Safe Sex Attitudes and Behaviors
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;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;; --- Temporary breeds for setting up social groups/cliques --- ;; ;; default turtle type, will later be changed to male or female breed [ people person ] breed [ leaders leader ] ;; "clique leader" in a way ;; helps with creating spatial layout and ;; (optional) some initial links between groups ;; Breeds (agentsets) for gender ;; (once social groups/networks established) breed [males male] breed [females female] ;; a way to access the links to members of each clique links-own [ group ] ;; Link breeds - turtles can either be friends, or sexual partners ; In this model, turtles can have multiple friends, ; but only one sexual partner at a time undirected-link-breed [sexual-partners sexual-partner] undirected-link-breed [friends friend] ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;;; ;;; GLOBAL VARIABLES ;;; ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; globals [ ;; The next 3 values are set by sliders, where default is scale 0 - 100 ;; The chance out of 100 that an infected person will transmit infection ;; during one week of couplehood if they have unsafe sex ;infection-chance ;; Used as an average for generating chance out of 100 that an agent ;; will use/wants to use a condom (depends on gender) ;avg-female-condom-intention ;avg-male-condom-intention ;; The next two values are used only in assign-sex-ed-level, and ;; will be assigned depending on the %-receive-condom-sex-ed slider value ;; Average level of accurate knowledge if agent received: no-condom-sex-ed-level ;; sex education that did not include/cover condom use condom-sex-ed-level ;; sex education that included condom use for STI protection ;; The next two values are determined by the symptomatic? chooser males-symptomatic? ;; If true, males will be symptomatic IF infected with an STI females-symptomatic? ;; If true, females will be symptomatic IF infected with an STI ;; The next two values are the maximum value for tendency of any agent ;; to make a friend or sexual partner link on a given turn. (scale 1 to 100) ;; Used as an upper bound for generating random chance for individual agents max-friendship-factor ;; Maximum friendship-making-coupling tendency value max-coupling-factor ;; Maximum coupling tendency value (sexual partner) ;; The next two values are the average tendency of an agent to form a ;; friendship/sexual partnership with another agent ;; Both are set to the max factor / 2 ;; Average tendency of a person to couple with another person avg-friendship-tendency ;; Average tendency of a person to make friends with another person avg-coupling-tendency ;; Average tendency of a person to couple with another person ;; in order to couple, the pairings must consist of one male and one female, ;; and both partners must be single/uncoupled avg-relationship-length ;; Average number of ticks a sexual partnership/couple will stay together (commitment) certainty-delta ;; the amount that certainty increases ;; whenever an agent repeats their attitude to others ;; as certainty increases, it becomes harder to change an agent's opinion justification-delta ;; the amount that justification decreases ;; every time an agent thinks they "got away" with unsafe sex ] ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;;; ;;; Turtle/Agent Variables ;;; ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; turtles-own [ ;; The percent chance a person uses protection (condoms) while in a couple ;; The likelihood (0 - 100%) of this agent practicing safe sex (reflects behavior) ;; Likelihood is influenced by three components: ;; attitude, certainty, and justification safe-sex-likelihood ;; Variable used to determine how much this agent's safe sex likelihood ;; has changed since the last tick old-safe-sex-likelihood ;; ATTITUDE: ;; The intention or desire of an agent to practice safe sex (use a condom) ;; Evolves over time through talking to peers, or becoming infected attitude ;; CERTAINTY: ;; how confidently/strongly an agent feels about their attitude ;; The chance that an attitude changes is inversely proportional to certainty certainty ;; initially set to mesosystem-condom-encouragement ;; i.e. how much their upbringing encouraged safe sex ;; might consist of parents' beliefs, life experiences, religious attitudes, etc. ;; JUSTIFICATION: ;; the logic or reasoning to rationalize having a postive attitude towards safe sex, ;; which is independent of how strongly they feel about it (certainty) ;; or what their actual attitude is justification ;; initially set to the level of accurate education this agent has about safe sex and condom usage had-unsafe-sex? ;; Whether this person had sex without a condom on the last tick infected? ;; If true, the person is infected (and infectious) known? ;; The person is infected and knows it (due to being symptomatic) ;; In this model, agents that know they are infected ;; always use condoms to protect their sexual partners ;; If an agent is not symptomatic/of a symptomatic gender, ;; their known? variable never gets set to true, which ;; may enable an STI to more easily spread through a population coupled? ;; If true, the person is in a sexually active