Topographic variability and stability in lake food webs
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This model decribes a part of the Lake Michigan Food web as found on The original model as found in the COPYRIGHT NOTICE at the bottom of this page was extended and new species were implemented to rebuild more complex relationships between different trophic levels. Another editional feature is the possibility to draw rocks where smaller species can hide an therefore cannot be eaten by predators
Species (except phytoplankton) wander randomly around the bay, and what they eat is determined by the Food-Web box. Moving costs energy, and they must eat in order to replenish their energy. When a creature runs out of energy it dies. To allow the population to continue, each species has a fixed probability of reproducing at each time step. Phytoplankton is growing autonomously regardless of other environmental conditions.
- Edit the food web by pressing the CHANGE button.
- Enter the new food chain you want added to the food web.
- Press the APPLY button.
- Press the OK button.
- Press the SETUP button.
- Press the GO button to begin the simulation.
- Look at the POPULATIONS plot to watch the populations fluctuate over time
- INITIALIZE ENVIRONMENT - Initialize the Lake Patches
- DRAW ROCKS - holding the left mouse button one can draw rocks where smaller species can hide
- ERASE ROCKS - holding the left mouse button one can partially delete rocks
- INSERT/ RESET SPECIES - all populations are set to their initial values
- GO/ STOP - starts/ stops the simulation
- START INVASION - inserts new top predator species
You may edit the food web to create new predator-prey relationships.
Valid species are:
Opossum Shrimp
Round Gobys
Top Predators
"zooplankton eat phytoplankton"
Wilensky, U. (1997). NetLogo Wolf Sheep Predation model. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
Copyright 2010 Office of STEM Education Partnerships, Northwestern University. All rights reserved.
Permission to use, modify or redistribute this model is hereby granted, provided that both of the following requirements are followed:
a) this copyright notice is included.
b) this model will not be redistributed for profit without permission from the Office of STEM Education Partnerships [OSEP]. Contact OSEP for appropriate licenses for redistribution for profit.
This model was created as part of the project: ECOLOGICAL FORECASTING: FRAMEWORK TO EVALUATE THE EFFECTS OF MULTIPLE STRESSES IN LAKE MICHIGAN FOOD WEBS AND GUIDE REMEDIATION. The project gratefully acknowledges the support of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration -- grant number NA09NMF4630406.
This model extends and modifies code from the model "Wolf Sheep Predation" - Copyright 1997 Uri Wilensky.
Comments and Questions
;A simplified Lake Michigan Foodweb with Obstacles globals [ reproduce-energy-mid distinction energy-from-phytoplankton ;; keep track of how much phytoplankton there is phytoplankton-regrowth-time ;; how quickly phytoplankton grows back start-percent-phytoplankton phytoplankton-growth-rate ;; odds of phytoplankton spreading zooplankton-food-filter zooplankton-start-amount zooplankton-gain-from-food zooplankton-reproduce zooplankton-reproduce-energy oshrimp-food-filter oshrimp-start-amount a-oshrimp-gain-from-food a-oshrimp-reproduce a-oshrimp-reproduce-energy mollusks-food-filter mollusks-start-amount mollusk-gain-from-food mollusk-reproduce mollusk-reproduce-energy burbot-food-filter burbot-start-amount a-burbot-gain-from-food a-burbot-reproduce a-burbot-reproduce-energy round_gobys-food-filter round_gobys-start-amount round_goby-gain-from-food round_goby-reproduce round_goby-reproduce-energy top_preds-food-filter top_preds-start-amount top_pred-gain-from-food top_pred-reproduce top_pred-reproduce-energy ignore-zooplankton ignore-oshrimp ignore-mollusks ignore-burbot ignore-round_gobys ignore-top_preds invalid-food-web invaded? ] breed [ phytoplankton a-phytoplankton ] breed [ zooplankton a-zooplankton ] breed [ oshrimp a-oshrimp ] breed [ mollusks mollusk ] breed [ round_gobys round_goby ] breed [ top_preds top_pred ] breed [ burbot a-burbot ] turtles-own [ energy ] patches-own [ countdown has-roots ] to initialize clear-turtles clear-all-plots reset-ticks tick set zooplankton-start-amount 100 set