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;; Author: Adel Lahlou ;; Modeling Software development extensions [array table palette] globals [number-of-consumers number-of-workers number-of-managers product-id-sequence ideal-product market-product current-product no-product feedback-choices energy-recovery now-and-then-length general-consumer-type consumers-satisfaction-sensitivity upgrade-difference feedback-round features-round quality-round energy-round benefit-cost-round total-benefit] ;; ideal-product is the current goal -> what the market currently wants ;; market-product is what is currently buyable ;; current-product is what is currently developed by the firm breed [workers worker] breed [managers manager] breed [consumers consumer] breed [products product] breed [features feature] breed [feedback a-feedback] ;; nat turtles-own [age] ;; nat products-own [id] ;; nat nat number features-own [fid product-id quality] ;; feature number feedback-own [bad-feature feedback-type quality addressed?] ;; number number (listof features) (listof features) workers-own [energy productivity newly-assigned assigned worked-on] ;; number number (listof features) number managers-own [energy productivity focused-features-ids worked-on] ;; number number product string number number consumers-own [energy productivity owned-product bought-at-age consumer-type satisfaction ] ;; think about using vision and communication skill ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SETUP CODE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; observer -> void: creates the initial ideal product and its features. It then creates workers ;; and managers. Lastly it creates consumers. to setup clear-all ask patches [ set pcolor 3 ] initialize-globals create-workforce create-market color-turtles display-agents reset-ticks end to display-agents ;; setup workers, managers, and consumers ask workers [set shape "person"] ask managers [set size 1.3 set shape "person"] ask consumers [set shape "house"] let total-workers (count workers + count managers) let worker-part (count workers / total-workers) let managers-part (count managers / total-workers) let midway (max-pycor / 2) let y-divide (midway * worker-part) grid-layout workers 0 midway 0 y-divide 5 grid-layout managers 0 midway (y-divide + 0.5) (midway + 1) 5 grid-layout consumers (midway + 0.5) (max-pxcor + 1) 0 (midway + 1) 5 ;;lays out the products at the top ask products [ set shape "star" set size 1.5] ;; layout features beneath it set-feature-shapes layout-features ;grid-layout features 0.2 (max-pxcor + 1) (midway + 2) (max-pycor - 2) 16 end to layout-features let ideal-features (sort-on [fid] features-of ideal-product) let current-features (sort-on [fid] current-extra-features) let all-features (join-lists ideal-features current-features) let total-features (length current-features + length ideal-features) let midway (max-pycor / 2) grid-layout-list (sort-on [id] products) 0 (max-pxcor + 1) (max-pycor - 1) (max-pycor - 0.2) 16 grid-layout-list all-features 0.2 (max-pxcor + 1) (midway + 1.8) (max-pycor - 2) 16 end ;; observer -> void: creates an ideal product (the goal) and initializes the the market-product and current-product ;; to no-product global. Any other initial variables are initialized from parameters to initialize-globals ;; set variables from parameters ; set tech-forefront initial-tech set consumers-satisfaction-sensitivity 30 set now-and-then-length 50 set upgrade-difference 20 set general-consumer-type "early-adopter" set energy-recovery 15 set number-of-consumers initial-number-of-consumers set number-of-workers initial-number-of-workers set number-of-managers initial-number-of-managers set feedback-choices ["missing" "quality" "superfluous"] set energy-round 1 ;; generate initial products set product-id-sequence 0 ;; creates a no-product global. This is because this is more correct than NOBODY ;; and prevents issues from having NOBODY let no-product-id generate-product-id create-products 1 [ set id no-product-id set age 0 ] ;; generate the current ideal product set ideal-product generate-ideal-product ;; no-product currently exists in development or in market set no-product one-of products with [id = no-product-id] set market-product no-product ; set current-product no-product let current-pid generate-product-id create-products 1 [ set id current-pid set age 0 ] set current-product one-of products with [id = current-pid] end ;; observer -> void: creates workers and managers to create-workforce create-workers number-of-workers [ set energy max-energy set productivity generate-productivity set newly-assigned [] set assigned [] set worked-on [] ;; they haven't worked on any features yet ] create-managers number-of-managers [ set energy max-energy set productivity generate-productivity set focused-features-ids [] set worked-on [] ;set vision 0 ] end ;; observer -> void to create-market ifelse general-consumer-type = "mix" [ let consumer-types ["early-adopter" "now-and-then" "upgrade-only" "upgrade-now-and-then" "patient"] create-consumers number-of-consumers [ set energy max-energy set productivity generate-productivity set owned-product current-product ;; everyone currently owns no product set consumer-type one-of consumer-types ;set communication-skill 0 ]] ;; create consumers of one type [create-consumers number-of-consumers [ set energy max-energy set productivity generate-productivity set owned-product no-product ;; everyone currently owns no product set consumer-type general-consumer-type ;set communication-skill 0 ]] end ;; observer -> product ;; Possible Improvement: make is so later this can be used to make new ideal products "moving target" to-report generate-ideal-product let a-product-id generate-product-id let used-ids [] let potential-feature-id generate-feature-id ;; creates ideal-number-of-features unique features with max quality create-features ideal-number-of-features [ set product-id a-product-id set quality 0 set age 0 set fid generate-new-id used-ids set used-ids lput fid used-ids ] create-products 1 [ set id a-product-id set age 0 ] report one-of products with [id = a-product-id] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; END SETUP CODE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; GO CODE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; observer -> void: to go ;; consumers buy products and give feedback let ideal-quality product-quality ideal-product let market-quality product-quality market-product let current-quality product-quality current-product let ideal-features features-of ideal-product let ideal-features-ids [fid] of ideal-features ;; have consumers buy products and give feedback ask consumers [ let owned-quality product-quality owned-product buy-product owned-quality ideal-quality market-quality current-quality give-feedback ideal-features ideal-features-ids ] ;; managers selectively listen to some of the feedback and ;; then assign work to workers based off their work history let occurrences calculate-feedback-occurrences ;; [[id occurences] ...] let oldest-feedback calculate-feedback-oldest ;; [[id age] ...] let occurrences-sorted sort-by [pair-greater ? ? 1] table:to-list occurrences ;let occurrences-features-list map [sentence (features with [fid = first ?]) (item 1 ?)] occurrences-sorted let oldest-feedback-list sort-on [age] feedback let average-team-amt ceiling (count workers / count managers) ask managers [ ifelse energy >= manager-energy-cost [ listen-to-feedback occurrences-sorted oldest-feedback-list manage-workers average-team-amt set energy (energy - manager-energy-cost) set energy-round (energy-round + manager-energy-cost) ] [set energy max (sentence max-energy (energy + energy-recovery))] ] ask workers [ do-work ] ;; product publishing is currently disabled ;; might not always replace the market product with the current product if publish-project? [ publish-product if retention-issue? [replace-workers] ] ask turtles [ do-age ] update-display ;; work around to prevent divide by zero if energy-round = 0 [set energy-round 1] tick reset-round end to update-display set-feature-shapes color-turtles layout-features end to-report publish-project? report true end to replace-workers let num-layoffs count workers * (1 - retention-rate) ;; reset everything as if they were ask n-of num-layoffs workers [ set energy max-energy set productivity generate-productivity set assigned [] set