Termites Benchmark
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Model was written in NetLogo 4.1pre9
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globals [result] to benchmark random-seed 471 setup reset-timer ask-concurrent turtles [ repeat 350 [ go ] ] set result timer end to setup ca ask patches [ ;;randomly distributes wood chips if random 100 < density [set pcolor yellow ] ] create-ordered-turtles number ;;randomly distributes termites ask turtles [ set color white setxy random world-width random world-height ] end to go ; turtle procedure search-for-chip find-new-pile find-empty-spot end to search-for-chip ; turtle procedure -- "picks up chip" by turning orange ifelse pcolor = yellow [ set pcolor black set color orange jump 20 ] [ wiggle search-for-chip ] end to find-new-pile ; turtle procedure -- look for yellow patches if pcolor != yellow [wiggle find-new-pile] end to find-empty-spot ; turtle procedure -- "puts down chip" ifelse pcolor = black [set pcolor yellow set color white get-away] [set heading random 360 fd 1 find-empty-spot] end to get-away ; turtle procedure -- jump out of yellow piles set heading random 360 jump 20 if pcolor != black [get-away] end to wiggle ; turtle procedure fd 1 set heading heading + random 50 - random 50 end
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