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My_photo_2 Sugat Dabholkar (Author)


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extensions [profiler]

breed [ humans human ]
breed [ mosquitos mosquito ]

humans-own [

mosquitos-own [

globals [
  max-percent  ;; percent of the total population that is in the
  population-to-cull ;; global population size for culling procedure
  deaths scd-total born-carrier born-normal tally

to setup
  ask patches [set pcolor 121 ]
  set tally tally + population-size

to setup-humans
  create-humans population-size [
    ifelse random 100 < (proportion-HbA-allele * 100)
    [ set mat-chrom 1 ]
    [ set mat-chrom 2 ]
    ifelse random 100 < (proportion-HbA-allele * 100)
    [ set pat-chrom 1 ]
    [ set pat-chrom 2 ]
    if (mat-chrom = 1 and pat-chrom = 1) [
      set color blue
      set phenotype "normal"
      set born-normal born-normal + 1
    if (mat-chrom = 2 and pat-chrom = 2)  [
      set color red
      set phenotype "anemic"
      set scd-total scd-total + 1 ]
    if (mat-chrom = 1 and pat-chrom = 2) or (mat-chrom = 2 and pat-chrom = 1) [
      set color green
      set phenotype "carrier"
      set born-carrier born-carrier + 1
    set age 1
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set shape "person"

to setup-mosquitos ;; these mosquitos are only hear for the visualization factor they do not actually interact with model
   create-mosquitos selection-against-normal * 3 ;; selection against the normal humans would represent selective pressure due to malaria
   [ set shape "mosquito"
     set size 1
     set color yellow
     setxy random-xcor random-ycor

to go
  if ((max-generations > 0 and ticks = max-generations) or ( not any? humans))
    [ stop ]
  set population-to-cull count humans
  ask humans [

to introduce-scd
  create-humans number-mutated [ set mat-chrom 1 set pat-chrom 2 set color green setxy random-xcor random-ycor set shape "person" ]

to move-age-die
  ask humans [
    rt random 50 - random 50
    fd dispersal-rate
    set age age + 1
  ask mosquitos [
    set age age + 1
    rt random 50 - random 50
    fd .5
    if random 5 < age [ die ]

to mate ;; human procedure - when two humans are adjacent, reproduce (but no self-fertilization!)  ;; SD - this procedure needs to be revisited and discussed
 let mom self
  let partner nobody
  set partner one-of other humans in-radius 1
  if partner != nobody and age > reproductive-age [          ;;;human reproduction can be limited by age
    hatch 1 [ set age 1 fd 1
      ifelse random 100 < 50
        [ set mat-chrom [mat-chrom] of mom ]
        [ set mat-chrom [pat-chrom] of mom ]
      ifelse random 100 < 50
        [ set pat-chrom [mat-chrom] of partner ]
        [ set pat-chrom [pat-chrom] of partner ]
      if (mat-chrom = 1 and pat-chrom = 1) [
        set color blue
        set phenotype "normal"
        set born-normal born-normal + 1
      if (mat-chrom = 2 and pat-chrom = 2)  [
        set color red
        set phenotype "anemic"
        set scd-total scd-total + 1
      if (mat-chrom = 1 and pat-chrom = 2) or (mat-chrom = 2 and pat-chrom = 1)  [
        set color green
        set phenotype "carrier"
        set born-carrier born-carrier + 1
      set tally tally + 1
      set shape "person"

to cull

  let death-chance ((population-to-cull - population-size) / population-to-cull) * 100
    if (selection-against-normal > 0 and phenotype = "normal") [
      set death-chance death-chance + ((100 - death-chance) * selection-against-normal * .01)
    if (selection-against-normal > 0 and phenotype = "carrier") [
      set death-chance death-chance + ((100 - death-chance) * selection-against-carrier * .01)
    if (selection-against-SCD > 0 and phenotype = "anemic") [
      set death-chance death-chance + ((100 - death-chance) * selection-against-SCD * .01)
  if random 200 < death-chance [ set deaths deaths + 1 die ]

to mutate
  ifelse mat-chrom = 1
    [ if random-float 100000 < HbA-to-HbS-mutation-rate  [ set mat-chrom 2] ]
    [ if random-float 100000 < HbS-to-HbA-mutation-rate  [ set mat-chrom 1] ]
  ifelse pat-chrom = 1
    [ if random-float 100000 < HbA-to-HbS-mutation-rate [ set pat-chrom 2] ]
    [ if random-float 100000 < HbS-to-HbA-mutation-rate [ set pat-chrom 1] ]

;;Code for setting up the graphs

to setup-my-plots
  set-current-plot "Phenotypic Percentage"
  set-plot-y-range 0 100

  set-current-plot "Allele Percentage"
  set-plot-y-range 0 100

to update-my-plots
  set-current-plot "Phenotypic Percentage"
  set-current-plot-pen "Normal"
  ifelse count humans = 0
  [ plot 0 ]
  [ plot (count humans with [phenotype = "normal"] / count humans) * 100 ]
  set-current-plot-pen "SCD"
  ifelse count humans = 0
  [ plot 0 ]
  [ plot (count humans with [phenotype = "anemic"] / count humans ) * 100 ]
  set-current-plot-pen "Carrier"
   ifelse count humans = 0
  [ plot 0 ]
  [ plot (count humans with [phenotype = "carrier"] / count humans) * 100 ]

  set-current-plot "Allele Percentage"
  set-current-plot-pen "HbA"
  ifelse count humans = 0
  [ plot 0 ]
   [ plot   ((count humans with [mat-chrom = 1] + count humans with [pat-chrom = 1]) / (count humans * 2)) * 100 ]
  set-current-plot-pen "HbS"
  ifelse count humans = 0
  [ plot 0 ]
  [ plot ((count humans with [mat-chrom = 2] + count humans with [pat-chrom = 2]) / (count humans * 2 )) * 100 ]

There are 12 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Sugat Dabholkar over 8 years ago Design changes Download this version
Sugat Dabholkar over 8 years ago design changes Download this version
Sugat Dabholkar over 8 years ago deign Download this version
Sugat Dabholkar over 8 years ago design and code changes Download this version
Sugat Dabholkar over 8 years ago design changes Download this version
Sugat Dabholkar over 8 years ago design changes Download this version
Sugat Dabholkar over 8 years ago design changes Download this version
Sugat Dabholkar over 8 years ago design changes Download this version
Sugat Dabholkar over 8 years ago design changes Download this version
Sugat Dabholkar over 8 years ago Design optimization Download this version
Sugat Dabholkar over 8 years ago Code optimization Download this version
Sugat Dabholkar over 8 years ago Initial upload Download this version

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