worked-on [] set age 0 ] end ;; consumer -> void: The consumer inspects the four relevant products: owned, ideal, market, current. ;; Based on their ctype, they act differently to buy-product [owned-quality ideal-quality market-quality current-quality] ;; these consumers always buy the newest product, better or worse if consumer-type = "early-adopter" [ let owned-id [id] of owned-product let market-id [id] of market-product if owned-id != market-id [ buy-market-product ] ] ;; these consumers buy a new product every now and then, no matter the quality ;; they aim for "new to them" if consumer-type = "now-and-then" [ let owned-age [age] of owned-product let own-length (owned-age - bought-at-age) if nearish own-length now-and-then-length [ buy-market-product ] ] ;; these consumers vigorously review new products and will always buy the latest and greatest ;; if they are better enough to be called an upgrade if consumer-type = "upgrade-only" [ if market-quality >= (owned-quality + upgrade-difference) [ buy-market-product ] ] ;; these consumers only try to upgrade every now and then ;; and only buy if they are good enough to be called an upgrade if consumer-type = "upgrade-now-and-then" [ if market-quality >= (owned-quality + upgrade-difference) [ let owned-age [age] of owned-product let own-length (owned-age - bought-at-age) if nearish own-length now-and-then-length [ buy-market-product ] ] ] ;; these consumers won't buy a new model if they know that an upgraded product ;; is currently developed, and will only buy if it's an upgrade. Keeps waiting ;; for things just around the corner if consumer-type = "patient" [ ;; it's an upgrade if market-quality >= (owned-quality + upgrade-difference) [ ;; make sure that the next upgrade isn't already almost out if (market-quality + upgrade-difference) <= current-quality [ buy-market-product ] ] ] end ;; consumer -> void: If they have the energy, a consumer inspects there currently owned product. ;; They have a sense that let's them report one of three errors: a feature is missing, a feature ;; is superfluous, or a feature is too low-quality. They determine which one they will do randomly. to give-feedback [ideal-features ideal-features-ids] ;; only do if have enough energy if energy < feedback-energy-cost [set energy min (sentence max-energy (energy + energy-recovery)) stop] if random 100 >= feedback-chance [set energy min (sentence max-energy (energy + energy-recovery)) stop ] let complaint-feature NOBODY let a-feedback-type one-of feedback-choices let owned-features features-of owned-product if not any? owned-features [ set a-feedback-type "missing" ] ;; chooses one of the superfluous features if a-feedback-type = "superfluous" [ set complaint-feature [fid] of one-of owned-features with [not member? fid ideal-features-ids] if complaint-feature = NOBODY [ set a-feedback-type "quality"] ] ;; choosest one of the poorest quality features if a-feedback-type = "quality" [ ifelse count owned-features > 3 [set complaint-feature [fid] of one-of min-n-of 3 owned-features [quality]] [set complaint-feature [fid] of one-of owned-features] ] ;; feature is missing from the product they own if a-feedback-type = "missing" [ ifelse random 100 < feedback-accuracy [ let owned-features-ids [fid] of owned-features let disjoint-features ideal-features with [not member? fid owned-features-ids] if any? disjoint-features [ set complaint-feature [fid] of one-of disjoint-features] ] [ set complaint-feature generate-feature-id ] ] if complaint-feature != NOBODY [ hatch-feedback 1 [ set bad-feature complaint-feature set feedback-type a-feedback-type set quality [productivity] of myself set addressed? false set age 0 hide-turtle ] set feedback-round (feedback-round + 1) set energy (energy - feedback-energy-cost) set energy-round (energy-round + feedback-energy-cost) ] end ;; observer void -> hashtable[number]natural to-report calculate-feedback-occurrences let occurrences table:make ask feedback with [addressed? = false] [ let a-fid bad-feature ifelse table:has-key? occurrences a-fid [ let cur-occur table:get occurrences a-fid table:put occurrences a-fid (cur-occur + 1)] [ table:put occurrences a-fid 1 ] ] report occurrences end ;; observer void -> hashtable[number]natural to-report calculate-feedback-oldest let oldest-feedback table:make ask feedback with [addressed? = false] [ let a-fid bad-feature ifelse table:has-key? oldest-feedback a-fid [ let cur-oldest-age table:get oldest-feedback a-fid if age > cur-oldest-age [ table:put oldest-feedback a-fid age]] [ table:put oldest-feedback a-fid age] ] report oldest-feedback end to-report compare-age [t1 t2] let t1-age first [age] of t1 let t2-age first [age] of t2 report t1-age > t2-age end ;; manager -> void: The manager chooses some feedback to act on. The manager can do this by considering ;; which features have the most feedback, the oldest feedback, feedback type, number of workers who've worked on it, ;; and then considering quality. ;; idea of weighting -> managers choose based on how old the feedback is, number of occurrences, and what they've worked on before to listen-to-feedback [features-occurrences oldest-feedback] let occur-amt 10 let age-amt 3 ;; select some of the most highest occuring features. if length features-occurrences < occur-amt [set occur-amt length features-occurrences] let potentials map first sublist features-occurrences 0 occur-amt ;; choose a few of the oldest feedback among a random if age-amt > length oldest-feedback [set age-amt length oldest-feedback] let chosen-old map [[bad-feature] of ?] sublist oldest-feedback 0 age-amt ; set potentials map first (sublist ((sort-by [compare-age first ? first ?] features-occurrences) 0 age-amt)) set potentials join-lists potentials chosen-old set potentials join-lists potentials focused-features-ids ;; join potentials with recently worked on let choice-amt projects-per-manager if choice-amt > length potentials [set choice-amt length potentials] set focused-features-ids n-of choice-amt potentials ;foreach focused-features-ids [ ask feedback with [[fid] of bad-feature = ?] [set addressed? true ] ] end to-report count-occurrences [a-list] let occurrences table:make foreach (sort-by < a-list) [ ifelse table:has-key? occurrences ? [ let cur-occur table:get occurrences ? table:put occurrences ? (cur-occur + 1)] [ table:put occurrences ? 1 ] ] report occurrences end to-report join-lists [l1 l2] foreach l2 [set l1 lput ? l1] report l1 end ;; manager -> void: ;; TODO: make how workers incorporate the ways to choose features from software development lifecycle ;; TODO: consider whether assigned work should be unique to manage-workers [average-team-amt] foreach focused-features-ids [ let focused-id ? ;; first grab some people knowledgeable about the problem let legacies (sort-on [who] (workers with [worked-on-id? ?])) if length legacies >= average-team-amt [set legacies n-of average-team-amt legacies] ;; and grab people with little assigned work let least-busy sublist (sort-on [length assigned] workers) 0 average-team-amt ;; make final list let contributors n-of average-team-amt join-lists legacies least-busy foreach contributors [ ask ? [set newly-assigned lput focused-id newly-assigned ]] ] end ;; worker -> void: chooses from assigned, performs a certain amount of work on it ;; can incorporate the ways to do work from software development lifecycle ;; look into making a request breed, which can have a priority associated with it to do-work ifelse energy > worker-energy-cost [ let usable-energy (worker-energy-cost * productivity) let worked-on-count count-occurrences worked-on ;; checks if there is assigned work to do ifelse not empty? newly-assigned or not empty? assigned [ ;; chance to continue old work that they've been asked to continue let legacy-work filter [member? ? worked-on] assigned ;; chance to do most recent work ;; use newly-assigned ;; chance to do most asked for work let id-occurrences-table count-occurrences assigned let sorted-occurrences map first (sort-by [pair-greater ?1 ?2 1] (table:to-list id-occurrences-table)) let grab-amt 3 if length sorted-occurrences > grab-amt [set sorted-occurrences sublist sorted-occurrences 0 grab-amt] let potential join-lists sorted-occurrences (join-lists legacy-work newly-assigned) ;; unreachable, this can't happen, since we check for non-empty earlier. This is just in case. if length potential = 0 [ stop ] let focus-id one-of