Selection in Guppies
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In this model you will investigate guppy coloration patterns in various habitats and infer the underlying selection mechanisms.
This model is made by Dr. Lin Xiang at the University of Kentucky. If you mention this model in a publication, we ask that you include the citations below.
Xiang, L. (2015). Selection in Guppies. Department of STEM Education, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License. To view a copy of this license, visit
Comments and Questions
globals [ ] turtles-own [age] breed [guppies guppy] breed [weeds weed] breed [pebbles pebble] breed [predators predator] to-report brightest-guppy report max [color] of guppies-here end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to setup set-default-shape weeds "weed" set-default-shape pebbles "pebble" set-default-shape predators "predator" ca setup-bk setup-weed random 3 setup-pebble 100 set-guppies reset-ticks end to set-guppies set-brightest-guppies set-bright-guppies set-drab-guppies set-drabbest-guppies end to set-brightest-guppies create-guppies Initial-number-of-fish * ( 1 - bright-drab-ratio) * 0.5 [set size 10 set color 10.5 + random-float 2.25 set-shape set age random 6 set-position if any? other guppies-on patch-here [set-position] ] end to set-bright-guppies create-guppies Initial-number-of-fish * ( 1 - bright-drab-ratio) * 0.5 [set size 8 set color 12.75 + random-float 2.25 set-shape set age random 6 set-position if any? other guppies-on patch-here [set-position] ] end to set-drab-guppies create-guppies Initial-number-of-fish * bright-drab-ratio * 0.5 [set size 8 set color 15 + random-float 2.25 set-shape set age random 6 set-position if any? other guppies-on patch-here [set-position] ] end to set-drabbest-guppies create-guppies Initial-number-of-fish * bright-drab-ratio * 0.5 [set size 8 set color 17.25 + random-float 2 set-shape set age random 6 set-position if any? other guppies-on patch-here [set-position] ] end to set-shape if color >= 17.25 [set shape "guppy-drabbest"] if color < 17.25 and color >= 15 [set shape "guppy-drab"] if color < 15 and color >= 12.75 [set shape "guppy-bright"] if color < 12.75 [set shape "guppy-brightest"] end to set-position setxy random-xcor random-ycor end to setup-pebble [number] create-pebbles number [set color 32 + random-float 6 set size 4 setxy min-pxcor + random (abs min-pxcor * 2) min-pycor + random 5] end to setup-weed [number] create-weeds 1 + number [set color 61.5 + random-float 2 if color = pcolor [ifelse random 2 = 0 [set color pcolor + 0.5][set color pcolor - 0.5]] set size 30 setxy random-xcor min-pxcor + 20 + random 3] end to setup-bk ask patches [set pcolor 74.75] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to go if ticks >= months * 10 [user-message "The trial has reached the defined time. Click 'setup' to restart the experiment or incease the time to extend the trial." stop] if count guppies = 0 [user-message "All guppies die." stop] swim grow Habitation death over-population tick end to grow ask guppies [set age age + 0.5 if size < 8 [set size size + 0.5]] end to swim ask guppies [ifelse any? other guppies-on patch-ahead 1 [rt random 360] [ifelse random 10 = 0 [rt random 30 lt random 30 ifelse any? other guppies-on patch-ahead 1 [swim][fd 2 ]] [fd 0.5 ]]] end to habitation if Habitat = "Habitat 1" [ survive-H reproduce ] if Habitat = "Habitat 2" [ reproduce] if Habitat = "Habitat 3" [ survive-L reproduce ] end to survive-H ask guppies [ if random-float 2750 < abs (color - 19.5) ^ 2 [die] ] end to survive-L ask guppies [ if random-float 500 < abs (color - 19.5) ^ 2 [die] ] end to preying rt random 30 lt random 30 fd 1 if random 500 = 0[ let prey one-of guppies with-max [color] if prey != nobody [ask prey [die]]] end to reproduce ask guppies with [age >= 4 and size >= 8] [ if color >= 17.25 [if random 60 < abs (color - 20) [hatch-baby 1]] if color < 17.25 and color >= 15 [if random 72 < abs (color - 20) [hatch-baby 1]] if color < 15 and color >= 12.75 [if random 90 < abs (color - 20) [hatch-baby 1]] if color < 12.75 [if random 100 < abs (color - 20) [hatch-baby 1]] ] end to hatch-baby [number] hatch-guppies number [ set age 0 set size 4 set-position ifelse random-float 100 < 5 [ifelse random 2 = 0 [set color color + random-float mutate-range][set color color - random-float mutate-range]] [set color color] if color > 19.5 [set color 19] if color < 10.5 [set color 11] set-shape ] end to death ask guppies [if age >= 20 [die]] end to over-population ask guppies[ if count guppies > Habitat_Capacity [if random 2 = 0 [die]]] end
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