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;; creates a new lattice globals [ spoken value-ab value-aa value-ba value-bb k this-cluster my-palette ] turtles-own [ inventory memory cluster myword ] to setup clear-all ask patches [ set pcolor white ] set my-palette [ [255 127 39] [255 0 0] [255 255 0] [0 255 0] [0 64 128] [0 255 255] [128 128 255] [128 0 128] [255 0 128] [128 128 0] [0 0 0] [133 122 122] [255 127 39] [255 0 0] [255 255 0] [0 255 0] [0 64 128] [0 255 255] [128 128 255] [128 0 128] [255 0 128] [128 128 0] [0 0 0] [133 122 122] ] set k degree if topology = "Fully Connected" [ setup-fc ] if topology = "Ring Lattice" [ setup-ringlat ] if topology = "Random" [ setup-erdos-renyi ] ask links [ set color grey set hidden? true ] ask turtles [ construct-agent ] reset-ticks end to go let thislink one-of links let pair [who] of [both-ends] of thislink ask links [ set color [ 197 197 197] set thickness 0.1 ] ask thislink [ set hidden? false set color red set thickness 0.3 ] let switch random 2 let speaker item switch pair let hearer item (1 - switch) pair set speaker turtle speaker set hearer turtle hearer if length [inventory] of speaker = 0 [ ask speaker [ invent-word ] ] set spoken one-of [inventory] of speaker ; Success! ifelse length filter [ [?1] -> ?1 = spoken ] [ inventory ] of hearer > 0 [ ask hearer [ set inventory (list spoken) set-color-ng spoken ] ask speaker [ set inventory (list spoken) ] ] [ ask hearer [ set inventory lput spoken inventory ] ] ask speaker [ set-color-ng spoken ] tick end to construct-agent set inventory [] set memory n-values count link-neighbors [ 1 ] ; set memory n-values count link-neighbors [ 2 ] ; set memory n-values count link-neighbors [ (random 2) + 1 ] set color black set shape "circle" end to set-color-ng [ value ] ifelse N > 24 [ set color value ] [ let this-color item 0 [who] of turtles with [ myword = value ] set color item this-color my-palette if this-color < 12 [ set shape "circle" ] if this-color >= 12 [ set shape "circle" ] ] end to invent-word let new-word random 100000000000 set inventory lput new-word inventory set myword new-word end to setup-ringlat crt N [ set color black ] wire-ringlat end to wire-ringlat layout-circle (sort turtles) max-pxcor - 1 layout-circle (sort turtles with [ who mod 2 = 0] ) max-pxcor - 4 ;; iterate over the turtles let ni 0 while [ni < count turtles] [ ;; make edges with the next two neighbors ;; this makes a lattice with average degree of 4 let z 1 while [z <= floor (k / 2)] [ ask turtle ni [ create-link-with turtle ((ni + z) mod count turtles) ] set z z + 1 ] set ni ni + 1 ] end to setup-fc ;; Make a circle of turtles create-turtles N layout-circle turtles (max-pxcor - 1) ;; Now give each pair of turtles an equal chance ;; of creating a link ask turtles [ ;; we use "self > myself" here so that each pair of turtles ;; is only considered once create-links-with turtles with [self != myself ] ] end to setup-erdos-renyi ;; Make a circle of turtles let p (k / N) create-turtles N layout-circle turtles (max-pxcor - 1) let success? false let count-tries 0 while [ not success? ] [ ask links [ die ] ;; Now give each pair of turtles an equal chance ;; of creating a link ask turtles [ ;; we use "self > myself" here so that each pair of turtles ;; is only considered once create-links-with turtles with [self > myself and random-float 1.0 < p ] ] set success? ( item 0 identify-clusters = 1 ) set count-tries count-tries + 1 if ( count-tries > 1000 ) [ set success? true print "couldn't make connected network! try different parameters!" ] ] end ;; clusters code adapted from "Dissemination of Culture" by ??? ;; see info tab for full copyright info to-report identify-clusters let max-cluster 0 let num-clusters 0 let seed one-of turtles ask turtles [ set cluster nobody ] while [seed != nobody] [ ask seed [ set cluster self set num-clusters num-clusters + 1 set this-cluster 1 grow-cluster ] if this-cluster > max-cluster [ set max-cluster this-cluster] set seed one-of turtles with [cluster = nobody] ] report list num-clusters max-cluster end to grow-cluster ask link-neighbors with [cluster = nobody] [ if cluster = nobody [ set this-cluster this-cluster + 1 ] set cluster [cluster] of myself grow-cluster ] end
There is only one version of this model, created over 7 years ago by Network Dynamics Group.
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