
CoRobat preview image

1 collaborator

Zengzhen_shao zengzhen shao (Author)


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      robot-type ;; 
      vision-radius  ;; 
      life ;;  
      if-find-prey? ;; no-use
      prey-xcor ; no-use
      prey-ycor ; no-use
      prey-heading ; no-use

to init


to set-patch-color
  ask patches 
      set pcolor 5

to create-Robots
  ;;1) create captures
  create-turtles count-of-hunter
    set robot-type "hunter"
    set color 40 + random 100
    set size 10
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set shape "butterfly"
    set vision-radius hunter-vision-radius
    set life 100
    set if-find-prey? false 
  ;; 2) create invades
  create-turtles count-of-prey
    set robot-type "prey"
    set color  red    
    set size 10
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set shape  "bug" 
    set vision-radius prey-vision-radius
    set life 100

to escape

  ask turtles with [robot-type = "prey"]
      ifelse (life > 0 )

        let Nearist-Turtles-List (turtles-on (patches in-radius prey-vision-radius))  with [(robot-type = "hunter") and (life > 0 )]
        draw-sensor-vision-field 5     
        ifelse ((count Nearist-Turtles-List) > 0)
          fd prey-escape-speed  * (life / 100)
          ifelse ( (random 10) = 0 )
          [ fd prey-escape-speed * (life / 100) ]
          [ fd prey-normal-speed * (life / 100) ]
        if (if-show-vision-filed? = true )
           [ draw-sensor-vision-field 66  ]
      ] ;; else : life = 0 , when prey is dead
        set label "Die!"
        set label-color red 
        set heading 90

to capture

   ask turtles with [ (robot-type = "hunter") ] ;; 
       ifelse (life > 0 ) 
         ;;draw-sensor-vision-field  5
         let count-prey-in-vision count ( (turtles in-radius hunter-vision-radius ) with [(robot-type = "prey") and (life > 0)] )

         draw-sensor-vision-field 5          
         ifelse (count-prey-in-vision > 0 ) 
           fd hunter-capture-speed  * (life / 100)
           ifelse (random 10 = 0  )
           [ fd hunter-capture-speed * (life / 100) ]
           [ fd hunter-normal-speed * (life / 100) ]

         if (if-show-vision-filed? = true )
           [ draw-sensor-vision-field 66  ]
         set label "Die!"
         set label-color red 
         set heading 90

to find-capture-direction
  let temp-xcor 99999
  let temp-ycor 99999
  let temp-distance 99999
  let tempHeading 99999
  let capture-prey-distance  99999
  let prey-who 99999
  let count-prey-in-vision count ( (turtles in-radius hunter-vision-radius ) with [(robot-type = "prey") and (life > 0) ])
  ifelse (count-prey-in-vision = 0 )  ;; if not find any prey or prey's life = 0 
    if ( (random 100) < 1 )   
      [ set heading ( heading + (-1)^(random 2) * 40) mod 360  ]
    set if-find-prey? false 
       ;; else : select one active prey as capture target
    ask one-of (turtles in-radius hunter-vision-radius)  with [(robot-type = "prey")  and (life > 0 )]  ;; select one prey randomly , rather than select the nearest;; ;may can be improved
    [                                                     ;; //////////////////////;may can be improved/////////
      set temp-ycor ycor
      set tempHeading heading 
      set capture-prey-distance distance turtle who
      set prey-who who
    set prey-xcor temp-xcor
    set prey-ycor temp-ycor 
    set prey-heading tempheading
    set if-find-prey? true 
    face turtle prey-who

to find-escape-direction
  let MinDistance 99999 
  let temp-heading heading

  let Nearist-Turtles-List (turtles-on (patches in-radius prey-vision-radius)) with [(robot-type = "hunter")  and (life > 0 ) ]  ;; judge if exists hunters in vision field
  ;; if the prey finds hunter(s) in it's vision field, find the nearist neighbor and learn its heading 
  ifelse ((count Nearist-Turtles-List) > 1 )
      ask Nearist-Turtles-List
          if ( (distance myself != 0 ) and  (distance myself < MinDistance ) )
              set MinDistance (distance myself) 
              set temp-heading heading  
    ;; else : if the prey can not find any hunter, flies freedomly
      if ((random 100) < 1) 
      [ set temp-heading ( heading + (-1)^(random 2) * 40) mod 360]       
  set heading temp-heading

to escape-and-capture

to life-change
  let is-captured? false 
  ask turtles with [robot-type = "prey"]
      ask patch-here
         ;; if in the patch where the prey is , there exists hunter, then the prey is caputured

         if (count (turtles-here with [(robot-type = "hunter") and (life > 0)]) > 0 )           [ 
            set is-captured? true 
            ask turtles-here with [(robot-type = "hunter") and (life > 0)]
              [ set life life - 1 ]
       if is-captured? 
         [ set life life - 1 ]

       set is-captured? false   ;; judge the next prey, so reset is-captured? to false 

to draw-sensor-vision-field [ field-color ] 

    let tempi  0 
    while [tempi <= 360]
      let temp-patch ( patch-at-heading-and-distance tempi vision-radius) 
      if (temp-patch != nobody)
      [ask temp-patch
        [set pcolor field-color ]

      set tempi tempi + 10

to Hunter-commincate
  ask turtles with [ (robot-type ="hunter") and (life > 0) ]
      ;; get active prey List in the hunter's vision field
      let preyList-in-vision-field (turtles in-radius hunter-vision-radius) with [(robot-type ="prey") and (life > 0)]   
      ;; if there exists active preys in the hunter's vision field, 
      if ( count preyList-in-vision-field > 0 ) 
          let temp-prey-who 99999
          ;; select one active prey from the preyList
          ask one-of preyList-in-vision-field
              set temp-prey-who who 
          ;; broadcast the prey's infomation to the hunter's neighbors in it's vision field
          ask turtles in-radius  hunter-vision-radius with [(robot-type ="hunter") and (life > 0)]  
              set if-find-prey?  true 
              face turtle temp-prey-who

to adjust-heading-when-in-edge   ;; when turtle in edge (left Boundary, right Boundary, up Boundary, down Boundary), adjust it's heading
 if (abs(xcor) < 0.5) and (heading > 179)   ;; in left boundary and goes on to the left
   [  set heading random 180  ]
 if (xcor > Max-pxcor - 1) and (heading < 180)  ;; ;; in right boundary and goes on to the right
   [  set heading ( 180 + random 180)  ]
 if (abs(ycor)< 0.5 ) and  (heading > 90 and heading < 270)  ;; ;; ;; in down boundary and Continue to go down 
     let tempi random 2
     ifelse (tempi = 0 )
       [  set heading random 90  ]
       [  set heading random (360 - random 90) ]
 if (ycor > Max-pycor - 1) and ( (heading >= 0 and  heading < 90) OR ( heading > 270 and heading <= 360) ) 
   [                                                            ;;   in up boundary and Continue to go up
     set heading (90 + random 180)
end ; 

to Hunter-Coordinate 


There is only one version of this model, created over 9 years ago by zengzhen shao.

Attached files

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CoRobat.png preview Preview for 'CoRobat' over 9 years ago, by zengzhen shao Download

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