potential let num-worked 0 if table:has-key? worked-on-count focus-id [ set num-worked table:get worked-on-count focus-id ] work-on-feature focus-id usable-energy num-worked ;; update work id's set assigned remove focus-id join-lists newly-assigned assigned set worked-on lput focus-id worked-on set newly-assigned [] ] ;; continue most recent old work until you've been told stopped [ ifelse not empty? worked-on [ let focus-id last worked-on let num-worked 0 if table:has-key? worked-on-count focus-id [ set num-worked table:get worked-on-count focus-id ] work-on-feature focus-id usable-energy num-worked ][ recover-energy] ] ] [ set energy (energy + energy-recovery) ] end to recover-energy set energy (energy + energy-recovery) end ;; worker feature -> void ;; goals; choose from assigned, if feature doesn't exist, create it to work-on-feature [a-feature-id usable-energy previous-experience] let current-feature one-of (features-of current-product) with [fid = a-feature-id] ;; handle adding new feature ifelse current-feature = NOBODY [ hatch-features 1 [ set features-round (features-round + 1) if (any? (features-of ideal-product) with [fid = a-feature-id]) [ hide-turtle set xcor max-pxcor set ycor max-pycor ] set fid a-feature-id set product-id [id] of current-product set quality 0 ] ] ;; handle improving feature [ let quality-addon (previous-experience + 1) * (usable-energy / energy-per-quality) set quality-round (quality-round + quality-addon) ask current-feature [ set quality (quality + quality-addon)] ] set energy (energy - usable-energy) set energy-round (energy-round + usable-energy) end ;; manager -> void: ;; TODO: to publish-product if average-consumer-satisfaction < consumers-satisfaction-sensitivity [ ] end ;; turtle -> void to do-age set age (age + 1) end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; END GO CODE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; HELPERS CODE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; used to update colors of turtles to indicate quality and energy to color-turtles ;; color products ask products [ set color orange ] ;; color special products ask no-product [ hide-turtle ] ask ideal-product [ set color green ] ask current-product [ set color yellow] ;; color features by quality let c-features features-of current-product ask implemented-ideal-features [ let c-quality [quality] of (one-of c-features with [fid = [fid] of myself]) set color palette:scale-gradient [[255 0 0] [0 255 0 ]] c-quality 0 100 ] ask not-implemented-ideal-features [ set color red ] ask c-features [ set color palette:scale-gradient [[255 0 0] [0 255 0 ]] quality 0 100 ] ask managers [ color-by-energy [[0 0 0] [0 0 240]]; [[255 25 0] [0 0 240]] ] ask workers [ color-by-energy [[0 0 0] [255 255 255]]; [[255 0 0] [255 255 255] ] ] ask consumers [ color-by-energy [[0 0 0] [127 0 255]]; [[255 0 0] [127 0 255]] ] end ;; used to update colors of turtles by energy to color-by-energy [colors] set color palette:scale-gradient colors energy 0 max-energy end ;; unimplemented any number number -> boolean: to-report nearish [v1 v2] report true end ;; helper to have consumer buy a new product to buy-market-product set owned-product market-product set bought-at-age [age] of market-product end ;; helper to get the features agentset that are related to a product to-report features-of [a-product] let a-product-id [id] of a-product report features with [product-id = a-product-id] end ;; helper to get satisfaction of consumers to-report average-consumer-satisfaction report total-consumers-satisfaction / (count consumers) end to-report total-consumers-satisfaction report sum [satisfaction] of consumers end ;; worker feature -> boolean: checks whether a worker has worker on ;; the feature before to-report worked-on-id? [a-feature-id] report member? a-feature-id worked-on end ;; worker feature -> boolean: checks whether a worker has worker on ;; the feature before to-report worked-on? [a-feature] report member? [fid] of a-feature worked-on end ;; any -> number: returns a sequence of natural numbers. to-report generate-product-id set product-id-sequence product-id-sequence + 1 report product-id-sequence end ;; void -> number: helper to generate a feature