Service access model - 1

Service access model - 1 preview image

1 collaborator

Default-person Rohan Fisher (Author)


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extensions [palette gis]
globals [a1 b1 c1 scan minldm ldm1 ldm2 ldm3 ldm4 ldm5 ldm6 ldm7 ldm8 ldm9  ldm10 ldm11 ldm12 ldm13 d0 x y covergis  a b c d f mx  target-data  iteration time scan-time time-to-go]
patches-own [  dist cost  costs is-land-patch  costgis cover saved-target fin-dist]
breed [bar bars]
breed [road1 roads1]
breed [road2 roads2]
breed [road3 roads3]
breed [dest dests]
breed [scanner scanners]

to set-up
   set c min-pxcor + 2 set d min-pycor + 2 set a max-pxcor - 2 set b max-pycor - 2
   set a1 0.9866   set b1 1.4141   set c1 2.2062
   ask patch c b [sprout-scanner 1 [set color yellow set size 8 set heading 180]]
   set scan 1
   set iteration 0

to go
    if ticks = 0  [reset-timer]
    if use-gis and ticks < 2 [set-cost]
    if  scan = 5 [chkend]
    ask turtles with [color = yellow] [fd 1 chk-scan]
    if not any? scanner [  ask patches [set fin-dist dist ]  set-zcolor ask patches with [dist = 999999] [set dist -1] set-pcolor if use-gis [set-zcolor] stop ]
    if scan = 1 [ask turtles [foward-scan]]
    if scan = 2 [ask turtles [back-scan]]
    if scan = 3 [ask turtles [top-scan]]
    if scan = 4 [ask turtles [bot-scan]]
    if scan >= 2 [set time-to-go (scan-time - timer)]

to set-gis
      ask patches [set cost 5 set dist 999999]
      if center-target [ask patches [if (pxcor = 0 and pycor = 0) [set dist 0]  ]]
      ask patches with [dist = 999999] [set pcolor blue]
;;load landcover layer
      set covergis gis:load-dataset "data/landcover.asc"
      if use-gis [gis:apply-raster covergis cover       make-rivers set-cost]
      gis:set-world-envelope      (gis:envelope-of covergis)
      ask patches [  ifelse (cost <= 0) or (cost >= 0)  [ set is-land-patch 1 ] [ set cost 60 ]  ]   ; NaN fix
;;import shape file for destination points
      if use-shp [ set target-data gis:load-dataset "data/ponec.shp" foreach gis:feature-list-of target-data
        [gis:set-drawing-color white    gis:fill ? 2.0 ask patches gis:intersecting target-data [set dist 0 ] ]]
;;display shaded landcover image
      if use-gis [import-pcolors-rgb "data/LandCover_png.png" ask patches with [dist = 0] [sprout-dest 1 [set shape "cylinder" set size 10 set color white]]]

;; set default cost value for each patch based on land cover type,  ie the amount of time it takes to cross a patch in seconds;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to set-cost
  ask patches with [cover = 1] [set cost 180]
  ask patches with [cover = 2] [set cost 90]
  ask patches with [cover = 3] [set cost 60]
  ask patches with [cover = 4] [set cost 240]
  ask patches with [cover = 101] [set cost 90]
  ask patches with [cover = 102] [set cost 90]
  ask patches with [cover = 103] [set cost 90]
  ask patches with [cover = 104] [set cost 90]
  ask patches with [cover = 105] [set cost 99999]
  ask patches with [cover = 201] [set cost 3]
  ask patches with [cover = 202] [set cost 7]
  ask patches with [cover = 203] [set cost 18]
;; set cost value with optionalsettings
  if (walking = "Assisted") [ask patches [if cover < 5 [set cost cost * 2]]]
   if (walking = "Stretcher") [ask patches [if cover < 5 [set cost cost * 5]]]
  if (time-of-day = "Night") [ask patches [set cost cost * 1.2]]
  if (weather = "Rainy") [ask patches [if cover = 104 or cover = 103 [set cost 99999]] ask patches [set cost cost * 1.1]]
   if (weather = "Flooding") [ask patches [if cover = 104 or cover = 103 or cover = 102 or cover = 101 [set cost 99999]] ask patches [set cost cost * 1.3]]
  if use-road-speeds [ask patches [
    if (cover = 201) [set cost (180 / Pimary-Road)]
    if (cover = 202) [set cost (180 / Secondary-Road)]
    if (cover = 203) [set cost (180 / Local-Road)]]]

