Parking Space Simulation

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Mbig Marco Lucena (Author)



Tagged by Marco Lucena over 11 years ago

path finding 

Tagged by Marco Lucena over 11 years ago

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Model was written in NetLogo 5.0.3 • Viewed 1849 times • Downloaded 122 times • Run 0 times
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Comments and Questions

parameters explanation (Question)

can you please explane the role of each paramter in your model

Posted over 7 years ago

n is the car instance

n is the car instance

Posted over 7 years ago

parameter explanation

thank you for your answer And what about the parameters rate / fixedrate

Posted over 7 years ago

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globals [pk revenue ]
turtles-own [gdist xdest ydest  parked start finish navval ]
patches-own [occupied navvalue closed]

to setup
  set stay (floor ( budget - fixedrate ) / rate ) * 60 + fixedstay
  ask patches with [pxcor = 16][set navvalue 0 set pcolor green]
  ask patches with [pycor = 16][set navvalue 0 set pcolor green]
  ask patches with [pxcor = -16][set navvalue 0 set pcolor green]
  ask patches with [pycor = -4][set navvalue 0 set pcolor green]

  if complexmap [
  ask patches with [pycor = -1 ][set navvalue 0 set pcolor green]
  ask patches with [pxcor = 1 and pycor = -1 ] [set pcolor black] 
  ask patches with [pycor = -4][set navvalue 0 set pcolor green]


  ask patches with [pxcor = -15 and pycor = 16][set navvalue 0 set pcolor black]
  ask patches with [pxcor = -16 and pycor = 16][set navvalue 0 set pcolor black]
  ask patches with [pxcor = -16 and pycor = 15][set navvalue 0 set pcolor black]

  foreach [-16  -11  -6   -1 4 ][ 
     ask patches with [pxcor = ? and pycor < 13 and pycor > -1][set navvalue 0 set pcolor green]
let i 1

  foreach [12 10 8 6 4 2 0 ][
    ask patches with [pxcor = -15 and pycor = ?]
    [set pcolor pink set navvalue 100 * i + 1]
    set i i + 1

set i 1
foreach [  12 10 8 6 4 2 0 ][
    ask patches with [pxcor = -12 and pycor = ?]
    [set pcolor pink set navvalue 100 * i + 2]
    set i i + 1

set i 1
foreach [ 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 ][
    ask patches with [pxcor = -10 and pycor = ?]
    [set pcolor pink set navvalue 100 * i + 3]
    set i i + 1

set i 1
foreach [ 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 ][
    ask patches with [pxcor = -7 and pycor = ?]
    [set pcolor pink set navvalue 100 * i + 4]
    set i i + 1

set i 1
foreach [12 10 8 6 4 2 0 ][
    ask patches with [pxcor = -5 and pycor = ?]
    [set pcolor pink set navvalue 100 * i + 4]
    set i i + 1

set i 1
foreach [ 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 ][
    ask patches with [pxcor = -2 and pycor = ?]
    [set pcolor pink set navvalue 100 * i + 3]
    set i i + 1

set i 1
foreach [12 10 8 6 4 2 0 ][
    ask patches with [pxcor = 0 and pycor = ?]
    [set pcolor pink set navvalue 100 * i + 2]
    set i i + 1

set i 1
foreach [12 10 8 6 4 2 0 ][
    ask patches with [pxcor = 3 and pycor = ?]
    [set pcolor pink set navvalue 100 * i + 1]
    set i i + 1

set i 1
foreach [ 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 ][
    ask patches with [pxcor = 5 and pycor = ?]
    [set pcolor pink set navvalue 100 * i + 0]
    set i i + 1

ask patches with [pxcor = 9 and pycor < 13]
     [set pcolor green set navvalue 0]

set i 1
  foreach [-12 -10 -8 -6][
    ask patches with [pycor = -3 and pxcor = ?]
    [set pcolor pink set navvalue 1910 + i]
    set i i + 1

  foreach [4 2 0][
    ask patches with [pycor = -3 and pxcor = ?]
    [set pcolor pink set navvalue 1900 + i]
    set i i + 1
  ask turtles [die]
  ask patches [set plabel round navvalue] 

to arrive
  let interval 1 / ( 2 ^ (8 * rate / 60) - 1 )
  if ( int (ticks / 30) mod int (1 / interval) = 0) [
   if count turtles < 70[
     create-turtles 1 [setxy -16 16 set gdist 0 set shape "car" ]
     ask patches with [pcolor = black][ set closed 0]
     ask patches with [pcolor = orange] [set pcolor black set navvalue 0]
    foreach sort turtles with [xcor = -16 and ycor = 16]
        if count turtles <= 70[
        go ?

to parkall

  while [ticks / 30 <= operatingtime ] [
        foreach sort turtles with [ start + stay * 30 <= ticks and navval > 0] [ 
        ask ? [
                 ifelse ticks >=  stay * 30 + start 
                      set finish ticks set xdest 6 set ydest 15 set gdist 0 set parked 0 
                      ask patch xcor ycor [set occupied 0 set closed 0 ] 
                      let len (finish - fixedstay * 30 - start) 
                      set revenue revenue +  len * rate / 1800 + fixedrate 
                      print "REVENUE: " show revenue 
                      print "TIME: " show len ]
                         if ticks - start > 1 [
                            set revenue  revenue + fixedrate
            set pk 0
            while [pk != 1][
             create-track2 ?
        ask ? [die]
        ask patch 6 15 [set occupied 0 set pcolor black]
          ifelse (count turtles with [parked = 1 ] < 1 * 70 ) and ticks / 30 <= operatingtime [
                 if random-float 1 < 0.1 [arrive]
        if ticks / 30 >= operatingtime [