oshrimp-start-amount 50 set mollusks-start-amount 100 set burbot-start-amount 5 set round_gobys-start-amount 15 set top_preds-start-amount 0 set invalid-food-web false ifelse zooplankton-start-amount = 0 [ set ignore-zooplankton true] [ set ignore-zooplankton false] ifelse oshrimp-start-amount = 0 [ set ignore-oshrimp true] [ set ignore-oshrimp false] ifelse mollusks-start-amount = 0 [ set ignore-mollusks true] [ set ignore-mollusks false] ifelse burbot-start-amount = 0 [ set ignore-burbot true] [ set ignore-burbot false] ifelse round_gobys-start-amount = 0 [ set ignore-round_gobys true] [ set ignore-round_gobys false] ifelse top_preds-start-amount = 0 [ set ignore-top_preds true] [ set ignore-top_preds false] set zooplankton-food-filter "" set oshrimp-food-filter "" set mollusks-food-filter "" set burbot-food-filter "" set round_gobys-food-filter "" set distinction 0 parse-food-web setup-constants ifelse not invalid-food-web [ ;; set globals set start-percent-phytoplankton 10 set energy-from-phytoplankton 3 set phytoplankton-regrowth-time 37 set phytoplankton-growth-rate 3 set zooplankton-gain-from-food 40 ;; zooplankton set zooplankton-reproduce 55 set zooplankton-reproduce-energy 45 set a-oshrimp-gain-from-food 10 set a-oshrimp-reproduce 38.9 set a-oshrimp-reproduce-energy 65 set mollusk-gain-from-food 35 set mollusk-reproduce 39 set mollusk-reproduce-energy 10 set a-burbot-gain-from-food 35 set a-burbot-reproduce 38.2 set a-burbot-reproduce-energy 48 set round_goby-gain-from-food 35 set round_goby-reproduce 38.2 set round_goby-reproduce-energy 65 set invaded? false set top_pred-gain-from-food 75 set top_preds-start-amount 15 set top_pred-reproduce 5 set top_pred-reproduce-energy 55 ;; create the phytoplankton, then initialize their variables set-default-shape phytoplankton "phytoplankton" ask patches [ if pcolor != black [set pcolor blue + 2] if random 100 < start-percent-phytoplankton [ sprout-phytoplankton 1 [ init-phytoplankton rt random 90 fd 0.5] ] ] ;; create the zooplankton, then initialize their variables set-default-shape zooplankton "zooplankton" populate-zooplankton zooplankton-start-amount true ;; create the oshrimp, then initialize their variables set-default-shape oshrimp "oshrimp" populate-oshrimp oshrimp-start-amount true ;; create the mollusks, then initialize their variables set-default-shape mollusks "mollusk" populate-mollusks mollusks-start-amount true ;; create the burbot, then initialize their variables set-default-shape burbot "black fish" populate-burbot burbot-start-amount true set-default-shape round_gobys "roundgoby" populate-round_gobys round_gobys-start-amount true set-default-shape top_preds "big fish" update-plot ] [ ;; (for this model to work with NetLogo's new plotting features, ;; __clear-all-and-reset-ticks should be replaced with clear-all at ;; the beginning of your setup procedure and reset-ticks at the end ;; of the procedure.) set invalid-food-web true] end to setup-constants set reproduce-energy-mid 75 end to go if 0 = ticks [ user-message "Please press the 'Setup' button" stop ] ifelse invalid-food-web [ user-message "You need to update your food web and press set up" stop ] [ if not any? zooplankton and not ignore-zooplankton [ ifelse user-yes-or-no? "No more zooplankton in this part of the harbor.\nHave a new zooplankton scuttle in?" [ populate-zooplankton 1 false ] [ set ignore-zooplankton true ] ] if not any? oshrimp and not ignore-oshrimp [ ifelse user-yes-or-no? "No more oshrimp in this part of the harbor.\nHave a new oshrimp swim in?" [ populate-oshrimp 1 false ] [ set ignore-oshrimp true ] ] if not any? mollusks and not ignore-mollusks [ ifelse user-yes-or-no? "No more mollusks in this part of the harbor.\nHave a new mollusk swim in?" [ populate-mollusks 1 false ] [ set ignore-mollusks true ] ] if not any? round_gobys and not ignore-round_gobys [ ifelse user-yes-or-no? "No more round gobys in this part of the harbor.\nHave a new round goby swim in?" [ populate-round_gobys 1 false ] [ set ignore-round_gobys true ] ] if not any? top_preds and not ignore-top_preds [ ifelse user-yes-or-no? "No more top preds in this part of the harbor.\nHave a new top pred swim in?" [ populate-top_preds 1 false ] [ set ignore-top_preds true ] ] if not any? burbot and not ignore-burbot [ ifelse user-yes-or-no? "No more burbots in this part of the harbor.