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Chamfer scans ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to foward-scan
   set d0 ([dist] of  patch-here)
   set LDM1 (C1 * cost + ([dist] of patch-at -1 2))
   set LDM2 (C1 * cost + ([dist] of patch-at -2 1))
   set LDM3 (C1 * cost + ([dist] of patch-at -2 -1))
   set LDM4 (C1 * cost + ([dist] of patch-at -1 -2))
   set LDM5 (B1 * cost + ([dist] of patch-at -1 1))
   set LDM6 (B1 * cost + ([dist] of patch-at -1 -1))
   set LDM7 (A1 * cost + ([dist] of patch-at -1 0))
   set LDM8 (A1 * cost + ([dist] of patch-at 0 -1))
   set LDM9 (0 + ([dist] of patch-at 0 0))
 set minldm min (list ldm1 ldm2 ldm3 ldm4 ldm5 ldm6  ldm7  ldm8 ldm9)
 set dist min (list d0 minldm )

to back-scan
   set d0 ([dist] of  patch-here)
   set LDM1 (C1 * cost + ([dist] of patch-at 1 -2))
   set LDM2 (C1 * cost + ([dist] of patch-at 2 -1))
   set LDM3 (C1 * cost + ([dist] of patch-at 2 1))
   set LDM4 (C1 * cost + ([dist] of patch-at 1 2))
   set LDM5 (B1 * cost + ([dist] of patch-at 1 -1))
   set LDM6 (B1 * cost + ([dist] of patch-at 1 1))
   set LDM7 (A1 * cost + ([dist] of patch-at 1 0))
   set LDM8 (A1 * cost + ([dist] of patch-at 0 1))
   set LDM9 (0 + ([dist] of patch-at 0 0))
  set minldm min (list ldm1 ldm2 ldm3 ldm4 ldm5 ldm6  ldm7  ldm8 ldm9)
  set dist min (list d0 minldm)

to top-scan
   set d0 ([dist] of  patch-here)
   set LDM1 (C1 * cost + ([dist] of patch-at -1 2))
   set LDM2 (C1 * cost + ([dist] of patch-at -2 1))
   set LDM3 (C1 * cost + ([dist] of patch-at 2 1))
   set LDM4 (C1 * cost + ([dist] of patch-at 1 2))
   set LDM5 (B1 * cost + ([dist] of patch-at -1 1))
   set LDM6 (B1 * cost + ([dist] of patch-at 1 1))
   set LDM7 (A1 * cost + ([dist] of patch-at -1 0))
   set LDM8 (A1 * cost + ([dist] of patch-at 0 1))
   set LDM9 (0 + ([dist] of patch-at 0 0))
 set minldm min (list ldm1 ldm2 ldm3 ldm4 ldm5 ldm6  ldm7  ldm8 ldm9)
 set dist min (list d0 minldm )

to bot-scan
   set d0 ([dist] of  patch-here)
   set LDM1 (C1 * cost + ([dist] of patch-at -1 -2))
   set LDM2 (C1 * cost + ([dist] of patch-at -2 -1))
   set LDM3 (C1 * cost + ([dist] of patch-at 2 -1))
   set LDM4 (C1 * cost + ([dist] of patch-at 1 -2))
   set LDM5 (B1 * cost + ([dist] of patch-at 1 -1))
   set LDM6 (B1 * cost + ([dist] of patch-at -1 -1))
   set LDM7 (A1 * cost + ([dist] of patch-at 1 0))
   set LDM8 (A1 * cost + ([dist] of patch-at 0 -1))
   set LDM9 (0 + ([dist] of patch-at 0 0))
 set minldm min (list ldm1 ldm2 ldm3 ldm4 ldm5 ldm6  ldm7  ldm8 ldm9)
 set dist min (list d0 minldm)

;; change scan direction

to chk-scan
 if ycor = d and scan = 1 [set f (f + 1) setxy (c + f) b  ]
  if xcor = a and scan = 1 [set f 0 setxy a d set heading 0 set scan 2 set scan-time (timer * 4) ]
   if ycor = b and scan = 2 [set f (f + 1) setxy (a - f) d  ]
    if xcor = c and scan = 2 [set f 0 setxy c b set heading 90 set scan 3 set scan-time (timer * 2)]
     if xcor = a and scan = 3 [set f (f + 1) setxy c  (b - f) ]
      if ycor = d and scan = 3 [set f 0 setxy a d set heading 270 set scan 4 ]
        if xcor = c and scan = 4 [set f (f + 1) setxy a (d + f)  ]
          if ycor = b and scan = 4 [ set time timer  die]

