'new answer' to be the turtle's solution variable
  ;; with a randomly chosen item (from 0 to n) replaced with a random value
  ;; from 0 to b that does not include the one already there.
  let replaced-item random n
  let new-answer replace-item replaced-item solution (item random (b - 1) list-not-x (item replaced-item solution) 0 b )
  report new-answer

;;;                               ;;;
;;; the following set of methods  ;;;
;;; also known as 'functions'     ;;;
;;; also known as 'to-do-things'  ;;;
;;; defines the nk space.         ;;;
;;;                               ;;;

  ;;                                                                                           ;;
  ;; NK space is generated according to Appendix A in                                          ;;
  ;;      Lazer, D., & Friedman, A. (2007). The network structure of exploration and           ;;
  ;;      exploitation. Administrative Science Quarterly, 52(4), 667-694.                      ;;
  ;; There are two key components to this nk-space:                                            ;;
  ;;    a)  the value of a given "allele," which is here represented as a numeric string.      ;;
  ;;        - an agent has N alleles                                                           ;;
  ;;    b)  the pairs of digits that make up each allele.  these are randomly chosen           ;;
  ;;        - each allele has k digits                                                         ;;
  ;;                                                                                           ;;
  ;; The one departure from Lazer's implementation is that here we allow 'b' to be >2, meaning ;;
  ;; that our numeric strings CAN be bitstrings, as his were, but do not have to be.           ;;
  ;;                                                                                           ;;

to define-allele-values
  ;; this function defines the value of each
  ;; allele of length k.  together with set-interdependencies
  ;; this defines the nk-space by creating an identifiable
  ;; value for any nk-string
  ;; we're not actually directly defining the alleles:  rather,
  ;; we're defining them by their index in a list.  later,
  ;; a converter will take an allele (0 1 1) and convert it
  ;; to a decimal index.
  ;; for a given index - allele - the value is randomly chosen
  ;; from a given distribution.

  set nk-space []
  let i 0
  repeat B ^ (K + 1) [
    set nk-space lput nk-distribution nk-space
    set i i + 1

to set-interdependencies
  ;; for each digit-location in the numeric string,
  ;; this function sets (k - 1) other digit-locations
  ;; to define alleles of size k.

  if k > (n - 1)
    show "Error!  K cannot be greater than N-1.  Setting K to N-1."
    set k (n - 1)

  set allele-map []
  let i 0
  repeat n
    set allele-map lput fput i n-of k (list-not-x i 0 n) allele-map
    set i i + 1

to-report nk-distribution
  ;; this function simply outputs a random number
  ;; from the appropriate distribution for the
  ;; desired nk-space.

  let p item (random numpeaks) plist

  let bin_ct 0
  repeat 1000 [
      if random-float 1 < p
        set bin_ct bin_ct + 1
  report bin_ct

to-report evaluate-fitness [ test-solution ]
  let fitness 0
  let i 0
  while [i < n]
    let this-allele []
    foreach item i allele-map
    [ [?1] ->
      set this-allele lput item ?1 test-solution this-allele
    set fitness fitness + item convert-allele this-allele nk-space
    set i i + 1
  set fitness (fitness / n)

  ; If max-value has been calculated,
  ; normalize the score.

  if (global-max != 0) [
    set fitness fitness / global-max
    set fitness fitness ^ 8

  report fitness

;;;                               ;;;
;;; some generic, non-model       ;;;
;;; utilities.                    ;;;
;;;                               ;;;

to-report list-not-x [x x.min x.max]
  ;; a little utility to draw-without-replacement
  ;; from the range x.min to x.max excluding x.
  let i x.min
  let report-list []
  repeat (x.max - x.min)
    if i != x
      set report-list lput i report-list
    set i i + 1
  report report-list

to-report convert-allele [string]
  ;; this utility converts a base b string into
  ;; a decimal number - the index location of that
  ;; allele's value.
  ;; eg, when b = 2, this is a decimal-to-binary converter.
  let i 0
  let decimal-output 0
  repeat length string
    set decimal-output decimal-output + ( ( b ^ (length string - i - 1) ) * item i string )
    set i i + 1
  report decimal-output

to-report convert-to-allele [ decimal ]
  ;; reverse process of above - so if b=2, this
  ;; is a decimal-to-binary converter.

  let output-string []
  repeat n [
    set output-string fput (decimal mod b) output-string
    set decimal floor (decimal / b)

  report output-string

;;; much of this network construction code was
;;; copy-pasted from the uri wilensky small worlds model
;;; some of it was copy-pasted from previous work of mine
;;; remember:
;;; if you're not copy-pasting,
;;; you're not coding!

to wire-ringlat
  layout-circle (sort turtles) max-pxcor - 1

  layout-circle (sort turtles with [ who mod 2 = 0] ) max-pxcor - 4

  ;; iterate over the turtles
  let ni 0
  while [ni < count turtles]
    ;; make edges with the next two neighbors
    ;; this makes a lattice with average degree of 4
    let z 1
    while [z <= floor (degree / 2)]
      ask turtle ni [ create-link-with turtle ((ni + z) mod count turtles) ]
      set z z + 1
    set ni ni + 1

;; connects the two turtles

to make-edge [node1 node2]
  ask node1 [ create-link-with node2  [
    set rewired? false
  ] ]

;;;                            ;;;
;;;   game state computations  ;;;
;;;                            ;;;

to-report number-of-unique-solutions
  let solution-set []
  ask turtles
    let already-there? false
    foreach solution-set
    [ [?1] ->
      if solution = ?1
        set already-there? true
    if not already-there?
      set solution-set lput solution solution-set

  report length solution-set

to-report average-score
  let avg 0
  ask turtles [
    set avg avg + evaluate-fitness solution
  report ( avg / count turtles )

to determine-peaks
  if enable-space-analysis [
    ;; WARNING!!!
    ;; this function can easily take a long time
    ;; if n or b are too high...

    ;; determine decimal value of highest numerical-string
    let mylist []
    repeat n
      set mylist lput (b - 1) mylist

    let best-answer 0
    let worst-answer 999999999
    let i 0
    while [i <= convert-allele mylist]
      let this-value evaluate-fitness (convert-to-allele i)
      if this-value > best-answer
        set best-answer this-value
      if this-value < worst-answer
        set worst-answer this-value
      set i i + 1

    set global-max best-answer
    set global-min worst-answer

to-report global-peak

  ;; report global max without recalculating
  report global-max

to-report global-minimum

  ;; report global min without recalculating

  report global-min

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