Child of Language Drift

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1 collaborator

Default-person Jeremy Needle (Author)


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Model group MAM-2013 | Visible to everyone | Changeable by everyone
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;; swtiches: learn-subset?,learn-local?,learn-nearest?,method-mean?,method-median?,method-one?
;; sliders: learn-subset,learn-radius
breed [adults adult]
breed [children child]

adults-own [f1 f2 tempf1 tempf2 my-lifespan age my-group]
;children-own [f1 f2 my-group]

to setup
;  create-children population-size [
;    ; children start with no language
;    set color blue
;    set ycor random-ycor
;    set xcor random-xcor
;    ]
  ; only one can be chosen
  if network-clustered? [setup-cluster-network]
  if network-lattice? [setup-lattice-network]

to go
  ;; Run one generation (tick)
  ask adults [
    set my-group adults ;; default to all adults
    ;; none of these are intended to work together, though they theoretically could
    if learn-local? [set my-group link-neighbors] ;; all adults neighbors
        ;; if learn-radius is set too small, too many children die isolated to graduate to fill dying adult slots. problem :/
    ;if learn-subset? [set my-group n-of learn-subset my-group] ;; random N of adults
    ;if learn-nearest? [set my-group min-n-of learn-subset adults [distance myself]] ;; nearest N adults

    ifelse any? my-group ;; don't attempt learn if my-group is empty, instead die
      let neighbor-nodes turtle-set other adults in-radius 2
      create-links-with neighbor-nodes
        if random-float 1 > link-chance
        [ die ]
;  ask adults [
;    set age age + 1 ;; increment age
;    if age > my-lifespan [die] ;; die if new age exceeds my-lifespan
;  ]
;  ask n-of (population-size - count adults) children [
;    ; only enough children graduate to replace deaths
;    set breed adults
;    set color red
;    ; children get lifespan upon graduation
;    set my-lifespan random lifespan + 1
;  ]
;  ask children [die] ; remaining children are cleaned out before 50 new created
;  create-children population-size [
;    set color blue
;    set ycor random-ycor
;    set xcor random-xcor
;  ]

to listen
  ; agent listens to all speaking agents (adults), computes idiolect
  ; learn-mean is one possible strategy: learn-mode
  ; noisy listening/learning is also possible
  ;; none of these are intended to interact, though it may be possible; this is still better than multiple setup buttons, because of the combinations
  ;; if none are picked, it's just pure noise effect
  if method-one? [learn-one]
  if method-mean? [learn-mean]
  if method-median? [learn-median]
  ; add noise as % of total (not current?)
  ;; this means that f2 has more absolute noise, because it's a larger value; problem?
  set tempf1 f1 + random-normal 0 noise-level * start-f1
  set tempf2 f2 + random-normal 0 noise-level * start-f2
  if f1 < 200 [set tempf1 200]
  if f2 < 500 [set tempf2 500]
  if f1 > 1200 [set tempf1 1200]
  if f2 > 3500 [set tempf2 3500]

to learn-mean ;;adopts mean of adults
    set tempf1 mean [f1] of my-group
    set tempf2 mean [f2] of my-group

to learn-one ;;randomly copies one adult
  set tempf1 one-of [f1] of my-group
  set tempf2 one-of [f2] of my-group

to learn-median ;;learns median of  adults
    set tempf1 median [f1] of my-group
    set tempf2 median [f2] of my-group

to plot-vowel-space
  ask adults [
    plotxy f2 f1]

to setup-cluster-network
  create-adults population-size / 2 [
    ; initialize adult formants near start-f1,-f2 (use random-normal)
    ; use realistic f1 (700), f2 (2000), deviation
    set f1 random-normal start-f1 150
    set f2 random-normal start-f2 500
    set color red
    set ycor random-ycor
    set xcor random-xcor
    set my-lifespan random lifespan
  let num-links (average-node-degree * population-size) / 2
  while [count links < num-links ]
    ask one-of adults
      let choice (min-one-of (other adults with [not link-neighbor? myself])
                   [distance myself])
      if choice != nobody [ create-link-with choice ]
  ; make the network look a little prettier
  repeat 10
    layout-spring adults links 0.3 (world-width / (sqrt population-size)) 1

to update
  set f1 tempf1
  set f2 tempf2

to setup-lattice-network
  ; create the grid of nodes
  let grid-size 12
  ask patches with [abs pxcor < (grid-size / 2) and abs pycor < (grid-size / 2)]
    [ sprout 1 [set breed adults] ]
    ask adults [
    ; initialize adult formants near start-f1,-f2 (use random-normal)
    ; use realistic f1 (700), f2 (2000), deviation
    set f1 random-normal start-f1 150
    set f2 random-normal start-f2 500
    set color red
    ;set ycor random-ycor
    ;set xcor random-xcor
    set my-lifespan random lifespan

  ; create a directed network such that each node has a LINK-CHANCE percent chance of
  ; having a link established from a given node to one of its neighbors
  ask adults [
    let neighbor-nodes turtle-set [turtles-here] of neighbors4
    create-links-with neighbor-nodes
      if random-float 1 > link-chance
      [ die ]
  ; spread the nodes out
  ask adults [
    setxy (xcor * (max-pxcor - 1) / (grid-size / 2 - 0.5))
          (ycor * (max-pycor - 1) / (grid-size / 2 - 0.5))

There is only one version of this model, created over 11 years ago by Jeremy Needle.

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Parent: Language Drift

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