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Drawing destination target points, new roads and barriers;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; darwing a new destination point

to place-target
 if (mouse-down?)
    [  ask patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor  [sprout-dest 1
    [set dist 0 ask patches in-cone 3 360 [set pcolor black] die]]]
;; drawing a new barrier

to place-barrier
 if (mouse-down?)
    [  ask patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor  [sprout-bar 1
    [ set color green set cost (Barrier-value * 60) set pcolor green ask patches in-cone 2 360 [ set cost (Barrier-value * 60) set pcolor green ] die]]]
;; drawing a new road

to place-road
 if (mouse-down?)
    [  ask patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor
    [ set pcolor red
    ifelse use-gis [
    if (Road-Type = "Primary") [set cover 201]
    if (Road-Type = "Secondary") [set cover 202]
    if (Road-Type = "Local") [set cover 203]]
    [set cost 2]]]

;; icrease the width of rivers so the act as impermeable barriers - place roads over river.
To make-rivers
ask patches with [cover = 201] [sprout-road1 1]
ask patches with [cover = 202] [sprout-road2 1]
ask patches with [cover = 203] [sprout-road3 1]
ask patches with [cover = 101] [sprout-bar 1[ ask patches in-cone 1 360 [set cover  101 ] die]]
ask patches with [cover = 102] [sprout-bar 1[ ask patches in-cone 1 360 [set cover  102 ] die]]
ask patches with [cover = 103] [sprout-bar 1[ ask patches in-cone 1 360 [set cover  103 ] die]]
ask patches with [cover = 104] [sprout-bar 1[ ask patches in-cone 1 360 [set cover  104 ] die]]
ask patches with [cover = 105] [sprout-bar 1[ ask patches in-cone 1 360 [set cover  105 ] die]]
ask road1 [ask patch-here [set cover 201] die]
ask road2 [ask patch-here [set cover 202] die]
ask road3 [ask patch-here [set cover 203] die]

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Displaying model output;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;Display base GIS data

to view-gis-layer
    ask patches [ set pcolor palette:scale-gradient palette:scheme-colors "Divergent" "Spectral" 7 cost 1 300 ]
    ask patches with [dist = 0] [sprout-dest 1 [set shape "cylinder" set size 15 set color white]]
;;Display out-put as continous colour

to set-pcolor
ask patches
[ set pcolor palette:scale-gradient palette:scheme-colors "Divergent" "Spectral" 9 dist (mx)  0]
ask patches with [dist = 0] [sprout-dest 1 [set shape "cylinder" set size 7 set color white]]
;;Display output as travel time zones

to set-zcolor
ask patches
[let mint (dist / 60)
if (fin-dist / 60) >= 0 and (fin-dist / 60) < 15 [set pcolor 103]
 if (fin-dist / 60) > 15 and (fin-dist / 60) < 30 [set pcolor 94]
 if (fin-dist / 60) > 30 and (fin-dist / 60) < 60 [set pcolor green ]
 if (fin-dist / 60) > 60 and (fin-dist / 60) < 99 [ set pcolor yellow  ]
  if (fin-dist / 60) > 90 and (fin-dist / 60) < 121 [ set pcolor orange  ]
   if (fin-dist / 60) > 120 and (fin-dist / 60) < 99999 [ set pcolor red  ]   ]
ask patches with [dist = 0] [sprout-dest 1 [set shape "cylinder" set size 7 set color white]]
set mx  ((median [dist] of patches) * 2)
if use-gis [set mx ((standard-deviation [dist] of patches) * 2)]
if (use-gis and (weather = "Rainy" or weather = "Flooding" ))[set mx mean ([dist] of patches) ]

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Restting the model with saved destination targets;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to clear
set time 0 set time-to-go 0
set scan 1 set mx 0
set f 1
ask patch c b [sprout-scanner  1 [set color yellow set size 15 set heading 180]]
ask patches with [ saved-target = 100] [set dist 0]

to chkend

There is only one version of this model, created over 7 years ago by Rohan Fisher.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Fisher_Lassa_2017_Interactive, open source, travel time senario modelling.pdf pdf Journal article providing background to this work and describing the model. over 7 years ago, by Rohan Fisher Download data This contains the nlogo and all associated data files to run the model. over 7 years ago, by Rohan Fisher Download
Service access model - 1.png preview Preview for 'Service access model - 1' over 7 years ago, by Rohan Fisher Download

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