\nHave a new burbot swim in?" [ populate-burbot 1 false ] [ set ignore-burbot true ] ] ask zooplankton [ moveslow set energy energy - 0.1 eat zooplankton-food-filter death reproduce-zooplankton ] ask oshrimp [ avoid-obstacles move set energy energy - 0.1 eat oshrimp-food-filter death reproduce-oshrimp ] ask mollusks [ moveslow set energy energy - 0.07 eat mollusks-food-filter death reproduce-mollusks ] ask round_gobys [ avoid-obstacles movefast set energy energy - 0.5 eat round_gobys-food-filter death reproduce-round_gobys ] ask top_preds [ avoid-obstacles movefaster set energy energy - 2 eat top_preds-food-filter death reproduce-top_preds ] ask burbot [ avoid-obstacles movefaster set energy energy - 0.5 eat burbot-food-filter death reproduce-burbot ] grow-phytoplankton tick update-plot ] end to populate-zooplankton [ census random? ] create-zooplankton census [ set color blue set size 2 ;; easier to see set label-color blue - 2 ifelse random? [ set energy random (2 * zooplankton-gain-from-food) ] [ set energy zooplankton-gain-from-food ] setxy random-xcor random-ycor ] end to populate-mollusks [ census random? ] create-mollusks census [ set color brown set size 1 ;; easier to see ifelse random? [ set energy random (2 * mollusk-gain-from-food) ] [ set energy mollusk-gain-from-food ] setxy random-xcor random-ycor ] end to populate-oshrimp [ census random? ] create-oshrimp census [ set color black set size 2 ;; easier to see ifelse random? [ set energy random (2 * a-oshrimp-gain-from-food) ] [ set energy a-oshrimp-gain-from-food ] setxy random-xcor random-ycor ask oshrimp with [ pcolor = black ] [ fd 15 ] ] end to populate-burbot [ census random? ] create-burbot census [ set color black set size 2 ;; easier to see ifelse random? [ set energy random (2 * a-burbot-gain-from-food) ] [ set energy a-burbot-gain-from-food ] setxy random-xcor random-ycor ask burbot with [ pcolor = black ] [ fd 15 ] ] end to populate-round_gobys [ census random?] create-round_gobys census [ set color red set size 2 ;; easier to see ifelse random? [ set energy random (2 * round_goby-gain-from-food) ] [ set energy round_goby-gain-from-food ] setxy random-xcor random-ycor ask round_gobys with [ pcolor = black ] [ fd 15 ] ] end to populate-top_preds [ census random?] create-top_preds census [ set invaded? true set color yellow - 1 set size 3 ;; easier to see ifelse random? [ set energy random (2 * top_pred-gain-from-food) ] [ set energy top_pred-gain-from-food ] setxy random-xcor random-ycor ask top_preds with [ pcolor = black ] [ fd 15 ] ] end to avoid-obstacles if (any? patches in-cone 3 120 with [pcolor = black]) [ rt 90 ] end to make-obstacle if mouse-down? [ ask patches [ if ((abs (pxcor - mouse-xcor)) < 4) and ((abs (pycor - mouse-ycor)) < 4) [ set pcolor black ]]] display end to eraser if mouse-down? [ ask patches [ if ((abs (pxcor - mouse-xcor)) < 2) and ((abs (pycor - mouse-ycor)) < 2) [ set pcolor blue + 2 ]]] display end to revert clear-all reset-ticks ask patches [ set pcolor blue + 2 ] end to move ;; turtle procedure if pcolor = black [fd 10] if pcolor != black [ rt random 90 lt random 90 fd 0.5 ] end to moveslow ;; turtle procedure rt random 45 lt random 45 fd 0.1 end to movesuperslow ;; turtle procedure rt random 55 lt random 55 fd 0.05 end to movefast if pcolor = black [fd 10] if pcolor != black [ rt random 35 lt random 35 fd 1 ] end to movefaster if pcolor = black [fd 10] if pcolor != black [ rt random 30 lt random 30 fd 2 ] end to eat [ is-food ] ; turtle routine if "" != is-food [ let prey one-of turtles-here with [ run-result is-food ] if prey != nobody and random-normal 10 5 > 2[ eat-eat prey ] ] end to eat-eat [prey] ; turtle routine set energy ( energy + [energy] of prey ) ask prey [ die ] end to reproduce-zooplankton ;; zooplankton procedure if energy > zooplankton-reproduce-energy and random-normal 50 5 < zooplankton-reproduce [ ;; throw "dice" to see if you will reproduce set energy (energy / 2) ;; divide energy between parent and offspring hatch 1 [ rt random-float 360 fd 1 ] ;; hatch an offspring and move it forward 1 step ] end to reproduce-oshrimp ;; a-oshrimp procedure if energy > a-oshrimp-reproduce-energy and random-normal 50 5 < a-oshrimp-reproduce [ ;; throw "dice" to see if you will reproduce set energy (energy / 2) ;; divide energy between