to go [ i ]
     ask i [
        print "Turtle Number : " 
        ;show i
        set pk parked
        set start ticks 

     while [pk != 1][
         dest i
         create-track2 i

to dest [ n ]
  let nav []
  let destx []
  let desty []

  ask n [
  foreach sort patches with [pcolor = pink and occupied != 1][
    ask ? [
     set nav lput navvalue nav
     set destx lput pxcor destx
     set desty lput pycor desty
  let mmax max nav 
  ;print "Maximum distance"
  ;print mmax
  let mpos position mmax nav
   set navval mmax
   set xdest item mpos destx
   set ydest item mpos desty
   facexy xdest ydest
  print "XY DEST"
  print xdest
  print ydest

to create-track2 [n]

    ask n [
    let mytdist []
    let ggdist gdist
    let gdestx xdest
    let gdesty ydest

                   let prvx xcor
                   let prvy ycor

              show xdest
              show ydest     
      let xc []
      let yc []
      let mygdist []
      let myncount []
      let xpos 0
      let ypos 0
      let nc 0
      let nc3 0   
      let mxt [] 
      ;let nc1 0
      ;if gdist < 10 [
      ;    ask patch-ahead 1 [ if pcolor = green [set nc1 1]]
      ask neighbors with [closed != 1 and ((pcolor = black) or (pxcor = gdestx and pycor = gdesty and occupied != 1))] [
      ;ask neighbors with [closed != 1 and pcolor != green ] [
      ;and ((pcolor = black ) or (pxcor = gdestx and pycor = gdesty and occupied != 1))] [
        if occupied != 1 [
          set mxt lput navvalue mxt
         let nc1 count neighbors with [pcolor = green]
         let nc2 count neighbors with [pcolor = pink and occupied = 0]
         set nc3 count neighbors with [pxcor = gdestx and pycor = gdesty]
         set nc nc1 + nc2 - nc3
         let pxc pxcor
         let pyc pycor
         set xpos pxc
         set ypos pyc

         if nc < 5 or (pxcor =  gdestx and pycor = gdesty) [
            ifelse pcolor = black [
               ;set mytdist lput (ggdist + (dist pxcor pycor gdestx gdesty) + (dist pxcor pycor prvx prvy ) + navvalue * 5 ) mytdist
               set mytdist lput (ggdist + (distancexy gdestx gdesty) + (dist pxcor pycor prvx prvy ) + navvalue * 5 ) mytdist
            set mytdist lput (ggdist + (dist pxcor pycor prvx prvy ) ) mytdist
            ;set mygdist lput (ggdist + (dist pxcor pycor gdestx gdesty) + (dist pxcor pycor prvx prvy ) ) mygdist
            set mygdist lput (ggdist + (dist pxcor pycor prvx prvy ) ) mygdist
            let xcoord pxcor
            set xc lput xcoord xc 
            let ycoord pycor
            set yc lput ycoord yc
            print "NEIGHBORS"
            show pxcor
            show pycor
            set myncount lput count neighbors myncount


      if length myncount < 1 or max mxt >= 2 [
         ask patches with [closed = 1 and pcolor = orange] [set closed 0 set pcolor black]

      if length mytdist > 0 [
         let mx min mytdist
         let px position mx mytdist
         ;let nc position mx myncount
         set xpos item px xc
         set ypos item px yc
         set xcor item px xc
         set ycor item px yc
         ask patches with [pcolor = black and pxcor = xpos and pycor = ypos] [set navvalue navvalue + 1]
         set gdist item px mygdist
         print "Current Path: "
         show xpos
         show ypos
        if xcor = gdestx and ycor = gdesty [
           set parked 1  
           set pk parked  
        ifelse parked = 1 [
           ask patch xpos ypos [set occupied 1 set closed 1  ]
           ask patches with [pcolor = orange] [set pcolor black]
           ask patches with [pcolor = black] [set closed 0 set navvalue 0 set plabel navvalue show plabel]
           ask patch xpos ypos [set pcolor pink ]
           print "Closed!!!"
            ask patch xpos ypos [set closed 1 set pcolor orange set plabel navvalue show plabel  ]

to leave [n]
  ask n [set finish ticks set xdest 6 set ydest 15 set gdist 0 set parked 0 ask patch xcor ycor [set occupied 0 set closed 0 ]
     ask patch xcor ycor [set occupied 0 set closed 0 ] 
                 ifelse finish >=  fixedstay + start       
                    [set revenue revenue +  (finish - (fixedstay * 30) - start) * rate / 1800 + fixedrate print "REVENUE: " show revenue]
                      if ticks - start > 1 [
                         set revenue  revenue + fixedrate
  set pk 0
  while [pk != 1][
         create-track2 n
  ask n [die]
  ask patch 6 15 [set occupied 0 set pcolor black]

to leave-all
  foreach sort turtles with [ parked = 1] [
    leave ?

to-report dist [a b c d ]
  report abs(a - c) + abs( b - d)

There are 4 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Marco Lucena over 11 years ago The timer is changed from seconds to ticks Download this version
Marco Lucena over 11 years ago The timer is changed from seconds to ticks Download this version
Marco Lucena over 11 years ago Includes sliders for various parameters Download this version
Marco Lucena over 11 years ago Initial upload Download this version

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Parking Space Simulation.png preview Preview for 'Parking Space Simulation' over 11 years ago, by Marco Lucena Download

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