couple. partner ;; The person that is our current partner in a couple. couple-length ;; How long the person has been in a couple. friendship-tendency ;; How likely this person is to make a new friend coupling-tendency ;; How likely the person is to join a couple. commitment ;; How long the person will stay in a couple/relationship. group-membership ;; which clique/friend group/cluster this agent is part of num-friends ;; The number of friends that an agent wants to have ] ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;;; ;;; SETUP PROCEDURES ;;; ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;; ;; Calls all separate setup functions - setting globals, cliques, individuals ;; ;; to setup clear-all setup-globals setup-clusters ;; set up social groups/cliques setup-people ;; change breeds to male/female, set individual turtle attributes ;; By default, setup infects two random individuals in the model with an STI ;; but if you want to also explore spread of attitudes without an STI spreading ;; through the population, comment out the line below infect-random ;; infect one random male and one random female ; To set up, don't initialize any sexual partnerships, since ; they'll form on their own (i.e. only create friendship links) ask links [assign-link-color] reset-ticks end ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;; ;; Initialize global variables ;; to setup-globals ;; the amount certainty increases when an agent repeats their attitude set certainty-delta .1 ;; the amount justification decreases when an agent thinks they "got away with" unsafe sex set justification-delta 2 ;; These could also be set in assign-sex-ed-level set no-condom-sex-ed-level 20 set condom-sex-ed-level 80 ;; Call functions to set whether females and males show symptoms of the STI ;; based on value of chooser/drop-down in interface run word "set-" symptomatic? ;; For simplicity, use predetermined values to set these variables ;; (compared to AIDS model, which uses sliders) set max-friendship-factor 70 set max-coupling-factor 40 set avg-friendship-tendency (max-friendship-factor / 2) set avg-coupling-tendency (max-coupling-factor / 2) set avg-relationship-length 25 end ;; ;; Setter functions for the symptomatic? chooser/drop-down ;; ;; to set-females-symptomatic? set females-symptomatic? true set males-symptomatic? false end to set-males-symptomatic? set males-symptomatic? true set females-symptomatic? false end to set-both-symptomatic? set females-symptomatic? true set males-symptomatic? true end to set-neither-symptomatic? set males-symptomatic? false set females-symptomatic? false end ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;; ;; Set up social clusters of networked agents ;; ;; to setup-clusters create-leaders num-cliques [ ] ;; The number of total inter-group links between members let num-links ( ( avg-num-friends - 1 ) * clique-size ) / 2 ; The - 1 accounts for each member initially linking to the leader ; Multiplying by clique-size ensures there are enough for all group members ; Then divide by 2, since you only need 1 link to connect 2 people ;; if only 1 cluster, leader setxy 0 0 by default if (num-cliques > 1) ;; if more than 1 cluster [ ;; The "leaders" are the central person of the clique/social group layout-circle leaders 10 ;; Create links between all "leaders" ask leaders [ create-friends-with other leaders ] ; Assume that all leaders interact/are social butterflies/charismatic, ; hence why their entire friend group likes them too. ] let groupID 0 while [ groupID < num-cliques ] [ create-people clique-size [ set group-membership groupID ] ;; if only 1 cluster, layout-circle works 14.5 ;; leader is in the center of the group layout-circle people with [group-membership = groupID ] 5 - 0.5 * max( list (num-cliques - 5) (0) ) ask people with [group-membership = groupID ] [ setxy xcor + [xcor] of leader groupID ycor + [ycor] of leader groupID create-friend-with leader groupID ] ;; Agents make friendship links with people in their clique/friend circle let linkcounts 0 while [linkcounts < num-links ] [ ask one-of people with [group-membership = groupID] [ let choice (one-of other people with [not link-neighbor? myself and group-membership = groupID]) if choice != nobody [ create-friend-with choice [ set group groupID ] set linkcounts linkcounts + 1 ] ] ] ;; Increment the groupID to differentiate clique ID #'s set groupID groupID + 1 ] ;; Leaders are used for spatially setting up discrete clusters ;; and for providing some links between groups. ;; If they are disabled, there are no initial inter-group links, ;; but agents might still form friendships or sexual partnerships ;; with agents that are not in their clique. if (not social-butterflies?) [ask leaders [ die ] ] end ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;; ;; Initialize individual agents by setting gender and unique member variables ;; ;; to setup-people ;; Don't actually CREATE turtles here, that's done by setup-clusters ask turtles [ ;; Set ideal number of friends for each agent to ;; the initial number of friend links they have set num-friends (count friend-neighbors) set breed males ;; Default breed male, change half to female later set coupled? false ;; Everyone is initially single set partner nobody set had-unsafe-sex? false ;; Whether this person had unsafe sex on the last tick set infected? false ;; Initially, no one is infected set known? false ] ;; Set genders of turtles to be 50% male, 50% female ask n-of (count turtles / 2) turtles [set breed females ] ask turtles [ ;; Individual variables per agent are set randomly following ;; a normal distribution based on slider or global values assign-normally-distributed-member-variables ;; Determine how much this agent's likelihood of practicing safe sex ;; has changed since last tick. ;; (If likelihoods of all agents stop changing significantly, ;; the simulation will stop.) update-safe-sex-likelihood set old-safe-sex-likelihood safe-sex-likelihood assign-turtle-color ;; Color is determined by likelihood of practicing safe sex assign-shape ;; Shape is determined by gender and sick status set size 2.5 ;; Make shapes a bit easier to distinguish by increasing size ] end ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;; ;; Helper procedure to approximate a "normal" distribution ;; around the given average value ;; Generate many small random numbers and add them together. ;; This produces a normal distribution of tendency values. ;; A random number between 0 and 100 is as likely to be 1 as it is to be 99. ;; However, the sum of 20 numbers between 0 and 5 ;; is much more likely to be 50 than it is to be 99. ;; (from the AIDS model) to-report random-near [center] ;; turtle procedure let result 0 repeat 40 [ set result (result + random-float center) ] report result / 20 end ;; ;; Assign values to variables of agents in the population using ;; the helper procedure RANDOM-NEAR so that individual agents variables ;; follow an approximately "normal" distribution around average values. ;; to assign-normally-distributed-member-variables ;; turtle procedure ;; ;; The below variables will vary for each turtle, and the values ;; follow an approximately normal distribution ;; ;; How long the person will stay in a couple-relationship. (doesn't change) set commitment random-near avg-relationship-length ;; How likely the person is to join a couple. (doesn't change) set coupling-tendency random-near avg-coupling-tendency ;; How likely the person is to make a friend. (doesn't change) set friendship-tendency random-near avg-friendship-tendency ;; Note: Gender must be set before this is called! ;; Assign initial attitude towards safe sex based on gender ;; Attitude can change during the simulation through talking to peers ;; and being aware of contracting an STI ifelse (is-female? self) [ set attitude random-near avg-female-condom-intention ] [ set attitude random-near avg-male-condom-intention ] ;; Assign initial certainty based on mesosystem encouragement ;; Certainty increases whenever an agent repeats their attitude to others ;; Currently, certainty does not decrease in this model set certainty random-near avg-mesosystem-condom-encouragement ;; Assign initial justification based on sex ed agent received ;; Justification can decrease if agent thinks they "got away with" having unsafe sex ;; or increase if they contract an STI themselves ;; Note: in this model, the justification is not justification for ;; the attitude itself, but rather a justification for having safe sex assign-sex-ed-level end ;; ;; Assign a level of accurate knowledge of safe sex ;; normally distributed around a high or low value ;; based on type of sex ed the agent received. ;; Used to initialize the agent's justification. ;; to assign-sex-ed-level ;; turtle procedure ;; Note: The condom-sex-ed level and no-condom-sex-ed-level are ;; static global values in this model for convenience. Since ;; they are only used here, they could be set locally instead. ifelse (random 100 <= %-receive-condom-sex-ed) [ ;; If agent received sex ed including condom usage, ;; assume knowledge randomly distributed around HIGH value ;; (static global value) set justification random-near condom-sex-ed-level ] [ ;; If agent received sex ed without condom usage, ;; Assume knowledge randomly distributed around LOW value set justification random-near no-condom-sex-ed-level ] end ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;;; ;;; Set color/shape of agents/links ;;; ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;; ;; Set shape based on gender (male or female) ;; and whether or not infected (includes a dot) ;; to assign-shape ;; turtle procedure ifelse infected? [ ifelse is-male? self [ ifelse known? [ set shape "male sick" ] [ set shape "male sick unknown" ] ] [ ifelse known? [ set shape "female sick" ] [ set shape "female sick unknown" ] ] ] ;; otherwise, the turtle is not infected [ ifelse is-male? self [set shape "male"] [set shape "female"] ] end ;; ;; Color of the agent reflects their individual ;; likelihood of practicing safe sex ;; to assign-turtle-color ;; turtle procedure ;; call this just in case a variable went out of accepted range cap-member-variables ;06C106 green - 100% likely to engage in safe sex (using a condom) ;FFFFFF white - 50% likely of having safe sex ;C10606 red - 0% likely to use a condom (100% likely to have unsafe sex) ;; If there was a switch statement for NetLogo, ;; this would be where you'd use it if (safe-sex-likelihood >= 0) [ set color [ 193 6 6 ] ] ;; 0-5 % - red if (safe-sex-likelihood > 5) [ set color [ 198 26 26 ] ] ;; 5-10 % if (safe-sex-likelihood > 10) [ set color [ 204 51 51 ] ] ;; 10-15 % if (safe-sex-likelihood > 15) [ set color [ 210 77 77 ] ] ;; 15-20 % if (safe-sex-likelihood > 20) [ set color [ 217 102 102 ] ] ;; 20-25 % if (safe-sex-likelihood > 25) [ set color [ 223 127 127 ] ] ;; 25-30 % if (safe-sex-likelihood > 30) [ set color [ 229 153 153 ] ] ;; 30-35 % if (safe-sex-likelihood > 35) [ set color [ 236 178 178 ] ] ;; 35-40 % if (safe-sex-likelihood > 40) [ set color [ 242 204 204 ] ] ;; 40-45 % if (safe-sex-likelihood > 45) [ set color [ 248 229 229 ] ] ;; 45-50 % if (safe-sex-likelihood = 50) [ set color [ 255 255 255 ] ] ;; 50% - white if (safe-sex-likelihood > 50) [ set color [ 229 248 229 ] ] ;; 50-55 % if (safe-sex-likelihood > 55) [ set color [ 204 242 204 ] ] ;; 55-60 % if (safe-sex-likelihood > 60) [ set color [ 178 236 178 ] ] ;; 60-65 % if (safe-sex-likelihood > 65) [ set color [ 153 229 153 ] ] ;; 65-70 % if (safe-sex-likelihood > 70) [ set color [ 127 223 127 ] ] ;; 70-75 % if (safe-sex-likelihood > 75) [ set color [ 102 217 102 ] ] ;; 75-80 % if (safe-sex-likelihood > 80) [ set color [ 77 210 77 ] ] ;; 80-85 % if (safe-sex-likelihood > 85) [ set color [ 51 204 51 ] ] ;; 85-90 % if (safe-sex-likelihood > 90) [ set color [ 26 198 26 ] ] ;; 90-95 % if (safe-sex-likelihood > 95) [ set color [ 6 193 6 ] ] ;; 95-100 % - green ;; The label is just redundant information of the color ;; but it is more precise (displays actual value) ;; since assign-turtle-color is updated on every tick ;; this can be called from within this function ifelse (show-labels?) [ set label (round safe-sex-likelihood) ] [ set label "" ] end ;; ;; Color of link indicates type of relationship between the two agents ;; blue is a friendship, magenta is a sexual partnership ;; to assign-link-color ;; link procedure ifelse is-friend? self [ set color blue] [ set color magenta] set thickness .16 ; make the link a bit easier to see end ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;;; ;;; GO/RUNTIME PROCEDURES ;;; ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;; ;; Run the simulation ;; to go ;;; ----- Check for STOP conditions ----- ;; ;; Stop if every single turtle is infected if all? turtles [infected?] [ stop ] ;; If all agents reach a polarized safe-sex-likelihood, ;; or all agents are certain of their attitude (will not change any more) ;; the model has reached a stable state, so stop if all? turtles [ safe-sex-likelihood < 0.1 or safe-sex-likelihood > 99.9 or certainty > 99.9 ] [stop] ;; record each agent's likelihood before interacting with others, ;; and potentially getting/realizing they are infected ask turtles [ set old-safe-sex-likelihood safe-sex-likelihood ] ask turtles [ ;; Agents talk to their friends and sexual partner (if any), which ;; might impact his/her personal likelihood of practicing safe sex talk-to-peers ;; If already coupled with a sexual partner, ;; just increase length of relationship ;; (agents are monogamous in this simulation) ifelse coupled? [ set couple-length couple-length + 1 ] ;; If they are NOT coupled, agent tries to find a mate ;; Any agent can initiate mating if they are not coupled ;; (and random chance permits) [ if (random-float max-coupling-factor < coupling-tendency) [ couple ] ] ] ;; give everyone (coupled or not) a chance to make a friend ask turtles [ ;; Everyone should attempt to make friends because otherwise, ;; the sexual partner links break and agents end up ;; only being friends with agents of the same sex ;; If this agent has not reached their maximum limit of friends, ;; try to make a friend / create a friend link if ( (count friend-neighbors < num-friends) and random-float max-friendship-factor < friendship-tendency ) [ make-friends ] ;; If this agent already has reached their maximum limit of friends, ;; don't try to create any more friend links ] ;; Agents will uncouple if the length of the relationship reaches ;; the commitment threshold for one of the partners ;; Call uncouple after make-friends and couple, ;; because you wouldn't want exes immediately friending each other again, ;; and this model doesn't simulate instant rebounds ask turtles [ uncouple ] ;; If turtles are coupled (have a sexual partner), ;; they will have sex on each tick, and have the potential ;; of spreading an STI if they have unprotected sex. ask turtles [ have-sex ] ;; In order to best simulate that STIs may not present symptoms immediately, ;; don't check if infected (known determined by being symptomatic) ;; until after talking to friends about attitude and having sex ask turtles [ check-infected ] ask turtles [ update-safe-sex-likelihood assign-turtle-color ;; based on safe-sex-likelihood ] tick end ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;; ;; Update the likelihood (out of 100) that an agent ;; will practice safe sex (use a condom). ;; to update-safe-sex-likelihood ;; The likelihood of an agent engaging in safe sex behaviors (using a condom) ;; is determined by a combination of the agent's: ;; - attitude (desire) ;; - justification (knowledgeable background/logical reasoning for safe sex attitude) ;; Certainty is assumed to be independent of attitude value itself, ;; even when the attitude is polarized (close to 100 or close