parent and offspring hatch 1 [ rt random-float 360 ] ;; hatch an offspring and move it forward 1 step ] end to reproduce-mollusks ;; mollusk procedure if energy > mollusk-reproduce-energy and random-normal 50 5 < mollusk-reproduce [ ;; throw "dice" to see if you will reproduce set energy (energy / 2) ;; divide energy between parent and offspring hatch 1 [ rt random-float 360 fd 1 ] ;; hatch an offspring and move it forward 1 step ] end to reproduce-burbot ;; a-burbot procedure if energy > a-burbot-reproduce-energy and random-normal 50 5 < a-burbot-reproduce [ ;; throw "dice" to see if you will reproduce set energy (energy / 2) ;; divide energy between parent and offspring hatch 1 [ rt random-float 360 fd 2 ] ;; hatch an offspring and move it forward 1 step ] end to reproduce-round_gobys ;; round_goby procedure if energy > round_goby-reproduce-energy and random-normal 50 5 < round_goby-reproduce [ ;; throw "dice" to see if you will reproduce set energy (energy / 2) ;; divide energy between parent and offspring hatch 1 [ rt random-float 360 fd 2] ;; hatch an offspring and move it forward 1 step ] end to reproduce-top_preds ;; round_goby procedure if energy > top_pred-reproduce-energy and random-normal 50 5 < top_pred-reproduce [ ;; throw "dice" to see if you will reproduce set energy (energy / 2) ;; divide energy between parent and offspring hatch 1 [ rt random-float 360 fd 1] ;; hatch an offspring and move it forward 1 step ] end to death ;; turtle procedure ;; when energy dips below zero, die if energy < 0 [ die ] end to setup-phytoplankton ask patches with [ has-roots ] [ sprout-phytoplankton 1 [ init-phytoplankton ] ] end to init-phytoplankton set energy energy-from-phytoplankton set size 0.6 set color green end to grow-phytoplankton ask phytoplankton [ ask patch-here [ ask neighbors [ if ( 0 = count phytoplankton-here ) and random-normal 50 5 < phytoplankton-regrowth-time [ sprout-phytoplankton 1 [ init-phytoplankton fd 0.5 ] ] ] ] ] end to update-plot set-current-plot "Population Size" set-current-plot-pen "phytoplankton / 4" plot count phytoplankton / 4 ;; divide by four to keep it within similar ;; range as a-burbot and zooplankton populations set-current-plot-pen "Zooplankton" plot count zooplankton set-current-plot-pen "Oshrimp" plot count oshrimp set-current-plot-pen "Mollusks" plot count mollusks set-current-plot-pen "Burbots" plot count burbot set-current-plot-pen "Round Gobys" plot count round_gobys set-current-plot-pen "Top Preds" plot count top_preds end ; =============================================== ; ====== food web parser functions ============== ; =============================================== to parse-food-web let web_description to-lower-string Food-Web let temp "" while [ not empty? web_description ] [ ifelse member? "\n" web_description [ set temp substring web_description 0 ( position "\n" web_description ) update_filter temp set web_description remove word temp "\n" web_description ] [ update_filter web_description set web_description "" ] ] if not invalid-food-web [ if not empty? burbot-food-filter [ set burbot-food-filter word "(" word substring burbot-food-filter 4 length burbot-food-filter ")" ] if not empty? top_preds-food-filter [ set top_preds-food-filter word "(" word substring top_preds-food-filter 4 length top_preds-food-filter ")" ] if not empty? round_gobys-food-filter [ set round_gobys-food-filter word "(" word substring round_gobys-food-filter 4 length round_gobys-food-filter ")" ] if not empty? zooplankton-food-filter [ set zooplankton-food-filter word "(" word substring zooplankton-food-filter 4 length zooplankton-food-filter ")" ] if not empty? oshrimp-food-filter [ set oshrimp-food-filter word "(" word substring oshrimp-food-filter 4 length oshrimp-food-filter ")" ] if not empty? mollusks-food-filter [ set mollusks-food-filter word "(" word substring mollusks-food-filter 4 length mollusks-food-filter ")" ] ] end to update_filter [ update ] ;; this function could be improved by testing ;; update is of the form member? valid-species "eat/eats" valid-species ;; and then throw out impossibilites of cannibalism or phytoplankton predators let bb [ "burbot eat " "burbots eat " "burbot eats " ] let cf [ "zooplankton eat " "zooplankton eats " ] let os [ "oshrimp eat " "oshrimp eats " ] let mf [ "mollusks eat " "mollusk eat " "mollusk eats " ] let rgf [ "round gobys eat " "round goby eat " "round goby eats " ] let tpf [ "top preds eat " "top pred eat " "top pred eats " ] let pf [ "phytoplankton eat " "phytoplankton eats " ] let valid-species [ "phytoplankton" "zooplankton" "round gobys" "top preds" "mollusks" "oshrimp" "burbot" ] let menu_item "" let match "" ifelse not predator-starts-string update valid-species [ user-message word "The predator at line '" (word update "'. is misspelled") set invalid-food-web true ] [ set match multimatch bb update if match != "" [ set burbot-food-filter check_web_item match update "burbot" valid-species burbot-food-filter ] set match multimatch rgf update if match != "" [ set round_gobys-food-filter check_web_item match update "round gobys" valid-species round_gobys-food-filter ] set match multimatch tpf update if match != "" [ set top_preds-food-filter check_web_item match update "top preds" valid-species top_preds-food-filter ] set match multimatch cf update if match != "" [ set zooplankton-food-filter check_web_item match update "zooplankton" valid-species zooplankton-food-filter ] set match multimatch os update if match != "" [ set oshrimp-food-filter check_web_item match update "oshrimp" valid-species oshrimp-food-filter ] set match multimatch mf update if match != "" [ set mollusks-food-filter check_web_item match update "mollusks" valid-species mollusks-food-filter ] if "" != multimatch pf update [ user-message "Biologically impossible. Please edit your food web." set invalid-food-web true ] ] end to-report predator-starts-string [ s valid-species ] let length-of-longest-name length last sort-by [ length ?1 < length ?2 ] valid-species let test "" foreach n-values length-of-longest-name [item ? s] [ set test word test ? if member? test valid-species [ report true ] ] report false end to-report check_web_item [ match update predator valid-targets food-filter ] let menu_item remove match update if menu_item = predator [ user-message "No cannibalism. Please edit your food web." set invalid-food-web true ] if not member? menu_item valid-targets [ user-message word "The prey at line '" (word update "' is misspelled.") set invalid-food-web true ] ifelse not invalid-food-web [ set menu_item remove_spaces menu_item report word food-filter word " or breed = " menu_item ] [ report food-filter ] end ; ====================================== ; ====== String functions ============== ; ====================================== to-report multimatch [ testlist target ] let match "" set match filter [member? ? target] testlist ifelse not empty? match [ report first match ] [ report "" ] end to-report to-lower-string [s] let lower "" foreach n-values length s [item ? s] [ set lower word lower to-lower ? ] report lower end to-report to-lower [c] ; c is single character string let i position c "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" report ifelse-value (is-number? i) [item i "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"][c] end to-report remove_spaces [string] while [ member? " " string ] [ set string replace-item (position " " string) string "_" ] report string end ; Copyright 2010 Northwestern University's Office of STEM Eeducation Partnerships ; based on code by Uri Wilenksy (c) 1997 ; The full copyright notice is in the Information tab.
There is only one version of this model, created over 11 years ago by Uri Geller.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
Topographic variability and stability in lake food webs.png | preview | Preview for 'Topographic variability and stability in lake food webs' | over 11 years ago, by Uri Geller | Download |
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calibration values? (Question)
Hello, I plan to adapt this model to another trophic network (a part of the Gulf of Lion, Mediterranean Sea). I started reading the code and I wonder mainly about the origin of the quantitative input data of the model. It is not mentioned in the 'info' tab. There is an attachment that gives a graphic representation of the food chain but no information about the numerical values used to quantify the model parameters. What are the precise units used to represent the food web? Is there a reference article to understand how the model was calibrated? Thank you in advance for your help, EM
Posted about 8 years ago