lookuptable example 2
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;implements a crude lookuptable breed. ;a turtle of this breed contains a list of row names, a list of column names and a table ;a procedure is provided to initialise a turtle with a filename where it can read a table from ;a procedure is provided to read the table into the turtle (extracting the lists of rownames and columnnames) ;a procedure is provided to report the cell content as string based on row and column names (as strings) ;a procedure is provided to change the cell content ; #### this implementation does not check for the correctness of the table ; ####in case of repeated row or columnames, only the first can be found, no warnings given ; ####this does not hanlde missing values in the table ; ; ### the table is stored as a list of lists (each row is a list, for simplicity in reading the file) ; ### the current implenetation sees the rownames as part of the lookuptable, the columnames are not ; ; ; ; ### the input file should be a comma-seperated fulle matrix ; e.g. ; names,eyes,hair,shirt ; pete,blue,brown,black ; dan,brown,blond,white ; ; in this example the reporter would need the inputs "shirt" and "pete" to report "black" ; ; If it does not work, blame me Geerten.Hengeveld@wur.nl breed [t_lookuptables t_lookuptable] t_lookuptables-own [lutt_table lutt_collist lutt_rowlist] to-report luto_rp_setuplookuptable [filename] ; observer procedure from the lookuptable let whostore 0 create-t_lookuptables 1 [ lutt_p_readtable filename set hidden? true ; this also makes it difficult to visually inspect the lookuptable set whostore who ] report whostore ; use this to be able to extract information from this lookuptable! end to-report luto_rp_ShowFromLookuptable [whostore colname rowname] ; observer procedure from the lookuptable report [lutt_rp_lookup colname rowname] of t_lookuptable whostore end to-report luto_rp_ShowValueFromLookuptable [whostore colname rowname] ; observer procedure from the lookuptable let tablestring [lutt_rp_lookup colname rowname] of t_lookuptable whostore ifelse (tablestring != false) [ report read-from-string [lutt_rp_lookup colname rowname] of t_lookuptable whostore ] [report false] end to-report luto_rp_ColumnsInLookuptable [whostore] report [lutt_collist] of t_lookuptable whostore end to-report luto_rp_RowsInLookuptable [whostore] report [lutt_rowlist] of t_lookuptable whostore end to-report luto_rp_ShowColumnFromLookuptable [whostore columnname] report [lutt_rp_column columnname] of t_lookuptable whostore end to-report luto_rp_ShowColumnValuesFromLookuptable [whostore columnname] report [lutt_rp_columnvalues columnname] of t_lookuptable whostore end to luto_up_setvalue [whostore colname rowname i_value] ask t_lookuptable whostore [lutt_up_setvalue colname rowname (word i_value)] end ;--------------lookup table internals------------- to lutt_p_readtable [filename] ; turtle procedure from the lookuptable ;should actually be a reporter procedure reporting true if initalisation worked... let temp_list (list 0) ; initialise the lists use but-first lateron to remove the 0 set lutt_collist (list 0) set lutt_rowlist (list 0) set lutt_table (list 0) file-open filename ;should be a csv - no check currently on whether the file opens correctly! let p file-read-line ;the header line, should be put into the list lutt_collist while [position "," p != false] [ set lutt_collist lput (substring p 0 (position "," p)) lutt_collist set p substring p (position "," p + 1) length p ] set lutt_collist lput p lutt_collist ;add the last element set lutt_collist but-first lutt_collist ;remove the initial 0 ;initialise the table: each row will be a list in the table while [not file-at-end?] [ set p file-read-line set temp_list (list 0) while [position "," p != false] [ set temp_list lput ( substring p 0 (position "," p)) temp_list set p substring p (position "," p + 1) length p ;store elements in the right order! ] set temp_list lput p temp_list set temp_list but-first temp_list ;remove 0 from start set lutt_table lput temp_list lutt_table ] set lutt_table but-first lutt_table foreach lutt_table ; initialise a list of all rownames: the first items of the rows in the table [ set lutt_rowlist lput item 0 ? lutt_rowlist ] set lutt_rowlist but-first lutt_rowlist file-close end ;this reporter will report a string! use read-from-string to interpret output as value to-report lutt_rp_lookup [colname rowname] ; turtle procedure from the lookuptable let colnr position colname lutt_collist let rownr position rowname lutt_rowlist ifelse (colnr != false and rownr != false) [ let targetrow item rownr lutt_table report item colnr targetrow ] [ report false ] end ;report a whole column to-report lutt_rp_column [colname] ; turtle procedure from the lookuptable let colnr position colname lutt_collist let templist (list 0) let targetrow 0 ifelse (colnr != false) [ let i 0 repeat length lutt_rowlist [ set targetrow item i lutt_table set templist lput item colnr targetrow templist set i i + 1 ] set templist but-first templist report templist ] [ report false ] end to-report lutt_rp_columnvalues [colname] ; turtle procedure from the lookuptable let colnr position colname lutt_collist let templist (list 0) let targetrow 0 ifelse (colnr != false) [ let i 0 repeat length lutt_rowlist [ set targetrow item i lutt_table set templist lput read-from-string item colnr targetrow templist set i i + 1 ] set templist but-first templist report templist ] [ report false ] end to lutt_up_setvalue [colname rowname i_value] let colnr position colname lutt_collist let rownr position rowname lutt_rowlist ifelse (colnr != false and rownr != false) [ let targetrow item rownr lutt_table set targetrow replace-item colnr targetrow i_value set lutt_table replace-item rownr lutt_table targetrow ] [ show "ERROR" ] end
There is only one version of this model, created about 11 years ago by Geerten Hengeveld.
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