to 0) ;; Certainty impacts how resistant an agent is to change their attitude ;; when talking to others, and how many others the agent interacts with, ;; but doesn't directly impact likelihood calculation. ;; cap variables just in case cap-member-variables ; make sure no variables got set to < 0 or > 100 ;; Likelihood is strongly weighted by attitude let attitude-weight .75 let justification-weight .25 set safe-sex-likelihood (attitude * attitude-weight + justification * justification-weight) end ;; ;; Make sure the member variables don't exceed 100 ;; to cap-member-variables ;; turtle procedure if (safe-sex-likelihood > 100) [set safe-sex-likelihood 100] if (safe-sex-likelihood < 0) [set safe-sex-likelihood 0] if (attitude > 100) [set attitude 100] if (attitude < 0) [set attitude 0] if (certainty > 100) [set certainty 100] if (certainty < 0) [set certainty 0] if (justification > 100) [set justification 100] if (justification < 0) [set justification 0] end ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;;; ;;; SPREAD ATTITUDES ;;; ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;; ;; Agent interacts with its friends (and sexual partner, if any) ;; and potentially alters its personal likelihood of practicing safe sex ;; to talk-to-peers ;; turtle procedure ;; Use certainty to determine how many links this agent talks to per tick ;; The more certain a person is in their attitude, ;; the more likely they are to discuss it with their peers/links. let convoCount 0 ;; NOTE: These "conversations"/"interactions" are one-directional in this model. ;; Additionally, an agent is not guaranteed to talk to their sexual partner while [ convoCount < ( certainty / 100 ) * ( count my-links ) ] [ let peer one-of link-neighbors ;; friends or sexual partner, if any if (peer != nobody) [ ;; An agent grows more certain of their attitude ;; (regardless of what that attitude actually is) ;; every time they express it to someone else (repeated expression) set certainty certainty + certainty-delta ;; A person's certainty impacts how likely they are to change their attitude. ;; An agent with higher certainty is more resistant to changing their attitude. ;; (100 - certainty) is how likely an agent is to adjust their attitude. let attitude-change-chance ( (100 - certainty) / 100 ) ;; However, an agent doesn't care about how confident their peer ;; feels about his/her attitude (their certainty), s/he only cares about ;; what reasoning they have to back up their attitude (justification). ;; So if the peer has strong justification of their attitude, ;; the agent is more likely to be swayed let peer-persuasion-chance ( [justification] of peer / 100 ) ;; Constants for dampening and getting desired reactions ;; calculated through tinkering with Excel formulas let scale-factor 10 let c 0.5 ;; In order to account for polarity/extremity of attitude ;; subtract 50 from it to aid in the calculations ;; So "your" (this agent's) attitude scaled down to be between ;; -50 (very anti safe sex) ;; to 0 (neutral) ;; to 50 (very pro safe sex) let my-attitude-scaled ( (attitude - 50) / scale-factor ) let peer-attitude-scaled ( ([attitude] of peer - 50) / scale-factor ) let temp-var ( my-attitude-scaled * my-attitude-scaled * peer-attitude-scaled / (scale-factor ^ 3) ) let attitude-change ( c * attitude-change-chance * peer-persuasion-chance * temp-var) set attitude attitude + attitude-change ] set convoCount convoCount + 1 ] ;; update personal likelihood based on talking to peers update-safe-sex-likelihood end ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;;; ;;; SPREAD STI (potentially) / HAVE SEX ;;; ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;; ;; Only agents with sexual partners (coupled) can spread an STI ;; ;; to have-sex ;; turtle procedure (only for coupled turtles) ask turtles with [coupled?] [ ;; Infection can occur if either person is infected, but the infection is unknown. ;; This model assumes that people with known infections will continue to couple, ;; but will always practice safe sex. ;; This model simulates sexual relations between a male and a female, ;; so I decided that only one of the partner's desire to use a condom ;; must be strong enough to make sure the couple has safe sex. ;; Extensions/modifications may choose to change this so that ;; for condom use to occur, BOTH people must want to use one. ;; This can be done by changing the primitive after the ;; second grouped condition of the ifelse statement from AND to OR ifelse ( (not known? and [not known?] of partner) and (random-float 100 > safe-sex-likelihood) AND ;; Optional: change this to or for both people to have to want to use a condom (random-float 100 > ([safe-sex-likelihood] of partner)) ) [ ;; If got past the above conditional, that means the couple had unprotected sex set had-unsafe-sex? true ask partner [ set had-unsafe-sex? true ] ;; They had unprotected sex, so infection is possible... if (random-float 100 < infection-chance) [ ;; Spread virus between an infected and non-infected coupled partner duo if (infected?) [ ask partner [ become-infected ] ] if ([infected?] of partner) [ become-infected ] ] ] [ set had-unsafe-sex? false ask partner [set had-unsafe-sex? false] ;; This model assumes that safe sex (using a condom) is always ;; 100% effective in preventing the spread of infection - ;; thus there is no random chance of the infection spreading if a condom is used. ;; This could be modified in extensions to be more realistic and ;; account for factors like incorrect/inconsistent condom usage, ;; condom failure, or STIs passed through other means. ] ] end ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;;; ;;; MAKE FRIENDS (Potential attitude influencers) ;;; ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;; ;; Try to make friend links with other turtles ;; (will only be called if the turtle has not reached their maximum friend limit) ;; Uses similar approach as coupling, but gender doesn't matter ;; to make-friends ;; turtle procedure ;; This agent's clique (social/friend group) id let groupID group-membership ;; Probability that friendship link will form ;; (arbitrary number to overwrite) let friending-probability 1.0 ;; Probability of successful coupling decreases if the ;; potential friend is not part of the agent's clique ;; Note: these are arbitrary numbers that could be adjusted for more realistic modeling let in-group-probability 0.8 let out-group-probability 0.2 ;; No need to check for gender compatibility, ;; everyone can be friends with each other, yay! ;; However, the potential-friend must not have maxed out their friend count ;; A valid potential friend must not have reached his/her friend limit ;; (but gender is irrelevant). ;; First, try to find someone in their clique who is not a current link let potential-friend ( one-of other turtles with [not link-neighbor? myself and group-membership = groupID and (count friend-neighbors < num-friends)] ) ifelse (potential-friend != nobody) [ set friending-probability in-group-probability ] ;; If they couldn't find a potential friend within their friend group, ;; try finding the closest nearby agent [ set potential-friend ( min-one-of (other turtles with [not link-neighbor? myself and (count friend-neighbors < num-friends)]) [distance myself]) set friending-probability out-group-probability ] if (potential-friend != nobody) [ ;; Use friending-probability to impact chance of successfully becoming friends ;; Higher likelihood if they are in the same friend group, lower if they are not if ( (random-float 1.0 < friending-probability) and (random-float max-friendship-factor < [friendship-tendency] of potential-friend) ) [ create-friend-with potential-friend [ assign-link-color] ] ] end ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;;; ;;; COUPLING/UNCOUPLING PROCEDURES ;;; ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;; ;; Agents might couple depending on their gender, their tendency to couple, ;; and if they are already friends/in same clique/nearby a potential single mate ;; ;; ----- Try to find a valid partner ----- ;; ;; 1) try existing friend link of opposite sex ;; 2) try opposite sex within friend group, but not a current link ;; 3) try a nearby opposite sex person as a last resort ;; (probability of successful coupling decreases for last 2 options) ;; to couple ;; turtle procedure (single turtles only) ;; all my single turtles, now put your hands UP ;; This agent's clique (social/friend group) id let groupID group-membership ;; Probability that sexual partnership link will form ;; (arbitrary number to overwrite) let coupling-probability 1.0 ;; Probability of successful coupling decreases if the ;; potential friend is not part of the agent's clique ;; Note: these are arbitrary numbers that ;; could be adjusted for more realistic modeling let friend-probability 0.8 let in-group-probability 0.6 ;.8 let out-group-probability 0.3 ;; Create variable that we will overwrite let potential-partner one-of friend-neighbors ;; For simplicity, only dealing with straight people (male + female pairs). ;; Try to find a valid potential sexual partner. ;; A valid potential sexual partner must be the opposite gender and not coupled. ;; Male agent - wants to find a female potential partner ifelse is-male? self [ ;; First check out existing female friends set potential-partner (one-of females with [friend-neighbor? myself and not coupled?]) set coupling-probability friend-probability ;; If that wasn't successful, ;; try to find a female within his clique that is not a current friend/link if (potential-partner = nobody) [ set potential-partner (one-of females with [not link-neighbor? myself and not coupled? and group-membership = groupID]) set coupling-probability in-group-probability ] ;; As a last resort, ;; look for the closest female that is not a link, even if they aren't in your clique if (potential-partner = nobody) [ set potential-partner (min-one-of (females with [not link-neighbor? myself and not coupled?]) [distance myself]) set coupling-probability out-group-probability ] ] ;; Female agent - wants to find a male potential partner [ ;; First check out existing male friends set potential-partner (one-of males with [friend-neighbor? myself and not coupled?]) set coupling-probability friend-probability ;; If that wasn't successful, ;; try to find a male within her clique that is not a current friend/link if (potential-partner = nobody) [ set potential-partner (one-of males with [not link-neighbor? myself and not coupled? and group-membership = groupID]) set