within the feature id space to-report generate-feature-id report random size-of-feature-space end ;; any (listof numbers) -> number: generates a feature id from the id space not in the list to-report generate-new-id [used-ids] let potential-feature-id generate-feature-id while [member? potential-feature-id used-ids] [ set potential-feature-id generate-feature-id ] report potential-feature-id end ;; any product -> number: analyzes features by comparing it to the ;; current ideal product to-report product-quality [a-product] let pid [id] of a-product report sum [quality] of features with [product-id = pid] end ;; any -> number : creates a productivity level to-report generate-productivity ifelse random-productivity? [report random-float max-productivity] [report max-productivity] end ;; wrapper to get the number of occurrences stored in hash table to-report occurrence [occurrences a-id] ifelse table:has-key? occurrences a-id [report table:get occurrences a-id] [report 0] end ;; helper to check whether something in a list is greater than corresponding value in other list to-report pair-greater [p1 p2 index] let p1-item item index p1 let p2-item item index p2 report p1-item > p2-item end ;; helper to get set of ideal features in current product to-report implemented-ideal-features let ideal-features features-of ideal-product let current-ids [fid] of features-of current-product report ideal-features with [member? fid current-ids] end ;; helper to get set of ideal features not in current product to-report not-implemented-ideal-features let ideal-features features-of ideal-product let current-ids [fid] of features-of current-product report ideal-features with [not member? fid current-ids] end ;; helper to get set of features in current product that are not ideal to-report market-extra-features let market-features features-of market-product let ideal-ids [fid] of features-of ideal-product report market-features with [not member? fid ideal-ids] end ;; calculates the benefit for the round to-report round-benefit let quality-benefit 10 let feature-benefit 15 report (quality-round * quality-benefit + (features-round * count implemented-ideal-features)) end to-report current-extra-features let current-features features-of current-product let ideal-ids [fid] of features-of ideal-product report current-features with [not member? fid ideal-ids] end ;; sets the shape of the feature depending whether it is implemented or superfluous. to set-feature-shapes ask implemented-ideal-features [set shape "circle"] ask not-implemented-ideal-features [set shape "circle 2"] ask current-extra-features [set shape "x"] end ;; helper to layout agentset in grid to grid-layout [agents min-x max-x min-y max-y max-row] if agents = NOBODY [stop] let cur-x min-x let cur-y max-y let num-rows (count agents / max-row) let x-offset (max-x - min-x) / max-row let y-offset (max-y - min-y) / num-rows ask agents [ set xcor cur-x set ycor cur-y let new-row? (floor ((cur-x + x-offset) / max-x)) > 0 ifelse new-row? [set cur-x min-x set cur-y (cur-y - y-offset)] [set cur-x (cur-x + x-offset)] ] end ;; helper to layout list in grid to grid-layout-list [agents min-x max-x min-y max-y max-row] if empty? agents [stop] let cur-x min-x let cur-y max-y let num-rows (length agents / max-row) let x-offset (max-x - min-x) / max-row let y-offset (max-y - min-y) / num-rows foreach agents [ ask ? [ set xcor cur-x set ycor cur-y let new-row? (floor ((cur-x + x-offset) / max-x)) > 0 ifelse new-row? [set cur-x min-x set cur-y (cur-y - y-offset)] [set cur-x (cur-x + x-offset)] ] ] end ;; resets measurements being measured per round to reset-round set total-benefit (round-benefit + total-benefit) set benefit-cost-round (round-benefit / (energy-round / energy-per-quality)) set features-round 0 set feedback-round 0 set quality-round 0 set energy-round 1 end
There is only one version of this model, created over 8 years ago by Adel Lahlou.
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AdelLahlou-FeedbackConstraintSatisfaction-EECS372.png | preview | Preview for 'AdelLahlou-FeedbackConstraintSatisfaction-EECS372' | over 8 years ago, by Adel Lahlou | Download |
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