Snakes and Ladders
Model was written in NetLogo 5.0.1
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extensions [array bitmap] ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- breed [helplines helpline] breed [swarmants swarmant] globals [ nrows ncols posturtle steps meanvalue unfinishedvalue vstd timeout ] patches-own [jumpv] swarmants-own [antpos] helplines-own [temp2] ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;; startup definition to startup __clear-all-and-reset-ticks set nladders 10 set nsnakes 10 set nrows 10 set ncols 10 ; define world size set-patch-size 30 resize-world 0 (nrows + 1) 0 (ncols + 1) bitmap:copy-to-drawing (bitmap:import "board.jpg") 0 0 set meanvalue 0 set unfinishedvalue 0 set vstd 3 set timeout 1000 ;set showunfinishedgames true reset-ticks end ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;; generate snakes and ladders - on a square grid to generatesnakesladders ; pick the heads of snakes and ladders let temp shuffle filter [? > 0] n-values (nrows * ncols - 1) [?] let lheads sublist temp 0 nladders let sheads sublist temp nladders (nladders + nsnakes) set-default-shape helplines "dot" create-helplines 1 ; compute the falls foreach sheads [ ask patch (1 + getcolfromindex ?) (1 + getrowfromindex ?) [ let adjmean averagelength let adjstd vstd if (averagelength + 3 * vstd) > ? [ let k ? / (averagelength + 3 * vstd) set adjmean averagelength * k set adjstd vstd * k ] let a round random-normal adjmean adjstd while [a > ?] [ set a round random-normal adjmean adjstd ] if a <= 0 [set a 1] set jumpv ? - 1 * a ;; draw the line ask helplines [ move-to myself set temp2 [jumpv] of myself set color [255 0 0] set pen-size 9 set size 1.3 stamp pen-down setxy (1 + getcolfromindex temp2) (1 + getrowfromindex temp2) pen-up ] ;; draw the line ask helplines [ move-to myself set temp2 [jumpv] of myself set color [255 255 255] set pen-size 3 set size 0.8 stamp pen-down setxy (1 + getcolfromindex temp2) (1 + getrowfromindex temp2) pen-up ] ] ] ; compute the jumps foreach lheads [ ask patch (1 + getcolfromindex ?) (1 + getrowfromindex ?) [ let adjmean averagelength let adjstd vstd if (averagelength + 3 * vstd + ?) > nrows * ncols [ let k (nrows * ncols - ?) / (averagelength + 3 * vstd) set adjmean averagelength * k set adjstd vstd * k ] let a round random-normal adjmean adjstd while [( a + ? ) >= (nrows * ncols)] [ set a round random-normal adjmean adjstd ] ;if ( a + ? ) >= (nrows * ncols) [ set a (nrows * ncols) - ? - 1] if a <= 0 [set a 1] set jumpv ? + a ;; draw the line ask helplines [ move-to myself set temp2 [jumpv] of myself set color [0 0 0] set pen-size 10 pen-down setxy (1 + getcolfromindex temp2) (1 + getrowfromindex temp2) pen-up ] ask helplines [ move-to myself set temp2 [jumpv] of myself set color [255 255 255] set pen-size 3 pen-down setxy (1 + getcolfromindex temp2) (1 + getrowfromindex temp2) pen-up ] ] ] end ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;; get the column coordinate from an index to-report getcolfromindex [index] let row getrowfromindex index ifelse (row mod 2) = 0 [ ;; we are counting from left to right report index mod ncols ] [ ;; we are counting from right to left report ncols - 1 - (index mod ncols) ] end ;; get the row coordinate from an index to-report getrowfromindex [index] report floor (index / ncols) end ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- to rolldice set steps steps + 1 ;; roll the dice let dice (1 + random 6) ;; advance the turtle set posturtle posturtle + dice ;; check if we are done ifelse posturtle >= (ncols * nrows - 1) [ show (word "simulation done. number of steps: " steps) set posturtle 0 ] [ ;; account for ladders and snakes set posturtle [jumpv] of patch (1 + getcolfromindex posturtle) (1 + getrowfromindex posturtle) ] ;; update the heading of the turtle let row getrowfromindex posturtle ifelse (row mod 2) = 0 [ ask turtles [set heading 90] ] [ ask turtles [set heading 270] ] if posturtle = (ncols * nrows - 1) [ ask turtles [set heading 0] ] ;; update the position of the turtle ask turtles [set xcor 1 + getcolfromindex posturtle] ask turtles [set ycor 1 + getrowfromindex posturtle] ;; update the display show (word "dice roll: " dice) show (word "position: " posturtle) show "" end ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;; setup button to setup __clear-all-and-reset-ticks let i 0 set nrows 10 set ncols 10 ; define world size set-patch-size 30 resize-world 0 (nrows + 1) 0 (ncols + 1) bitmap:copy-to-drawing (bitmap:import "board.jpg") 0 0 set steps 0 ;set showunfinishedgames true set vstd 3 set timeout 1000 clear-patches ;; fill in the default values foreach n-values (nrows * ncols) [?] [ ask patch (1 + getcolfromindex ?) (1 + getrowfromindex ?) [set jumpv ?] ] clear-output ;; generate a new setup generatesnakesladders ;; place a turtle at the origin set posturtle 0 ask turtles [die] create-turtles 1 ask turtles [ setxy 1 1 set heading 90 set color yellow ] end ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;; function generates a bunch of ants and runs statistics to runswarm let clock 0 let i 0 let statexit [] clear-all-plots reset-ticks ; clear additional variables set meanvalue 0 set unfinishedvalue 0 ; disable display no-display create-swarmants ngames ask swarmants [ set antpos 0 ] while [clock < timeout] [ ask swarmants [ ;; roll the dice let dice (1 + random 6) ;; advance the ant set antpos antpos + dice ;; check if we are done ifelse antpos >= (ncols * nrows - 1) [ ;; record the statistics set statexit lput clock statexit die ] [ ;; account for ladders and snakes set antpos [jumpv] of patch (1 + getcolfromindex antpos) (1 + getrowfromindex antpos) ] ] set-current-plot "Number of Finished Games versus Number of Rolls" ifelse empty? statexit [ ] [ set-plot-x-range 1 last statexit histogram statexit ] set clock clock + 1 tick ] ;; update variables ifelse length statexit = 0 [ set meanvalue 0 ] [ set meanvalue mean statexit ] ; update the unfinished games variable set unfinishedvalue unfinishedvalue + count swarmants set-current-plot "Number of Finished Games versus Number of Rolls" set-plot-x-range 1 (timeout + 1) histogram statexit ;; kill all ants ask swarmants [die] ; enable the display again display end
There is only one version of this model, created almost 12 years ago by Stuart Kininmonth.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
board.jpg | jpeg | background image | almost 12 years ago, by Stuart Kininmonth | Download |
Snakes and Ladders.png | preview | Preview for 'Snakes and Ladders' | almost 12 years ago, by Stuart Kininmonth | Download |
This model does not have any ancestors.
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Stuart Kininmonth
on line note
just a quick note that this model will need to be downloaded to work since it contains extensions. importantly there is a background image that will be missing. Contact me for a zip file with both ( but note the Modelling Commons engineers are trying some upgrades to help fix this problem.
Posted almost 12 years ago
Stuart Kininmonth
all up and runing
Thanks to the magnificent efforts of Reuven the model is now working online. Allow some extra time to upload and there will be 2 permissions screens.
Posted almost 12 years ago