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turtles-own [ age ;; an age counter for each agent/turtle/starfish mutator ;; a gene that when activated has got three alleles; the neutral one, ;; the positive one (that increase the probability of mutations) and the ;; the negative one (that decrease the probability of mutations) tolerance_variation ;; starfishes can survive in a range of standard energy supply ;; but when the switch tolerance-shift is activated, every starfish can ;; diverge from the standard, as well: the magnitude of the drift is given by ;; the tolerance_variation "gene" ] globals [ incoming_cosmic_energy ;; energy coming from external space surface_energy ;; energy measured on the surface of the planet ;; counter of the red starfishes n.white ;; counter of the white starfishes rw_difference ;; difference between red and white starfishes mmut ;; average of mutator genes activity in total population mvar ;; average of tolerance-shift variation genes in total population crowd? ;; does the number of starfishes exceed the maximum sustained by the environment? ] ;; ---------- SETUP PROCEDURES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- to setup clear-all reset-ticks set incoming_cosmic_energy 0 set surface_energy 0 ask patches [set pcolor cyan] ;; the planet has a cyan background crt 500 [setxy random-xcor random-ycor ;; the planet is populated by two kinds of starfishes, set color red ;; the red ones ... set shape "star" set size 0.7 set age random 5 set mutator 0 set tolerance_variation 0 ] crt 500 [setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color white ;; and the white ones set shape "star" set size 0.7 set age random 5 set mutator 0 set tolerance_variation 0 ] set count turtles with [color = red] set n.white count turtles with [color = white] set rw_difference - n.white set mmut 0 set mvar 0 set crowd? false end ;; -------------- RUNTIME PROCEDURES --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- to go tick ;; the physics of starfish planet is given by an oscillating flux of "cosmic energy" set incoming_cosmic_energy (cos(ticks * 31) * energy_oscillation_amplitude) + energy_average ;; at the surface of the planet the energetic balance is influenced by the incoming energy, ;; and biological factors given by the positive or negative "albedo effect" ;; of two different populations of starfishes set surface_energy (surface_energy + incoming_cosmic_energy) / 2 + rw_difference * albedo_parameter ;; the two kinds of alien starfishes populations living on the planet follow a little bit different ;; challenge according to their color ask turtles [ if (color = white) [white-challenge] if (color = red) [red-challenge] ] ;; if the planet is overcrowded the starfishes arrive to the reproductive age later ;; the reproductive process is linked to the mutation chance given by the mutation_rate ;; after a mutation a red newborn starfish became white ifelse crowd? = false [ask turtles [if age > 2 [reproduction]]] [ask turtles [if age > 3 [reproduction]]] ;; starfishes have all the same life cycle, lasting four cosmic ticks ask turtles [ set age age + 1 if age > 4 [die] ] ;; the number of starfishes composing the two subpopulations is counted set count turtles with [color = red] set n.white count turtles with [color = white] set rw_difference - n.white ;; the simulation is terminated if both subpopulations are extinguished if ( + n.white = 0) [stop] ;; if the number of total starfishes is excessive, the system senses its state as overcrowded ifelse (n.white + > 1000 [set crowd? true] [set crowd? false] set mmut mean [mutator] of turtles set mvar mean [tolerance_variation] of turtles end to white-challenge ;; the white starfishes have got a survival range included between -17 and 19 unit of cosmic energy if (surface_energy >= 19 + tolerance_variation) [die] if (surface_energy <= -17 + tolerance_variation) [die] end to red-challenge ;; the red starfishes have got a survival range included between -19 and 17 unit of cosmic energy if (surface_energy >= 17 - tolerance_variation) [die] if (surface_energy <= -19 - tolerance_variation) [die] end to reproduction hatch 1 [ set age 0 rt random-float 360 fd 2 if mutator-gene [if random 100 < environmental_mutation_rate + mutator [set mutator mutator + (random 3 - 1)]] set size 0.7 + tolerance_variation / 5 if color = red [red-mutation] if color = white [white-mutation] ] end to white-mutation ;; when tolerance-shift is ON the range of tolerance become a genetic character of starfishes ;; so it can change in dependence of mutation rate and it is preferentially increased if tolerance-shift [ if (random 100 < environmental_mutation_rate + mutator) [ set tolerance_variation (tolerance_variation + random 10 - 0.1) if tolerance_variation <= -3 [die] ] ] ;; even if tolerance-shift is OFF the color of newborn starfish can mutate becoming red if random 100 < environmental_mutation_rate + mutator [ set color red ] end to red-mutation ;; when tolerance-shift is ON the range of tolerance become a genetic character of starfishes ;; so it can change in dependence of mutation rate it is preferentially increased if tolerance-shift [ if random 100 < environmental_mutation_rate + mutator [ set tolerance_variation (tolerance_variation + random 10 - 0.1) if tolerance_variation <= -3 [die] ] ] ;; even if tolerance-shift is OFF the color of newborn starfish can mutate becoming white ;; as consequence of this the tolerance-variation is inverted, as well if (random 100 < environmental_mutation_rate + mutator) [ set color white ] end
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Starfish_Planet_3.png | preview | Preview for 'Starfish_Planet_3' | about 8 years ago, by Cosimo Leuci | Download |
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