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Comments and Questions
;; parking model building globals [ parking-spaces filled destin-x2 time ] breed [cars car] breed [stores store] cars-own [ home-park-space destin destin-x time-in-store parked parking-time ] stores-own [ popularity time-in total-dist avg-dist count-parked count-missed ] to setup clear-all setup-cars setup-parking setup-stores end to setup-cars set-default-shape cars "car" end to setup-parking set parking-spaces patches with [pycor = 0 and pxcor > -25] ask parking-spaces [set pcolor yellow] end to setup-stores ask patches with [pycor > 0] [set pcolor white] create-stores 1 [ set color red setxy (store-1-location - 25) 1 set time-in time-in-1 ] if addstore2?[ create-stores 1 [ set color blue setxy (store-2-location - 25) 1 set time-in time-in-2 ] ] if addstore3?[ create-stores 1 [ set color green setxy (store-3-location - 25) 1 set time-in time-in-3 ] ] if addstore4?[ create-stores 1 [ set color orange setxy (store-4-location - 25) 1 set time-in time-in-4 ] ] if addstore5?[ create-stores 1 [ set color violet setxy (store-5-location - 25) 1 set time-in time-in-5 ] ] set-default-shape stores "house" end to go decide-to-park move-cars parked-time new-car-parking tick end to new-car-parking if random 100 < 50 [ create-cars 1 [ setxy -25 -1 facexy -24 -1 set destin one-of stores create-link-with destin ask destin [set destin-x2 xcor] set destin-x destin-x2 ask destin [set time time-in] set time-in-store time set parking-time 1 set parked 0 ] ] end to move-cars ask cars [ if ycor = -1 [ forward 1 ] ] end to decide-to-park ;; need to add parking parameters before the cars reach the x-coordinate of their destination ;; need to add the result if people are unable to park ;; need to add measures so people will not find a spot occasionally ask cars [ if ycor = -1 [ if patch-at 0 1 != nobody [ ask patch-at 0 1 [ ifelse count turtles-here = 0 [ set filled 0 ] [ set filled 1 ] ] ] if filled = 0 and xcor >= destin-x and patch-at 0 1 != nobody [ move-to patch-at 0 1 set parking-time distance destin + time-in-store ask destin [ set count-parked count-parked + 1 set total-dist total-dist + distance myself set avg-dist total-dist / count-parked ] ] ] ] end to parked-time ask cars [ if ycor = 0 [ set parked parked + 1 if parked >= parking-time [die] ] ] end
There is only one version of this model, created over 13 years ago by david price.
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