coupling-probability in-group-probability ] ;; As a last resort, ;; look for the closest male that is not a link, even if they aren't in your clique if (potential-partner = nobody) [ set potential-partner (min-one-of (males with [not link-neighbor? myself and not coupled?]) [distance myself]) set coupling-probability out-group-probability ] ] ;; Finally, if they found a person who meets the above criteria, ;; Determine if potential partner is willing to couple with them if potential-partner != nobody [ ;; Use coupling-probability to impact chance of successfully forming relationship ;; Highest likelihood if agents were already friends, lowest likelihood if agents weren't from same clique if ( (random-float 1.0 < coupling-probability) and (random-float max-coupling-factor < [coupling-tendency] of potential-partner) ) [ set partner potential-partner set coupled? true ask partner [ set partner myself set coupled? true ] ;; Change breed of link if friends, ;; and create link for sexual relationship regardless if (friend-neighbor? partner) [ask friend-with partner [die] ] create-sexual-partner-with partner [ assign-link-color] ] ] end ;; ;; If two persons are together for longer than either person's ;; commitment variable allows, the couple breaks up. ;; to uncouple ;; turtle procedure (coupled turtles only) if coupled? [ if (couple-length > commitment) or ([couple-length] of partner) > ([commitment] of partner) [ ;; Break the link between these two turtles ;; assume they don't go back to being friends ask sexual-partner-with partner [die] ;; but if you wanted them to "just be friends"... uncomment line below ;create-friend-with partner [ assign-link-color] set coupled? false set couple-length 0 ask partner [ set couple-length 0 set partner nobody set coupled? false ] set partner nobody ] ] end ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;;; ;;; INFECTING PROCEDURES ;;; ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;; ;; Turtle becomes infected ;; to become-infected ;; turtle procedure set infected? true assign-shape ;; infected turtles have a dot on their shape ; Note that the turtle will not "know" they are infected ; (and set the known? variable) until check-infected is called end ;;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; In the next two procedures, users can infect an agent in the model ;; infect-random will choose a random agent, while select allows the ;; user to choose an agent to infect with the mouse. ;; At least one function should be used at the beginning of the model run, ;; but they can be called at any time during the simulation ;; Note that in both of these procedures, the infected agent ;; will not "know" they are infected until check-infected is called, ;; and even then, they will only be aware of their infected state ;; if his/her gender is symptomatic. ;; By doing it this way, the agents have a chance to spread the STI ;; before they realize they are infected ;; ;; Infect a random turtle (can do multiple times, if user wishes) ;; to infect-random infect-random-female infect-random-male ;if (count turtles > 1) ;[ ; ask n-of 1 turtles with [not infected?] ; [ become-infected ] ;] end to infect-random-female if (count females > 1) [ ask n-of 1 females with [not infected?] [ become-infected ] ] end to infect-random-male if (count males > 1) [ ask n-of 1 males with [not infected?] [ become-infected ] ] end ;; ;; User selects an agent in the model to infect with the mouse ;; to select let picked? false if mouse-down? [ let candidate min-one-of turtles [distancexy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor] if [distancexy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor] of candidate < 1 [ ask candidate [ become-infected set picked? true ] ] ] if picked? [stop] end ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;;; ;;; CHECK-INFECTED PROCEDURE ;;; ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;; Turtle checks for signs of infection (symptoms) ;; Ideally don't want check-infect and become-infected happening on same tick ;; --> not realistic, std symptoms don't instantly show up ;; Otherwise, if not symptomatic, don't change their known? variable ;; to check-infected ;; Justification decreases when an agent thinks they had unsafe sex ;; and observes no negative consequences (i.e. didn't contract an STI, ;; or doesn't feel symptoms, regardless of whether s/he is actually infected). if ( had-unsafe-sex? and ( not infected? or (is-male? self and not males-symptomatic?) or (is-female? self and not females-symptomatic?) ) ) [ set justification (justification - justification-delta) ] ;; If an agent is infected and realizes it (due to being symptomatic) ;; Their likelihood of practicing safe sex increases significantly, ;; since we assume that agents are not malicious and intentionally infecting others if ((infected? and not known?) and ((is-male? self and males-symptomatic?) or (is-female? self and females-symptomatic?))) [ set known? true set justification 100 ;; after getting an std, turtles always want to have safe sex - logical reason ;; direct experience is always more powerful at changing attitude than just talking about it set attitude 100 ;; also set their attitude towards safe sex to 100% positive ] update-safe-sex-likelihood