
Word-of-mouth preview image

3 collaborators

Agnieszka Kowalska-Styczeń (Author)
Tomasz Owczarek (Team member)


cellular automata 

Tagged by Katarzyna Sznajd-Weron almost 9 years ago

social science 

Tagged by Katarzyna Sznajd-Weron almost 9 years ago

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  A_no_list            ;; number of type-A agents in each iteration
  B_no_list            ;; number of type-B agents in each iteration
  nb                   ;; type of neighborhood
  latane_denominator   ;; depends on type of nb (4, 12, 24)
  result               ;; "pending" or "stable"; if "stable" model stops

  class                ;; agent's type i.e. A or B
  value                ;; 1 or -1 depending on the class
  action               ;; describes action of the agent ("stay", "change" or "move")
  movement-counter     ;; counts how many times agent tried to move this turn
  patch-2              ;; the patch agent occupied 2 iterations earlier
  patch-1              ;; the patch agent occupied 1 iteration earlier
  class-2              ;; agent's type 2 iterations earlier
  class-1              ;; agent's type 1 iteration earlier

to setup
  set A_no_list []
  set B_no_list []
  ask patches[
    if random-float 1 < density
      let val 1
      if random-float 1 > type_A [set val -1]
      sprout 1
        set-class val
        set shape "square"
        set movement-counter 0
  set result "pending"

to go
  if ticks = 1
    ask turtles
      set patch-1 patch-here
      set class-1 class
  if ticks > 1
  [ ask turtles
      set patch-2 patch-1
      set patch-1 patch-here
      set class-2 class-1
      set class-1 class
  if rule = "MR" [ ask turtles [ MR-rule ] ]
  if rule = "UR" [ ask turtles [ UR-rule ] ]
  if rule = "ULR" [ ask turtles [ ULR-rule ] ]
  ask turtles [ make-action ]
  if ticks > 1 [ check-stop-conditions ]
  if ((result != "pending") or (ticks >= 1000)) [ stop ]

to set-class [ class-value ]
  ifelse class-value = 1
    set class "A"
    set value 1
    set color green
    set class "B"
    set value -1
    set color red

to set-neighbourhood
  if range = 1
    set nb [
              [-1 0]
           [0 -1] [0 1]
               [1 0]
  if range = 2
    set nb [
                        [-2 0]
                [-1 -1] [-1 0] [-1 1]
           [0 -2] [0 -1]       [0 1] [0 2]
                  [1 -1] [1 0] [1 1]
                         [2 0]
  if range = 3
    set nb [
                              [-3 0]
                      [-2 -1] [-2 0] [-2 1]
               [-1 -2] [-1 -1] [-1 0] [-1 1] [-1 2]
          [0 -3] [0 -2] [0 -1]       [0 1]  [0 2] [0 3]
                 [1 -2] [1 -1] [1 0] [1 1]  [1 2]
                        [2 -1] [2 0] [2 1]
                               [3 0]

to set-direction
  set heading ((random 4) * 90)

to move
  fd 1
  if any? other turtles-here [ move ]   ;; if patch is occupied - repeat

to moving-procedure
  let p patch-here
  ifelse movement-counter = 0
  [ set-direction ]
  [ set heading heading + 90 ]
  ifelse ((p = patch-here) and (movement-counter < 4))
   ;; if agent ends in the same patch - repeat whole procedure and increase counter
    set movement-counter movement-counter + 1
  [ set movement-counter 0 ]

to MR-rule
  set action "stay"                                     ;; default state
  let nn turtles at-points nb                           ;; take all turtles in neighbourhood
  let influence sum [value] of nn                       ;; sum their values
  ifelse influence = 0                                  ;; infl==0 means that no. of A and B are the same
  [ set action "move" ]
  [ if influence * value < 0 [ set action "change" ] ]  ;; infl*value is < 0 when most neighbours are opposite type

to UR-rule
  set action "stay"                                     ;; default state
  let nn turtles at-points nb                           ;; take all turtles in neighbourhood
  let influence sum [value] of nn                       ;; sum their values
  ifelse count nn = abs influence                       ;; no. of neighbors==abs(infl) means that all nn are the same
    ifelse influence = 0                                ;; in that case influence = 0 means that there are no neighbours
    [ set action "move" ]                               ;; and agent just moves
      if influence * value < 0 [ set action "change" ]  ;; if influence <> 0 then check if neighbours' type is different
    ]                                                   ;; infl*value is < 0 when neighbours are opposite type - change
  ]                                                     ;; if not, nothing changes (default state, i.e. "stay")
  [ set action "move" ]                                 ;; move if not all neighbours are the same

to ULR-rule
  set action "stay"                                     ;; default state
  let nn turtles at-points nb                           ;; take all turtles in neighbourhood
  let influence sum [value] of nn                       ;; sum their values
  ifelse count nn = abs influence                       ;; no. of neighbors==abs(infl) means that all nn are the same
    ifelse influence = 0                                ;; in that case influence = 0 means that there are no neighbours
    [ set action "move" ]                               ;; and agent moves
      if influence * value < 0                          ;; if influence <> 0 then check if neighbours' type is different
      [ set latane_denominator 4                        ;;
        if range = 2 [ set latane_denominator 12 ]      ;; denominator depends on type of neighbourhood
        if range = 3 [ set latane_denominator 24 ]      ;;
        if random-float 1 < sqrt((count nn) / latane_denominator) [ set action "change" ]  ;; change only when
     ]                                                                                     ;; random r < sqrt(k/lat_denom)
  [ set action "move" ]

to make-action
  if action = "move" [ if random-float 1 < movement_prob [ moving-procedure ] ]
  if action = "change" [ set-class (-1 * value) ]

to count-population
  set A_no_list lput (count turtles with [class = "A"]) A_no_list
  set B_no_list lput (count turtles with [class = "B"]) B_no_list

to check-stop-conditions
  ifelse (abs (count turtles with [class = "A"] - count turtles with [class = "B"]) = count turtles)
  [ set result "stable" ]    ;; all turtles are the same
  [                          ;;
    let change 0
    ask turtles
      if ((patch-here != patch-2) or (class != class-2))
        set change 1
    if change = 0 [ set result "stable" ] ;; oscilating or not changing

;; not used but now can be useful if greater ranges are considered in the future

to set-latane
 let i 0
 repeat range
   set i (i + 1)
   set latane_denominator latane_denominator + (i * 4)

There is only one version of this model, created almost 9 years ago by Katarzyna Sznajd-Weron.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Word-of-mouth.png preview Preview for 'Word-of-mouth' almost 9 years ago, by Katarzyna Sznajd-Weron Download

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