assign-turtle-color assign-shape ;; color of dot changes based on whether the agent knows they are infected end ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;;; ;;; REPORTER / MONITOR PROCEDURES ;;; ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; to-report num-infected report count turtles with [infected?] end to-report %infected ifelse any? turtles [ report 100 * num-infected / count turtles ] [ report 0 ] end to-report %F-infected ifelse any? females [ report 100 * count females with [infected?] / count females] [ report 0 ] end to-report %M-infected ifelse any? males [ report 100 * count males with [infected?] / count males] [ report 0 ] end ;; ----- Reporters for safe-sex-attitude measures ----- ;; ;; --------------- Safe sex likelihood --------------- ;; ;; ------------- (condom use probability) ------------- ;; to-report avg-safe-sex-likelihood report mean [safe-sex-likelihood] of turtles end to-report avg-male-safe-sex-likelihood report mean [safe-sex-likelihood] of males end to-report avg-female-safe-sex-likelihood report mean [safe-sex-likelihood] of females end ;; Determine how much this agent's likelihood of practicing safe sex ;; has changed since last tick. ;; (If likelihoods of all agents stop changing significantly, ;; the simulation will stop.) ;; --------------- Attitude --------------- ;; to-report avg-attitude report mean [attitude] of turtles end to-report avg-male-attitude report mean [attitude] of males end to-report avg-female-attitude report mean [attitude] of females end ;; --------------- Certainty --------------- ;; to-report avg-certainty report mean [certainty] of turtles end to-report avg-male-certainty report mean [certainty] of males end to-report avg-female-certainty report mean [certainty] of females end ;; --------------- Justification --------------- ;; to-report avg-justification report mean [justification] of turtles end to-report avg-male-justification report mean [justification] of males end to-report avg-female-justification report mean [justification] of females end ;; ;; Not all reporters need be displayed in the model (to avoid information overload), ;; but readily available if the user wishes to add monitors ;; to view additional demographic information ;; ;; Begin somewhat unnecessary reporters that were at one point used for debugging-ish ;; --------------- Change in likelihood between ticks --------------- ;; ;; Note: take absolute value, otherwise if some turtles are ;; very positively increasing and others are very negatively decreasing, ;; could result in calculating like there is no change occurring to-report avg-likelihood-change report mean [ abs (safe-sex-likelihood - old-safe-sex-likelihood)] of turtles end to-report avg-male-likelihood-change report mean [abs (safe-sex-likelihood - old-safe-sex-likelihood)] of males end to-report avg-female-likelihood-change report mean [abs (safe-sex-likelihood - old-safe-sex-likelihood)] of females end ;; originally used above measures for a plot, ;; but it wasn't very interesting given the space it took up to-report avg-friends-per-turtle report mean [count friend-neighbors] of turtles end to-report avg-partners-per-turtle report mean [count sexual-partner-neighbors] of turtles end to-report num-in-group-friends report count friends with [ ([group-membership] of end1 = [group-membership] of end2 )] end to-report num-out-group-friends report count friends with [ ([group-membership] of end1 != [group-membership] of end2 )] end to-report num-in-group-partners report count sexual-partners with [ ([group-membership] of end1 = [group-membership] of end2 )] end to-report num-out-group-partners report count sexual-partners with [ ([group-membership] of end1 != [group-membership] of end2 )] end
There are 5 versions of this model.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
bartos 372 final proposal.docx | word | Initial final project proposal | over 11 years ago, by Lizz B | Download |
bartos-eecs372-poster-slides.pptx | powerpoint | Poster slides | over 11 years ago, by Lizz B | Download |
bartos_eecs372_safe-sex-attitudes-and-behaviors_final-paper-dblspce.docx | word | Final paper for eecs372 spring 13 - same as other one, but this one is double space instead of 1.5 spacing | over 11 years ago, by Lizz B | Download |
bartos_eecs372_safe-sex-attitudes-and-behaviors_final-paper.docx | word | Final paper for eecs372 spring 13 | over 11 years ago, by Lizz B | Download |
bartos_lizz_slam.pptx | powerpoint | Poster slam slides - has been revised considerably since this interface, though | over 11 years ago, by Lizz B | Download |
lizzBartos_May13.docx | word | Progress report - may 13 | over 11 years ago, by Lizz B | Download |
lizzBartos_May20.docx | word | Progress report - May 20 | over 11 years ago, by Lizz B | Download |
Safe Sex Attitudes and Behaviors.png | preview | Preview for 'Safe Sex Attitudes and Behaviors' | almost 12 years ago, by Lizz B | Download |
Safe Sex Attitudes and Behaviors.png | preview | attempt to replace that black box with an image | over 11 years ago, by Lizz B | Download |
Safe Sex Attitudes and Behaviors.png | preview | another attempt at replacing that black preview box | over 11 years ago, by Lizz B | Download |
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